Thoughts to Ponder: Thanksgiving Day Edition!!


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 5, 2008
I hope you guys are having a great Thanksgiving!! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and also Happy Thanksgiving to all the military here and overseas!! Thank you for keeping us safe and being able to celebrate Thanksgiving!!

Ok, lets get to this.

1) Like I said Happy Thanksgiving!! I think you can agree, nothing beats football on Turkey Day.

2) I've noticed another interesting trend. Have you noticed all the college basketball games on Thanksgiving? Theres about 4 or 5 games that are being televised.

3) I wonder why there is a light schedule for Christmas Eve/Day yet there seems to be a full schedule for Thanksgiving? I mean both holidays are the same more or less. You spend time with family etc.

4) Let me ask you. Where have all the holiday programs gone? Im 29 but I remember as a kid tonight would be full of Christmas movies etc. I mean why do you have to wait so long to watch "Its a Wonderful Life", White Christmas, A Christmas Story etc.? They should be on already and not almost near Christmas.

5) I know Im in the minority but I like Black Friday. I will say I can understand why people are upset that they have to work tonight because some stores open at 10 pm. Opening at 6 or 7 am tomorrow would be just as good.

6) I'll tell you, this is going to be one long year for the Mets. There was some talk that they would sign Grady Sizemore yet he signed with the Indians. Mark Buerhle was a name that was out there but hes supposed to sign with someone. I cant remember. Red Sox maybe?

7) Im watching the Lions/Packers game right now and I'll tell you Suh is a dirty player. I mean this guy gets penalized every week.

8) I really wonder where Pujols and Fielder sign? Could the Marlins sign one of them? If they do, they will have improved greatly.

9) Now there has been talk that the NFL Network wants to expand and get Thursday night games for the first half of the season as well. I'll believe it when I see it. I still say go back to the old days when they had Sat. games and have one game on CBS, FOX and NFL Network.

10) Do you think that there is a certain Chirstmas overkill? What I mean is that I mentioned earlier in this post about lack of Christmas movies but there seems to be a lot of Christmas movies nobody has ever heard of before. I'll take the classic Chirstmas movies over the movies nobody has ever heard of anyday. I site Hallmark Channel as an example. Now they show some good Christmas movies but theres too many that nobody has ever heard of.

11) Can you believe that the 49ers can clinch the division with a Seahawks loss on Sunday? I think thats right, although I will say that playing in the NFC West with the lousy Seahawks, Rams and Cardinals help.

12) The big Black Friday "NHL Thanksgiving Showdown" is on tomorrow on NBC. If I'm around, I will watch it. Should be a good game.

13) I hear that Texas/Texas A&M will play for the final time tomorrow. College Football could take a big hit from this. Not only the rivarly stopping but all this realignment talk. They should leave well enough alone. There was talk of having Boise St. in the Big East. Yeah, thats not far to travel if your Uconn, Pittsburgh or Cincy.

14) It seems like there are a lot more of these college tournaments now. My question is how come there are so many and how do you get an invite to one of those. Look at Uconn. They play UNC-Asheville today in the Bahamas.
15) People talk about Black Friday and all the people. Try going to a grocery store within the last week. :D

Once again Happy Thanksgiving to everyone including our military. Because of them we are able to have Thanksgiving. If your going out today or tonight, stay safe and be careful.
1. If the games are good...yes. If they suck then no
2. There has always been games Turkey Day weekend...but it use to be the Hawaii one and there are more
3. You've said this now in 3 threads. The 2 holidays are not similar. Thats like saying 4th of July is the same as St Patricks Day because you can get drunk. Christmas is a way bigger holiday.
4. They are out there...most are between Turkey Day and X-Mas
5. I despise Idiot Friday.....people drive like lunatics out there
9. aint gonna happen anytime soon
12. Wild game is on so I'll watch that instead :)
13. Boise in the Big Least would be stupid. But then again Louisiana Tech is in the WAC so they have to go west all the time
14. yep use to be Hawaii and Alaska had them. Now everyone seems to have a tourney
15. no s**t
5. I despise Idiot Friday.....people drive like lunatics out there

Couldn't. Agree. More.

There was one Einstein here in Mass (and oh, don't even get me going on how the media glorifies these morons), that was camped out since Tuesday morning to save $150 on a 50" flat screen. My wife's brother made a great point: why didn't this genius just work on Tuesday and Wednesday so he could better afford the set..........instead of sitting out in the cold and elements for close to 60 hours?!!

Friggin' morons :rolleyes:
yep and the lady who pepper sprayed folks or the lady who shot someone today.

I just listened to my mom tell me about her Idiot Thursday (yes she was one of them at Walmart at 10) and I just cringed.

Best line was what I heard on the radio. They talked to a lady who wanted the 42" for 200 bucks but didnt get that. She then wanted the 19" for 88 and didnt get that.
"But I gots me a refurbished 22" TV for $158 so I went home happy"

uh yeah sure.....
Bill, I wouldnt mind going shopping today. Its like everything else. It takes one or more idiots to ruin something. Its like when you go to a game and a guy has too much booze and starts being loud and yelling at everyone and becomes a disturbance. Or when someone starts talking during a movie and ruins the whole movie for everyone.
Bill, I wouldnt mind going shopping today. Its like everything else. It takes one or more idiots to ruin something. Its like when you go to a game and a guy has too much booze and starts being loud and yelling at everyone and becomes a disturbance. Or when someone starts talking during a movie and ruins the whole movie for everyone.

Like anything else, to each his own. I will NEVER get the fascination with Black Friday. ;)
I dont why I dont mind Black Friday but I dont. To me, it would get me into the season. Although if your interviewed on tv and one of your relatives sees you, they pretty much saw what you got them.

On a different front, Suh apologized for yesterday. Says something to the affect of "I have to be a better person etc." All I have to say is that I will believe it when I see it.

Go Hogs

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