Tips for a 5LNB install.

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How about old indian trick?

On the first year your tribe comes through your neighborhood have the women and children chop the bark off all the way around all trees. The next year all the trees will be dead so burn them down as your tribe leaves. The third year the burned forest will be a berry patch with all kind of new growth. You, as a brave get to sit, with a perfect line of sight, watching DTV but you have to keep your spear in hand in case of bears.

The only down side to this is that the bears love berries too. When they show up the women and children get to watch you fight the bear and may change a channel on you

If you use this remember to pull saplings that may put you back where you are now...or get a real cow to graze all the saplings or...

How about old indian trick?

On the first year your tribe comes through your neighborhood have the women and children chop the bark off all the way around all trees. The next year all the trees will be dead so burn them down as your tribe leaves. The third year the burned forest will be a berry patch with all kind of new growth. You, as a brave get to sit, with a perfect line of sight, watching DTV but you have to keep your spear in hand in case of bears.

The only down side to this is that the bears love berries too. When they show up the women and children get to watch you fight the bear and may change a channel on you

If you use this remember to pull saplings that may put you back where you are now...or get a real cow to graze all the saplings or...


What about using the old 3lnb to hit just the 119? Would that work? I realize I would need a multiswitch.
Doing that might work temporarily, but would cause you problems in the long run.

Rather than creating a new function of the switch to select 99/103, it uses the same mechanic used to select 110/119 and just sends both signals at the same time. Thus, using the older dish for 110/119, you would lose your 103 signals.

Depending on whether you get HD locals from 99 or 103, you could do this for now, but when nationals start beaming from 103 they would be unavailable.
NO new multi switch. there is one in the 3 lnb............Try it if it is ez ........the mast diameters are different ...and if it works the next step is to suspect the slimline 5lnb. Try a temp jumper from the 3 lnb to your ird (receiver) ............You will loose your locals in HD.


Hmm this seems very tricky. Couple of questions: How long do you think it would take to install the slim line taking into account that there is a clear line of sight of course. lol

Secondly, I will be living in a condo/apt. The dish will be on the deck on a metal pole/stand. Do you think this is sufficient? And considering the stand shouldn't really be screwed into the membrane of the deck what could I use to stabilize the dish and stand?

the metal pipe/mast will be anchored in a 5g bucket filled with concrete. you can place sand bags or cinder blocks around it if you need to. Ugly, but apt deck installs usually are.
the metal pipe/mast will be anchored in a 5g bucket filled with concrete. you can place sand bags or cinder blocks around it if you need to. Ugly, but apt deck installs usually are.

OMG so your saying a regular type pipe/stand won't be enough to hold the dish up etc?

Nope, not unless you want to chase it down during a storm or have it all dented and dinged when it tips over and crashes into the ground. Dented & dinged dish will usually fail to reflect s9ingals correctly into the LNB. AKA dead dish!

Hmm I don't really feel like chasing it down the street and I am not sure my apartment colleagues would enjoy that scene either. :p

Hmmm would anyone have pictures of a typical set up on a condo deck etc?


I am trying to get an idea on what I should do then?

I might have some pics floating around of my old apartment somewhere. I did it a bit differently. I had one of those wooden planters(the ones with the metal bands around them) and secured a 4x4 to the bottom and filled it with about 200lbs of sand. One the first rain came it made it even heavier. Looked a little nicer than the pole in a 5 gal. bucket.
I might have some pics floating around of my old apartment somewhere. I did it a bit differently. I had one of those wooden planters(the ones with the metal bands around them) and secured a 4x4 to the bottom and filled it with about 200lbs of sand. One the first rain came it made it even heavier. Looked a little nicer than the pole in a 5 gal. bucket.

Hmm well if you can dig a few pics or even just one that would be great. i guess I am not too creative and not sure exactly what should be done or even picture it. :eek:

My dish sits on the metal pole and the pole has legs.

Is it basically a pole sticking out the bucket/planter? No stand involved?
I've done a few apartment/condo installs on balconies, and this is what I usually do (depending upon if the railing poles are round or square).

Buy some heavy duty u-bolts from your local hardware store that are big enough to go around the vertical balcony supports and into the footplate for the mounting bracket. You may have to drill holes into the footplate to get the u-bolt to fit, but that is no big deal. Then just clamp the footplate to the rail.

Get a hold of a second footplate for the same type of dish, and then get some nuts and bolts that are long enough to bolt the two foot plates together by using one as a backing plate for the other.
I've done a few apartment/condo installs on balconies, and this is what I usually do (depending upon if the railing poles are round or square).

Buy some heavy duty u-bolts from your local hardware store that are big enough to go around the vertical balcony supports and into the footplate for the mounting bracket. You may have to drill holes into the footplate to get the u-bolt to fit, but that is no big deal. Then just clamp the footplate to the rail.

Get a hold of a second footplate for the same type of dish, and then get some nuts and bolts that are long enough to bolt the two foot plates together by using one as a backing plate for the other.

Hmm can't attatch anyting to the railings. :( It basically has to sit on the balcony either on a stand or some other type of contraption. LOL
Thanks though for responding.
Do not attach anything to the outside rails or walls or your townhome or apartment. If you do this you best have, IN WRITING, approval from the mgmt company BEFORE you do anything. That being said, at any time if they change mgmt companies, you can still be required to remove it. Bolting to rails and walls IS NOT your exclusive use and in almost every case a bad idea.
Hi there, can someone tell me whether I will be able to use the following to attatch the 5LNB satellite dish?

Should be an attatchment to this least I hope. ;)



  • Dishstand.jpg
    170.4 KB · Views: 230
Likely no.

1. Looks like a common tripod found at Radio Shack. Doesn't look like you can use the require 2" diam mast. (chk it)

3. It is not very stable.

3. The vast majority of USA apartment/townhome/rental mgmt companies, do not accept drilling holes or bolting into their property. So know you landlord VERY, VERY well and get things in writing BEFORE you do anything.
Hmm never any problems with my current dish under this set up. I checked the pole and hmm it maybe under 2inches, seems pretty close.

Your current dish is a totally different provider and not made to the exact same specs. So you are not comparing apples to apples.
Almost any standard tri-pod will accept a 2" OD mast. ALMOST any.

An option we use is bolt the tripod legs to a sheet of exterior 3/4" plywood cut in a triangle that matches the spacing and placement of the legs. Then place concrete blocks on the plywood. Works OK.

I still prefer using a non-penitrating roof mount with a 2" mast (or 2-3/8" mast with reduction adapter) and several concrete blocks as ballast. It has a much larger foot print and the dish is lower, but if you can, it is a better method.
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