Several posters here have missed the point of this post. I did not ask for everyone else's OPINION on whether THEY think that I have valid complaints and concerns or not. When I was in the Navy, we had a saying about OPINIONS. Since it is still America, I think, I still get to have my viewpoint (as far as I know) on what I like or do not like. The things that I have asked about are of a concern to ME. Whether someone else agrees with what I think is important on the new Hopper or not is fine, but just flat out negating what I have stated as my set of concerns is disrespectful and immature. I explained my reasons re: the red LED, but it is obvious that some of you did not bother to even read what I wrote. That is fine, because you don't have to do so. Can we all just be allowed to state our experiences and expectations for our DISH technology without responders making their posts sound like snarky and snide "gosh, your view is stupid" comebacks stated in a passive aggressive manner? These forums used to be a place where you could state what bothered you about the DISH items without others trying to belittle you, however subtly, for doing so. I just simply wanted to know if I was missing something in my perusal and usage of the new Hopper 3. Thank you to those who let me know the light is no longer there.
I still cannot seem to get a recording out of the Hopper 3 for any program with which I have built up time, no matter how I go about trying to do so. Has anyone else been successful with this? And please, just respond if you have or have not. Please skip the lectures on why you think I should not need to do this. I can assure you that I do need to do this, just like I need to organize and prioritize my timers regardless of how many tuners I have.