Upcoming Cband project - Looking for a good parts supplier

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Correct, the Inverto will be mounted vertical and "0" aligned with the dish's polar axis.

The KU scalar should be mounted as close to the C-band feedhorn as possible and almost in line when the dish is parked at the top of the arc -due South. You probably should cut the C-band scalar to fit the KU scaler inserted as close as possible to the c-band feedhorn, then use a few flat straps and machine screws to attach. I don't have any photos, but several member offset multi-feed projects show the scalar cuts and strapping.
I took the cband scalar and lnbf off the dish and worked on Ku at the dish center with zero results. I also tried a offset GeosatPro PLL lnb to see if I could get any blip of signal at all but no luck. I'm a little concerned that the mesh is not appropriate for Ku....hmmmm. I don't want to lose PBS on 125w
Taa Daa!
IMG_20151031_6474.jpg IMG_20151031_49636.jpg

Today I took one of the supports off and added the prime focus Inverto Black Pro LNB and C120 feedhorn.
I made the Titanium C1WPLL the sidecar. It doesn't have a scalar but seems to be fine without it. Most signals are in the mid 70's
I lost a few Ku signals but most of what I want it coming in very well.

Thanks to everyone who helped me with this project. This would not have happened without all of you "satellite guys".
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