VERY upset customer

Weezknight said:
Exactly what features wouldn't be available on a 211 without a D1000? I thought some people were using it fine with a 61.5 wing dish?

Any of the new channels that are coming including the new Voom channels and hd locals.
raysat said:
Any of the new channels that are coming including the new Voom channels and hd locals.

I thought all of the new Voom were mirrored on 61.5, and for myself Philly locals are on 61.5, so I'm not sure why I would need a D1000. I know I would need a 211 to see these channels, but I didn't think the Dish would matter if I already get 61.5.
Weezknight said:
I thought all of the new Voom were mirrored on 61.5, and for myself Philly locals are on 61.5, so I'm not sure why I would need a D1000. I know I would need a 211 to see these channels, but I didn't think the Dish would matter if I already get 61.5.
I believe you're in that NE "blackout" area for the 129 sat, so you'll need the separate dish for 61.5, and your HD locals will remain there. Do you already have it? Perhaps E* will still install a D1000 even if you only need to "look" at 2 sats and leave the second dish - possibly the best of both worlds. Has anyone experienced this?

EDIT: Will the Phila HD LiLs migrate to E10 at 110?
bhelms said:
I believe you're in that NE "blackout" area for the 129 sat, so you'll need the separate dish for 61.5, and your HD locals will remain there. Do you already have it? Perhaps E* will still install a D1000 even if you only need to "look" at 2 sats and leave the second dish - possibly the best of both worlds. Has anyone experienced this?

EDIT: Will the Phila HD LiLs migrate to E10 at 110?

I'm in the blackout area. I already have (2) D500's for my current HD set-up (one is for 61.5). I'd rather not have to worry about a D1000 right now when I upgrade, and I was surprised to hear someone say that certain features aren't available on the 211 without the D1000. I was just looking for clarification, that's all.
Weezknight said:
I'm in the blackout area. I already have (2) D500's for my current HD set-up (one is for 61.5). I'd rather not have to worry about a D1000 right now when I upgrade, and I was surprised to hear someone say that certain features aren't available on the 211 without the D1000. I was just looking for clarification, that's all.
Sounds like you're all set. I couldn't figure out that comment either. As long as you're already receiving your HDs...?

I'm on the line for the blackout - not sure what upgrade they'll offer. Since I already have one looking at 61.5 I'll bet there will be no outdoor work to accomplish in my case.

Question for you: Can you receive your locals OTA and if so, how do they compare to the LiLs? I wouldn't expect much difference MPEG-4 vs. -2, but the downrezzing might be more noticable...?

TIA and BRgds...
Well, I haven't upgraded my 811 yet, so I don't have the HD LiL's. I get every Philly channel OTA (even the hard to get WHYY-HD). They come in from between 85%-95% and I think the quality of those is better than the ESPN-HD and other HD-Pak channels.

I may upgrade later this year, but as for now I love the OTA.
It simply amazes me how Dish Network support ever won a JD Powers Award.
They're a disgrace. My 942 installation started bad. Rep told me the installer would bring the 942. Installer shows up a 1 1/2 weeks before my scheduled install. Dish had the install date wrong on the work order. Great. If you have the 942, go for it. He doesn't have the 942. :( I called back Dish and had to fight with them to restore by original install date.
Had to have my remote replaced under warranty. Rep states I'll see a charge and a credit on the same bill. Great! As long as the credit equals the charges. I look at my bill. I see the charge, but no credit. Another phone call fixed the issue. I can see 1 mistake, but they seem to make a mistake everytime I call for a service request. :mad:
Weezknight said:
Well, I haven't upgraded my 811 yet, so I don't have the HD LiL's. I get every Philly channel OTA (even the hard to get WHYY-HD). They come in from between 85%-95% and I think the quality of those is better than the ESPN-HD and other HD-Pak channels.

I may upgrade later this year, but as for now I love the OTA.

I'm waiting a bit to upgrade. I talked with a local installer today who hinted at something I'd be glad I waited for coming in "a couple of months". My OTA situation is poor except for PBS, which is, like, >>WOW<< in 1080i and what I believe is full HD rez. Equals or surpasses ESPN or HDNet. I'm working on improving the channel count, but no clear path (literally and figuratively!) has been identified yet! One thing that might make me push for a 622 sooner is the reported superior OTA tuner vs. the 811's - that might be all I need! (Decisions, decisions...!)

Your comment about your OTA quality helps confirm what I'm beginning to experience myself. I like the "HD" content I currently receive via the sat so I'll probably keep that programming, but I'm increasingly interested in the OTA option and if I resolve that problem then I won't care if I ever get the HD LiLs, which is probably at least 2 years away in my market...
SummitAdvantageRetailer said:
Being that I'm a retailer and while I'd like to admit that we're one of the best in the area, we make mistakes with installations just like anybody. When it comes to rescheduling, they've come from a variety of reasons: weather, truck problems, equipment shortage, customer not being home at the right time, traffic, and etc. We try our best to route it so that the tech. is flexible but there will be days and instances where you just can't make the customer happy or give the right job to the right tech. We'd send the best tech. to a job and the customer would still complain that the tech. couldn't install a 4 room multi-satellite installation by bringing in new lines to a smart box in a completely finished basement with only 1 wire going out of the home. It's almost impossible without using a jackhammer to try to drill in the holes. But I digress.

You took a day off as many would when they have a service tech. come out. But I've heard of far worse stories... like mine! If you were in my shoes when Comcast took 5 trips to get our TV problem right and failed to get rid of the ghosting and banding, you'd have went postal on Comcast. I didn't take one day off but FIVE. So sorry to hear that you had a bad day and all, but I sincerely doubt that if you were in the shoes of that manager or that tech., you'd have driven the distance back and forth to bring that equipment out for an equipment upgrade.

Or how about my other experience with Sears where they took 3 DAYS and 1 MONTH to get our washer working right. With big companies, you just can't expect the personal service of a good neighbor next door. Otherwise, these companies couldn't stay in business trying to make EVERY customer happy. Their GOAL is to make customers satisfied but as the saying goes, you can't please everybody. Some companies try their best (notice I'm not saying that E* is one of them) and implement quality control and all but in honesty, at E* or D* one missed appointment or incorrect work order is no biggie to them. And frankly, in case you didn't know, there's a hierchy of DISH jobs and equipment upgrades like yours are given almost the same priority as dish upgrade jobs. In other words, not a high-priority job. New customer installs and trouble calls are given the highest by the way. When they miss 2 appointments or something similar, that's when the higher up offices can get involved and pull in field service managers to roll and get things right. Don't be angry and think it was personal because it's not.

I'm telling you this because we've done installs for direct-to-company sales and know how bureacratic the system is and how some customers fall through the cracks because of the number of jobs they do a day. But if you order from a retailer, retailers try to treat you as a customer since after all, you're OUR customer and we don't do the volume like the big installation companies. :) It really is too bad that retailers are not allowed to do upgrades. We'd have fewer angry stories like these. Not a sales pitch, but just letting you know how it works.

I fail to see how your experience with incompetence in any way deginerates the OP's experience. That's not how it works, that's how it DOES NOT work. The OP is absolutely correct in expecting Dish to honor their commitment. $.02
voripteth said:
This is a good time to remind people to call Dish up and verify their installation order. I caught several errors in my order which would have required them to make an extra installation trip.

Right after you get done placing your order at Dish, call them back, speak to someone ELSE and check your order. If you're expecting a Dish 1000 make sure it's on the work order! (Mine wasn't until I called back to correct it.)

This is really good advice. I have made 4 calls so far and the first follow up call found that the dish 1000 was not included on the install order. This was after the tech had assured me that it was included in the $299 fee.

I am scheduled for installation March 29th and have made 4 follow up calls primarily looking for a UPS tracking number for the receiver. Each call found something wrong or found that I had received bad info. My last call yesterday found that the 622 has not left Colorado, so Monday morning I will be making the 5th call to either get a tracking number or letting them know that they are running out of time to get the receiver here in time for my install date.

I will keep on bugging dish every few days until everything is installed and actually working.
Providing good customer service is expensive, most companies throw as little money at it as possible. Dish, Mediacom, Dell all have service that sucks.

J.D. Powers award, thats a joke too. My install last week went bad too, the young kid had very little experience and none with a Dish 1000. I even had all the receivers wired to the dp44's and all he had to do was take off the D500 and put on the D1000, he arrived at 1pm and didn't leave until 7:00pm and he didn't even have to run any cable. Then he shuts off the 622 during the software download and killed that. 4 days later I had another 622, but these guys are bad. One thing, he did put covers over his boots so as to not get mud on the carpet, more than the Mediacom dude did.
SummitAdvantageRetailer said:
When they miss 2 appointments or something similar, that's when the higher up offices can get involved and pull in field service managers to roll and get things right.

How do you go about getting something escalated to a field service manager? I have a thread in the HD forum about my upgrade history(ordered 622 2/1 for 2/13 install, rescheduled to 3/14, pushed to 3/19 for 622 activation, pushed to 3/30 because of "too many installs at this time and rescheduling")? Oh and has been non-responsive to my e-mails for 3+ weeks now. Thanks.
JamesThurber said:
How do you go about getting something escalated to a field service manager? I have a thread in the HD forum about my upgrade history(ordered 622 2/1 for 2/13 install, rescheduled to 3/14, pushed to 3/19 for 622 activation, pushed to 3/30 because of "too many installs at this time and rescheduling")? Oh and has been non-responsive to my e-mails for 3+ weeks now. Thanks.

Quite simply, you threaten to cancel and keep asking for the supervisor at that department to escalate your call until you get to the Executive team, the same people that answer those ceo@... emails. When you escalate it that far, they go the extra mile in calling the local retailer/regional service provider, and DISH Network Service to make sure a field service manager rolls out. I feel your pain on not getting your 622 for a good month and a half. Another way to get their attention is to call frequently that day. If you have the whole day off, schedule an install in the AM. Then when and if they mess up your job, they have time to send someone else if the office they're coming from is reasonably close. At our office when a tech. messed up a job, our president actually drove a good 100 miles to fix the problem but only did that because the problem was discovered earlier in the day and not in the evening.

But for the others, FYI DISH is re-working and revamping their whole logistics for scheduling and what not, so we should see an improvement in a few months time. It's always hard for these guys to hire good people because the pay attracts mostly the rookies and 1st gen immigrants usually. I'm not profiling but the work is hard compared to other professional line of work. The cheaper you come to the interview table, the more experienced and more expensive techs are shown the door to leave the company.
downriver said:
I fail to see how your experience with incompetence in any way deginerates the OP's experience. That's not how it works, that's how it DOES NOT work. The OP is absolutely correct in expecting Dish to honor their commitment. $.02

Yes, that's exactly how a company should not work but I was pointing out that he's taking it way too far on ONE bad work order. It's not like this was his 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or whatever attempt at getting what he ordered delivered and installed. I was pointing out how difficult it is to honor every single job that DISH has when one department egregiously botched up the order for this tech to take. Remember, there are people out there that praise all-mighty for a person/company until a foul-up when they then hate them like in-laws. Just my 3 cents on the matter.
This is a follow-up to my original post, to be fair to DISH.

I received a call from a representative at the regional DISH technical office on Friday (the following) morning. The representative was apologetic for the way the issue was handled, and asked when the earliest time I would be available for them to perform an installation, which was (for me) Sunday morning - since I was going to be out of town until then. He verified the work order with me, and informed me I could expect a technician to arrive early Sunday morning.

In response to some of the criticism, I would say that, as I told the DISH rep. with which I spoke on Friday -- I had little issue with the fact that the technician did not have the required equipment. Mistakes happen. I had a real problem with the way the DISH representatives chose to handle their mistake. Among other things, I was told that the best they could do was reschedule the work for the following week - at the same time - requiring more of my (or my wife's) time off work. Being as we have multiple young children and one with a health issue, we need our vacation time available to care for them.

I work in a very customer-oriented environment, and one thing I know is that if our corporation makes a mistake, it is our responsibility to fix it as soon as possible in the way that is the least inconvenient to the customer.

Assuming the tech shows up tomorrow morning and performs the install as requested, then DISH will have done exactly that.
I always thought a stellar company was one that never made any mistakes, and that the only way a company could recover from a screw-up was neutral or worse, never positive.

Having lived on both sides of the customer service issue for some years now, I realize that the truly stellar company is the one that can turn a negative situation into a positive one. Every company is bound to make a mistake from time-to-time. I think any company deserves a chance - perhaps just one - to make it right. It's what happens from the point when that mistake is first reported until it is rectified that separates the great customer service providers from the rest, and the good ones can really turn that mistake into a positive outcome - one that has the customer appreciating how the situation was handled and telling positive tales about it.

I've been involved in quite a few service "nightmares" over my now-lengthy time in the saddle, on both the receiving and delivering sides. In honesty - I can cite as many examples of exemplary service as I can of the nightmares. I think that most in these forums - if they're honest about it - would have to agree...

hayesgb - I think you have done the right thing here by telling us the outcome in a less confrontational tone. I hope you got the final positive outcome that you commanded and deserved.

Same problem with Dish

I had the same problem with DISH, I schedule a time for them to come, they called and canceled at the last min as I waited for them to come, :( screwed up my hole day, I re-scheduled with them but 2 days before they were to come they called me and said I was quoted the wrong price for what I was to receive. :( I canceled them and went to DIRECT TV , about to get rid of them because it seems like on week-ends or holidays they show crap on there movies, guess they want you to buy PPV.
Weezknight said:
Exactly what features wouldn't be available on a 211 without a D1000? I thought some people were using it fine with a 61.5 wing dish?
All mpeg 4 programming can be recieved from the 129 as well as the 61.5
branchbouncer said:
When we moved to our new house and had many things to do,we had Adelphia installed,we had put our D* account in suspend mode.I had cable in the early 90's (with Cox)and it was a the worst few years of watching tv ever,when they went down it wasn't rain fade it was down,5 hours to maybe a day our so.Adelphia was here right on time,the installer went out of his way to do a fantastic job,we had to have all 6 drops checked,he replaced F connectors with new ones(first were installed were done by a scrimmping sub)did readings on all drops,changed out the old splitter,found that two of the drops needed to be amped(came by the next day and installed that)then hooked up the 4 SA 8300 HD DVR's,all for 49.95 install fee(tiped him 50.00 for such a good job)
This was only going to be a temp service though as we planed on taking D* out of suspend mode the begining of March.We started to think that maybe since this is a "NEW" house,we would try a "NEW" sat service,E*,with more HD.Contacted them,and a local installer,about having the service installed.Started right off the bat getting different stories as what we need.Dish says that we need two dishes,installer says that we need 1000.Installer says we can have 2 DVR's to feed the tv's but that only two would be HD the others would be SD.Dish says the same,but that all 4 would be HD,asked how I would feed the other two Tv's from the DVR and the responce was to run componet cables,right 40-50 feet from one and about the same for the other,it goes on and on for so long that I had to put them on hold so that i could get a shovel.Thats was enough for one day as I wanted to eat dinner before I went to sleep,said I would think about it and call at a later date.Got a call last night form Dish CSR(it has been a couple weeks since I talked to them)she was from India and spoke fairly well but I think that she spoke better than she understood,asked I could hold,was transfered to a "Super" who I assume was here in the states,tried to get me to go for the install up to the point when I told him I want what Adelphia had given me,4 HD DVR's and when the addition is done off the kitchen a 5th,His responce was"Cable is a better option for you,we can't give you 5 HD DVR's"-----------Thanks for your time.Now I do agree that both E*,D* have great service,probably slightly better than Adelphia,not by much,but these misleading stories,confusion,and limited equipment avalaibilty is crazy,I guess for now I will just have to keep Adelphia,at least there are 18 HD channels,until D* and or E* get this equipment/lease crap together

Surprised this cable installer went thru such great lengths..Bless him.....Most would just set the boxes and go....
Yes it is ture that dual tuner HD dvr's are one HD tuner 2 is SD ....That's because to get HD in the second location, component cables have to be run to the second tv. Most times this is not possible in a retro fit application..especially if your home is built on a slab or has a finished basement with sheetrock walls/ceilings.....If you got 4 HD cable boxes it looks favorably on the local cable outfit's efficiency..Dish limits the HD boxes to customers due to availablity.....
SummitAdvantageRetailer said:
Quite simply, you threaten to cancel and keep asking for the supervisor at that department to escalate your call until you get to the Executive team, the same people that answer those ceo@... emails. When you escalate it that far, they go the extra mile in calling the local retailer/regional service provider, and DISH Network Service to make sure a field service manager rolls out. I feel your pain on not getting your 622 for a good month and a half. Another way to get their attention is to call frequently that day. If you have the whole day off, schedule an install in the AM. Then when and if they mess up your job, they have time to send someone else if the office they're coming from is reasonably close. At our office when a tech. messed up a job, our president actually drove a good 100 miles to fix the problem but only did that because the problem was discovered earlier in the day and not in the evening.

But for the others, FYI DISH is re-working and revamping their whole logistics for scheduling and what not, so we should see an improvement in a few months time. It's always hard for these guys to hire good people because the pay attracts mostly the rookies and 1st gen immigrants usually. I'm not profiling but the work is hard compared to other professional line of work. The cheaper you come to the interview table, the more experienced and more expensive techs are shown the door to leave the company.

DNSC starts their techs at $10 -$11 an hour. No one with any experience will work for that kind of money..Nobody...I see the squeeze coming though..In order to keep sub rates down, Dish will havbe to go elsewhere for avings..I predict they will cut the rates they pay..This will resultin one sure thing..Good experianced techs will simply leave the business...I work for a DN sub contractor....we make pretty good money when the work is does get slow...But really ,you are correct in assuming the new hires are rookies and "others"..These people are trained in class()4 weeks) by DNSC supervisors but that is crap..You can't learn a thing in a classroom..This is a hands on business..Additionally if a tech does not know anything about residential home const. his abilties will be hindered.

Here's the irony.. Dish leans on us over completion rates and QA's.....The new guys cannot even come close to doing DN Spec passable work or getting it done on time..I go out on sevice calls and I see just the nastiest work..I was at a service call yeaterday where the sub comlained about pixels and sig loss....I could tell right away why..The insataller mounted the dish on a shed in the back yard..Slipped the thing in so the shot was between two large trees..Since the install the hole has closed...The cust was a no show..Left a note that dish had to be moved to the front protion of the roof for proper LOS....The job had tell tale signs of a DNSC job.....
Anyway, if the cust denies the front location ,he is out of luck..the install should not have been done like that......Criminal if you ask me..

What does ViP Stand For?

Replacement 622 stuck downloading software...

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