Video game addiction: A new diagnosis?


SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Apr 7, 2004
SatelliteGuystonfieldville, U.S.A.
Time to ask the boss for two-weeks of paid time off in order to treat your medical addiction...


The telltale signs are ominous: teens holing up in their rooms, ignoring friends, family, even food and a shower, while grades plummet and belligerence soars. The culprit isn't alcohol or drugs. It's video games, which for certain kids can be as powerfully addictive as heroin, some doctors contend.

A leading council of the nation's largest doctors' group wants to have this behavior officially classified as a psychiatric disorder, to raise awareness and enable sufferers to get insurance coverage for treatment.

In a report prepared for the American Medical Association's annual policy meeting starting Saturday in Chicago, the council asks the group to lobby for the disorder to be included in a widely used mental illness manual created and published by the American Psychiatric Association. AMA delegates could vote on the proposal as early as Monday.

It likely won't happen without heated debate. Video game makers scoff at the notion that their products can cause a psychiatric disorder. Even some mental health experts say labeling the habit a formal addiction is going too far.

Dr. James Scully, the psychiatric association's medical director, said the group will seriously consider the AMA report in the long process of revising the diagnostic manual. The current manual was published in 1994; the next edition is to be completed in 2012.

Up to 90 percent of American youngsters play video games and as many as 15 percent of them, more than 5 million kids, may be addicted, according to data cited in the AMA council's report.


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This is so stupid. This is like saying bookworms have an addiction to books....
Anyone with an addictivie personality can get addicted to virtually anything... video games, the internet, porn, drugs, sat guys forums, etc etc. an addiction is a passion gone awry.
Don't forget casinos... they are an addiction to some. I've mixed my favorite two addictions, casinos and mmorpgs and now play Entropia Universe a lot. My money lasts a bit longer in there than it does on the one armed bandits! :)
Drug Addict: Hi, Dr. Smith! I am addicted to video games!
Dr. Smith: OK, here is some Adderall and Valium.

The whole thing is a cover because we STILL don't know why some people turn bad and others not. The doctors just don't want to admit it.

Hey I don't know why Little Johnny is so violent, lets blame it on a video game.
Nail hammer!!!

People even go as low as getting their doctor to diagnose their child as having ADHD to get scripts for Adderall yet their child can sit in front of the TV playing video games all day. If they can play Halo2 all day then its not ADHD, because they are focused on the game... where are the meds going?
This is so stupid. This is like saying bookworms have an addiction to books....

You obviuosly don't know the same people I know. This stuff can be very addictive.
I am addicted to SatelliteGuys. Should I one day not be able to balance my work-family-social commitments, then perhaps I can sue Scott for making this site so darn addictive vice being accountable and responsible for my own conduct?:rolleyes:

"SatelliteGuys...the crack-pipe of Satellite Industry news and information.":)
That's why I stick to videogames with endings. Oblivion was pretty bad at 160 hours total, but at least the madness passes once you finish most of the quests. WOW and all them scare me because I know I would never put it down....
I do think they are correct.

My 13 year old tunes out the world and plays video games, from the time he gets up til the time he goes to bed (and we have caught him going to bed then getting up a little later on and playing at 2am in the morning)

He won't do anything including eat while he is playing games.

If we want him to do anything we make him shut the XBOX off and then he moans on how we are wasting his time. Its getting quite bad actually. :(

I need to figure out a way to use my router to kill XBOX live at certain times. I have blocked certain ports which are supposed to block XBOX live (and it does if he turns on his XBOX after those ports have been locked, however if those ports are blocked after he is already logged in, he can play all night long without getting booted. :(
I need to figure out a way to use my router to kill XBOX live at certain times. I have blocked certain ports which are supposed to block XBOX live (and it does if he turns on his XBOX after those ports have been locked, however if those ports are blocked after he is already logged in, he can play all night long without getting booted. :(
Put the router in your bedroom, and physically disconnect the line when need be.
I do think they are correct.

My 13 year old tunes out the world and plays video games, from the time he gets up til the time he goes to bed (and we have caught him going to bed then getting up a little later on and playing at 2am in the morning)

He won't do anything including eat while he is playing games.

If we want him to do anything we make him shut the XBOX off and then he moans on how we are wasting his time. Its getting quite bad actually. :(

I need to figure out a way to use my router to kill XBOX live at certain times. I have blocked certain ports which are supposed to block XBOX live (and it does if he turns on his XBOX after those ports have been locked, however if those ports are blocked after he is already logged in, he can play all night long without getting booted. :(

Just unplug the console and take it to your room when you don't want him to play it.
I have a 15 year old who's "addticted" to video games too. I love video games too, actually if I have the time I'll play more. Heck I'm 36 and been playing video games since 1980 maybe sooner than that. But we as parent are failing in something, we don't want our kids to have the bad things we had(my case at least) or the difficult times that we had, so we overprotect them. I don't want to invade or to cuestion anybody's motives, but the kids today are masters of the manipulation art. They show bad behavior so we get tired of their complaints, we end up giving away.
My son attending Summer School, on a Social Studies class, wow. At least least yar was Algebra, and I wento to the same Private School, I know that they are pretty hard sometimes, butSocial studies c'mmom???

My words, I don't ground anybody, you grounded yourself, I just ask for good grades, because he has the potential, he was a High Honor student until 3 year ago. A rebel without a cause because we give him everything, I spent a lot of time with him, everything in exchange of good grades and good behavior.
So, my first approach when he started with bad grades was to punish him, take away his priviledges, Xbox, phone calls, took his cell phone, grounded for a long time. But I noticed that he wasn't responding to that, so instead of that I just spent more time with him. He's on a band and I took him to all his shows, and stay away, I let him be, don't intefere. That was working pretty good, because even all his friends tell him all the time, you dad is so COOL, and they confront him the other day because they know I'm giving it all for him. I'm 36, he's 15 so the year difference is not so bad. I was on a band too, we broke up 2 years agi so they are using my mics, we even like the same music.

But after this semester's end and getting poor grades again, he knew it. I gave him too many chances, this year, so once I took away the band, cellphone, Xbox this time he's suffering of boredom, summer, and doesn't have anything to do but study. he can only play Xbox on weekends and certaing hours if IF, I saw good grades every week.

We were kids too, but man I didn't cause all this problems to my parents :D | Home

Click on that link and login with your/his gamertag and you can see how long he has been playing and what game and level he is playing even..... I had my 13 year old looking for the hidden cameras when I called him and told him to stop playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance... even told him I knew what villain he was battling....

Puts things in perspective.... We came down on my son a little hard because he slipped off the honor roll this year.... Only B's, with a B plus, 2 B minuses, and 2 C plusses. Then again he didn't fail anything and didn't score in the 70s (came close on two). My daughter in 1st grade cruised through hers although her homework and tests were much less challenging. He did NOT like her getting accolades though for her card. Maybe a little peer pressure will help.

He plays with his DS a lot, as well as the XBox 360 and the Wii. He doesn't go too overboard though, and we can usually get him to put it down when we need him to.

Actually the missus would probably argue that I have just as much of an addiction as him when I am "into" a game. Usually the big RPGs are the problems. She had Final Fantasy 10+ years ago to deal with, and now Oblivion last year. Usually I play about 5-10 hrs. a week, schedule permitting, although it has been a little less recently with the moveout while we are renovating (althoug it may be telling that we took over my parents garage and turned it into a lounge with the 57" widescreen TV, the 7.1 surround system and speakers, etc.)-- Minor crisis averted when I got a range extender for their wireless router so the internet would work out there on the Wii and the 360....

My parents are fairly young in that I am 40 and they are 60,... my Mom was marvelling at me playing Uno with people over the internet.... Thankfully the people I was playing were well behaved when she walked in....

xbox 360 power supply

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