VOOM Goes BOOM - update Dish Drops all 15 VOOM Channels

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The court rejected that idea when rejecting the preliminary injunction.
We don't know what, if any, evidence they provided to the court regarding their spending during in the preliminary injunction. Likewise, VOOM states they asked E* for evidence of the spending shortfall numerous times over a several month period, but nothing was provided...only that Dish Network wanted to tier the VOOM HD channels. VOOM also mentioned several times that there were provisions in Section 10 of the agreement for using a "pro-rated formula" should VOOM offer less channels. I would assume this would address spending requirmenets if VOOM were to scale down to as little as 5 HD channels. Who knows. However, why would VOOM want to renegotiate when they had a "sweet" 15-year contract where E* was paying a premium price (too much in my opinion since HD is no longer such a premium service) for these channels. To be honest, the deal was actually so good (in VOOM's favor) that there was little reason to market their channels elsewhere. Additionally, I get the feeling if they sold the channels individually in the U.S. market, there may have been provisions in the contract for E* to receive the same offer. That could be why VOOM never sold individual channels like MonstersHD, Equator, etc., just the entire VOOM HD lineup.

I know you want VOOM back and at a certain level I doas well. But you can't just spin the facts ona message board and get a favorable outcome.
VOOM coming back to E* means nothing to me since I no longer have Dish Network (FiOS enabled since 3 April) any longer...loved the HD DVR, liked the service, but could no longer stand HD-Lite. As far as spin...I am merely providing facts that are in evidence from documents filed in court, and providing anti-spin from all the E* implants here on the board who are now tryng to spin VOOM into some new fangled 5 channels lineup. VOOM is whatever is called for in the affiliate agreement; nothing more - nothing less. My only assertion is that there is 15-year agreement in place between E* and V*. I feel that E* was paying premium prices for this these channels when HD is no longer a premium service (at least like it was a few years ago) and, according to VOOM, E* is fabricating this "material breach" when no breach occured and there were cures in the contract that addressed such issues. Just because Dish Network dropped the VOOM channels, that does not mean they were right to do so under the terms and conditions of the contract. If VOOM is "in the right" then they should continue in their litigation against E*.

You really dont know what your talking about. There are other things that VOOM breached that caused Dish to terminate the contract back in January. I do hope that all of this stuff becomes public soon. As I was mad at Dish as were a lot of other folks when they pulled down VOOM, but now knowing what went down changed my mind on the matter as it did others who walked into our 2 hour meeting yesterday who were VERY upset with VOOMs demise with Dish.

Even someone I spoke to from Rainbow mentioned to me that they screwed up. After to talking to both sides about the issue both of their stories added up.

The only thing I am upset at Dish for is the way they dropped the first 10 channels without notice. And I voiced my displeasure of this loudly to Charlie in the mist of 25 other SatelliteGuys members yesterday at the meeting.
Scott did they say anything about trying to work out anything with Voom or would they not discuss that.
On Friday Night I had a feeling that they wanted VOOM back, but just 5 channels of VOOM. Then something happened overnight that changed that feeling. I dont know what happened but the future now looks dim for VOOM coming back to Dish.

You really don't know what your talking about. There are other things that VOOM breached that caused Dish to terminate the contract back in January.

Not knowing the facts does not stop some from specualting about what might be the case and paasing it off as if it were the truth. they have convinced themselves that it happened this way and therefore they try to convince others that it happened that way.

In this case we DO know what the VOOM argument was as to whether they satisfied the spending requirement as that argument is mentioned throughout the court rulings. we also know that the court rejected their argument and why they rejected it.

The one thing he said that is true is that it is hard t o figure out why VOOM would want a different agreement. but, if the DISH argument is correct and VOOM breached the November 2005 agreement then everything is different.

Personlaly I think that the two sides need each other and I for one would like to see the VOOM package returned in some form. I also age that DISH hanled thsi whole thing VERY badly. I suspect that they were emboldened by the ruling in NY and forgot that they also have to deal with their customer base. Just don't tell me that we don't really know the arguments that each side raised when in fact we do know much of this. Jim i just refusing to accept the facts that are not convenient to his argument.

I've always respected your work and enthusiasm for this forum. Recently it sounded like you were talkingthe "party line" and siding with the decision to rip out Voom, but in the above reply #822, I see where you are coming from. Obviously you have esoteric knowledge the rest of us are not yet aware of. Also I agree completely that the WAY Dish removed Voom without any prior warning or request for feedback was nasty, and thank you for confronting Charlie on this point (you have redeemed yourself).

I am annoyed that many forum contributors dismiss my (and other's) feelings at the demise of Voom on the basis that it was just repeated programming anyway. Sure, but did these same people stop to think that they, themselves, for example, like to hear their favorite songs over and over again? So it was with me with the music concerts and with the weekly opera presentations on Gallery; so what if you have enjoyed them before? That stuff bears revisiting, and I'm glad I had that opportunity. Also I learned so much about art works on the other half of Gallery; I really miss it already. My taste may be in the minority, but, hey, that's precisely what Voom offered--something for the rest of us.

Alas, Gallery does not seem to be one of the chosen "5" that may return. I do see that it is still carried by our local cable hd company. Guess what I am considering?

Thanks, again, Scott, for being a voice for us Voom people; what else do we have against this enormous corporation?

Every time I would Google a satellite issue I was sent to this site. I finally decided to join when Dish took the Voom stations off my HD package. I wanted to join in on the discussion of this subject.
I am soon going to suspend my satellite programming till I pay for a car that I'm desperately in need of. Maybe in 6 months Dish programming will change for the better.
What a frustrating weekend, no Monsters or Equator this sucks.

I agree. I got home from a vacation and told my wife that we will turn on MONSTERS HD and watch a movie. NO MONSTERS! The one station I really enjoyed-gone. Chillers? With many commercials, repeats, and NO HD-in other words it SUCKS.:mad::(
On Friday Night I had a feeling that they wanted VOOM back, but just 5 channels of VOOM. Then something happened overnight that changed that feeling. I dont know what happened but the future now looks dim for VOOM coming back to Dish.

Sounds like CVC woke up and decided to kill VOOM. Since it looks impossible to keep Dish in the original contract, someone else is going to have to help support VOOM. CVC just spent major bucks buying newsday, the prospect of supporting VOOM out of their own pocket probably killed VOOM. After Dish suddenly dropped VOOM, CVC lawyers and accountants probably started to review everything, it would take a few days.

The reality probably sunk in, for VOOM to survive it would have to be sold nationwide to a lot of cable companies. Cable companies without capacity would not want to carry "channels no one has ever heard of". So, it would come down to taking reduced payments from Dish (even if Dish paid the same $ for 5 channels, a lot fewer viewers would be in ultimate, but likely Dish would want to pay less) and making up for the shortfalls from CVC until they were able to sell it to more providers.
CVC just spent major bucks buying newsday,

And Sundance Channel.

Cable and Satellite is clamoring for new HD channels. They just don't want a 15 channel suite of it, especially of such bizarrely ultra-niche, repetitive channels. And they definitely don't want one that demands to be in a base package.

My opinion- Rainbow has a big library of stuff. They will sell some of it off to other channels. They will launch a couple new, stand alone channels. They will put up HD versions of WE, IFC, Fuse , and Sundance, and augment them with Voom material.

Hmmm, with trying to market both IFC and Sundance, they will have to differentiate them a little more. Currently, IFC is more of the "shock" channel of the two, and Sundance is a little classier. We could start to see Monsters material showing up on IFC when they go HD, and some of the World Cinema/Film Fest stuff on Sundance.

Hell, they could even rebrand stuff to match their other channels, which is easier to sell.

Change Ultra to "WE Fashion HD"

Spin-off IFC's late-night Grindhouse block into it's own channel! "IFC Grindhouse HD" could run Monsters and Kung Fu stuff...you just need to sprinkle in some sleezy sexploitation. THIS WOULD BE GREAT!

How about "Sundance International HD" and "Sundance Classics HD"? Sell it as a mini-premium multiplex.

Most of the Rave stuff wouldn't fit on Fuse, since it's aimed at young kids. But why not start "Fuse Live HD"?
Oh, I forgot about AMC. They've tried to do AMC spinoff channels before, but always failed. They tried a channel called "American Pop", and at one time there were plans for a channel that some people called "American Movie Classics Classic" which would go back to the old AMC format and compete with TCM. Maybe now is the time for "AMC-II HD" to leverage whatever they were planning to put on VOOM Movies.

I turned on my TV this morning to see what was on the VOOM channels. To my dismay I found that NONE of them are available. I checked DISH Network and VOOM to see what the heck was going on. I know I'm late to this forum and that this is OLD news BUT it was NEW to me today. Anyway, I called DISH Network and canceled my service with them. The VOOM channels were my favorites, even more than HBO, Showtime, and Starz! On the bright side, I'm saving myself about $95 per month. Regardless of which company is at fault it pissed me off that the portion of my service that I liked the MOST was dropped without notice.

As soon as my contract is up I am gone, with no Voom I dont see what they have D* doesnt.
I turned on my TV this morning to see what was on the VOOM channels. To my dismay I found that NONE of them are available.

Welcome to Satelliteguys! Thanks for posting.

The fact that it took you six days to realize that 15 channels went missing from your reciever speaks more than the rest of the message. I understand and share your anger at having lost the channels. But unfortunately, most subscribers STILL don't realize the channels are gone, and many never knew they were there in the first place.

I want the channels back too, but I think Voom will be closing up shop in the US soon. :)

See ya

I turned on my TV this morning to see what was on the VOOM channels. To my dismay I found that NONE of them are available. I checked DISH Network and VOOM to see what the heck was going on. I know I'm late to this forum and that this is OLD news BUT it was NEW to me today. Anyway, I called DISH Network and canceled my service with them. The VOOM channels were my favorites, even more than HBO, Showtime, and Starz! On the bright side, I'm saving myself about $95 per month. Regardless of which company is at fault it pissed me off that the portion of my service that I liked the MOST was dropped without notice.


Welcome to the forum. And did you tell them you were dumping them because of the VOOM channels being dumped?
Welcome to Satelliteguys! Thanks for posting.

The fact that it took you six days to realize that 15 channels went missing from your reciever speaks more than the rest of the message. I understand and share your anger at having lost the channels. But unfortunately, most subscribers STILL don't realize the channels are gone, and many never knew they were there in the first place.

I want the channels back too, but I think Voom will be closing up shop in the US soon. :)

See ya

Some people are busy working during the week and don't have much time for TV. I know I have weeks like that and this upcoming week may end up being one of those but thats a whole different story. :rolleyes:

Also, examine your signature and the spelling of one of the words below the line.

A friendly hello goes out to rbest from me as well. Welcome to the boards.
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On Friday Night I had a feeling that they wanted VOOM back, but just 5 channels of VOOM. Then something happened overnight that changed that feeling. I dont know what happened but the future now looks dim for VOOM coming back to Dish.

So when do we get to hear the in depth report of the 2 hour meeting?
Off the record is a scary phrase in a forum like this. I expect "candid" conversations but getting the best behind the scenes, in depth reports is the value to this site.

What are the details left out of the public record on the Voom/Dish issue?
Dish never offered the full Voom lineup promised in the beginning. So what happened in January? I know you aptly called DirecTv the true HD leader, so now how does Dish explain this backward step? -roll out with roll backs.

I know the usual bashers want their Cartoon Network, Speed channel reruns and favorite niche programming at the cost of others favorites but that's been covered enough elsewhere. However, from Team Summit, the Dish ra-ra fest, what are the respective points of views on contractual issues on the Voom issue as you see them now?
So when do we get to hear the in depth report of the 2 hour meeting?
Your not.

What are the details left out of the public record on the Voom/Dish issue?
Because of the litigation they can't say anything officially. I will say I posted a rumor the other day about VOOM which appears like it was on the money about the entire ordeal.
As soon as my contract is up I am gone, with no Voom I dont see what they have D* doesnt.

Yeh, let's wait till you really find out what it's going to cost you. Check around on the threads. Barely anyone is moving. Who wants to fork out 3-$400.00 for what will be a draw in a three or four months. Grass is alway greener on the other side until you have to pay the toll to get there.
Please reply by conversation.

CONGRATS ECHOSTAR! 922 wins best of CES award!

Just wanted to say THANKS.

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