Wanted 10-250 got HR20

Please reply by conversation.
Hey GB33. Let me talk to you mano o mano from the installers point of view. You are the worst customer any tech can dream of. You are mad at CSR, mad at a tech and the truth is let me explain it to you.....us installers and customer reps have nothing to do with your problems. We rather sell and install regular basic equipment and make sweet quick and easy money.

Somebody on the top at Directv those idiots I dont know who some engineers came up with a ridiculous idea of a new 50 pound dish size of a small trailer that we have to install for all you bitching customers with big screen high definition TVs. The truth is we hate to install those dishes. I make 3 dollars more for a dish that is a major pain in the butt. I hate them we all hate them. But have no choice (exept quit the job which many of us do). Reason your tech was 1.5 hour late is because he probably had to climb on top of a big ass house to install this monstous dish for another customer. These dishes take a lot of time and energy.

How come Dish Network does have HD channels and doesnt have ridiculous dish to punish their techs? Our job is getting harder and harder. And customers are getting more and more demanding. You think once you bought a 5,000 dollar TV I have to lick your ass? Why? I rather go do 2 hour job with basic equipment and make twice the money in less time. And customers will be happy with no demands.

And GB33 in conclusion the most important point you and people like you are missing...... This is just a TV for gods sake. Its not life and death matter take it easy relax. Life is good turn off your TV get out and listen to the birds sing its beautiful in the morning depends where you live of course but I am telling you no TV HD or SD will ever come close to it.
no wonder CSR's are flooded with calls everyday
Dumbass such as yourself who can't do a professional install
tech007 said:
Hey GB33. Let me talk to you mano o mano from the installers point of view. You are the worst customer any tech can dream of. You are mad at CSR, mad at a tech and the truth is let me explain it to you.....us installers and customer reps have nothing to do with your problems. We rather sell and install regular basic equipment and make sweet quick and easy money.

Somebody on the top at Directv those idiots I dont know who some engineers came up with a ridiculous idea of a new 50 pound dish size of a small trailer that we have to install for all you bitching customers with big screen high definition TVs. The truth is we hate to install those dishes. I make 3 dollars more for a dish that is a major pain in the butt. I hate them we all hate them. But have no choice (exept quit the job which many of us do). Reason your tech was 1.5 hour late is because he probably had to climb on top of a big ass house to install this monstous dish for another customer. These dishes take a lot of time and energy.

How come Dish Network does have HD channels and doesnt have ridiculous dish to punish their techs? Our job is getting harder and harder. And customers are getting more and more demanding. You think once you bought a 5,000 dollar TV I have to lick your ass? Why? I rather go do 2 hour job with basic equipment and make twice the money in less time. And customers will be happy with no demands.

And GB33 in conclusion the most important point you and people like you are missing...... This is just a TV for gods sake. Its not life and death matter take it easy relax. Life is good turn off your TV get out and listen to the birds sing its beautiful in the morning depends where you live of course but I am telling you no TV HD or SD will ever come close to it.

Geez, you are a whiney little man. The 5 lnb dish weighs about 32 lbs, not 50. It is a bit bigger than a phase 3 dish, but not much bigger. If you are going to make a fool out of yourself, at least get your facts straight.
tech007 said:
Hey GB33. Let me talk to you mano o mano from the installers point of view. You are the worst customer any tech can dream of. You are mad at CSR, mad at a tech and the truth is let me explain it to you.....us installers and customer reps have nothing to do with your problems. We rather sell and install regular basic equipment and make sweet quick and easy money.

Somebody on the top at Directv those idiots I dont know who some engineers came up with a ridiculous idea of a new 50 pound dish size of a small trailer that we have to install for all you bitching customers with big screen high definition TVs. The truth is we hate to install those dishes. I make 3 dollars more for a dish that is a major pain in the butt. I hate them we all hate them. But have no choice (exept quit the job which many of us do). Reason your tech was 1.5 hour late is because he probably had to climb on top of a big ass house to install this monstous dish for another customer. These dishes take a lot of time and energy.

How come Dish Network does have HD channels and doesnt have ridiculous dish to punish their techs? Our job is getting harder and harder. And customers are getting more and more demanding. You think once you bought a 5,000 dollar TV I have to lick your ass? Why? I rather go do 2 hour job with basic equipment and make twice the money in less time. And customers will be happy with no demands.

And GB33 in conclusion the most important point you and people like you are missing...... This is just a TV for gods sake. Its not life and death matter take it easy relax. Life is good turn off your TV get out and listen to the birds sing its beautiful in the morning depends where you live of course but I am telling you no TV HD or SD will ever come close to it.

Im kinda stunned not sure where to start. First the life and death thing..this is a satellite forum so discussing satellite issues seems to the thing to do here. Where would one go to discuss sat issues if it were not for forums like this.

As for complaining about installing sat. dishes and being a sat dish installer Im kinda befuddled. Perhaps cable installation might be the way to go since this whole dish installation thing isnt working out so well for ya.

As for licking assess. I have CSR and tech issues. Maybe it was the tech who came out and insisted that D* had voom or perhaps it was my phone calls to D* who repeatedly stated that poor pq had to do with my installation or equipemnt only to have D* techs insist its the satellites fault. Kinda frustrates the buyer of the product that you represent.

Remember we buy our $5,000 TVs so we can watch them. If the Satellite provider fails to provide proper service then we have every right to complain about them to the CSRs and Techs of D*.
See when I go to install for a customer I dont care whether you live in a trailer or a million dollar mansion whether you have an ole plain tv or a 5000 dollar flatskreen. I dont care. What I do care is how much DTV pay me for an install and how much time they allocate on average for install, customer ed, lunch time etc.... The fact is I love my job and always always try to please my customers and go an extra mile.
So here is two different scenarios. A trailer with four room install and basic dish - easy to do, happy customers no complaints. And a mansion with tile roof no place to put that dish pole mount trenching through the baseball field going through the atticks wall fishing stupid looped cable setup. I get paid same money for this monster job and at the end what do I get for my effort? Bitching snobby customers. Why?
One thing that I hate about those customers is that they call for a new receiver before they buy that new TV. So here I am running cables and installing a dish and activating the receiver. Thats my job right? Wrong. This snob decides that my job is also installing his new flatscreen, lifting and moving it (???), reading and explaining 200 page manual to him, going through the setup on tv that is plugged in for the first time. At the end I have to explain them HOW their NEW just opened TV works!!! Because they never had a TV like that they just got it from Best Buy and spend 5000 dollars. Of course OF COURSE who else but an installer is here to educate them on their new TV?
Just think about a simple fact like this: customer all their life had a regular 4:3 TV set with a regular SD picture. Now they buy a wide screen 16:9 TV and they dont understand WHY they have lines on side of their TV. THEY NEVER HAD LINES BEFORE. You just broke my TV!!!! Fix it!!!
Unfortunately satellite installer is one of a few live persons that customers actually see at their home therefore we get all the demands and trouble. You buy TV online or in the store it is delivered to you in a box. They dont send a guy to install your TV. Actually....they probably give you an option for a few hundreed bucks to send a TV technician but you wanna save money and install it yourself. But you cant. Cuz you stupid. And now you mad. And you looking for a person to blame. You stupid but I am the one to blame. Pretty slick.
Even more. Verizon sends you an offer. Save 50 cents on your monthly bill if we combine your phone internet and tv all in one. Not my business do what you want but please please dont ask me to set up your DSL box. I dont work for Verizon. And once again Verizon offered you for an extra charge to fix up your internet but you wanna do it yourself so please do. Stop asking me stupid questions and dont be mad. It says "Directv" on my shirt not "A guy who will fix all electronics in your house and then make you a 3 course meal and blow you for free". We dont do that. At least not for free.
The OTA issue is something that will be addressed in a couple of weeks, not months or years. Certainly, this new equipment that came out of beta field testing in L.A. just a week ago will have its kinks, just like almost every other new piece of equipment brought to market. It took 14 firware reelases to get the H10-250 "stable", so if this is getting close after 2-3....that's progress. Hope you get what you want soon.[/QUOTE]

I sure never got "14" firmware releases for my HR10-250 and I have had it since 2 months after it was released. Maybe 5 but sure not 14. It has also been stable for me since day 1. Reading about this "replacement" reminds me of what I have read about Dish DVRs over the past few years. Off air tuners don't work, thats ok there will be a software upgrade, something else isn't right, thats ok there will be a software upgrade.

Please, this thing was in the works for a couple of years, it should be working now without upgrades and OTA should have been working from the start also. No wonder they now require a 2 year committment, without it they couldn't keep anyone signed up.
tech007 said:
It says "Directv" on my shirt not "A guy who will fix all electronics in your house and then make you a 3 course meal and blow you for free". We dont do that. At least not for free.

All-in-all, a pretty good summary of why I have always insisted on self-installs. :rolleyes:
tech007 said:
Hey GB33. Let me talk to you mano o mano from the installers point of view. You are the worst customer any tech can dream of. You are mad at CSR, mad at a tech and the truth is let me explain it to you.....us installers and customer reps have nothing to do with your problems. We rather sell and install regular basic equipment and make sweet quick and easy money.

Somebody on the top at Directv those idiots I dont know who some engineers came up with a ridiculous idea of a new 50 pound dish size of a small trailer that we have to install for all you bitching customers with big screen high definition TVs. The truth is we hate to install those dishes. I make 3 dollars more for a dish that is a major pain in the butt. I hate them we all hate them. But have no choice (exept quit the job which many of us do). Reason your tech was 1.5 hour late is because he probably had to climb on top of a big ass house to install this monstous dish for another customer. These dishes take a lot of time and energy.

And GB33 in conclusion the most important point you and people like you are missing...... This is just a TV for gods sake. Its not life and death matter take it easy relax. Life is good turn off your TV get out and listen to the birds sing its beautiful in the morning depends where you live of course but I am telling you no TV HD or SD will ever come close to it.

"Mano o mano" eh? And what was that about a flatsKreen t.v? Yeah okay. I think I am understanding all of the trailer references now.
I actually came back on today to give an update on my use of the HR20 over the last few days. But this guy is just way to fun to dismiss. I will be brief and as un-personal as can be. First I am not one of the "you guys" you are describing. I have a job that is physical and by no means glamorous, hotel maintenance to be specific. My television is about 5 yrs old and is an earlier HD model that I got on sale, again to be specific $1,800. But good try on figuring me out, may want to check that package of Tarrot cards that came with your installers license, I think you got hosed Tommy.
The only reason we were upset with the installer was that I took time off of work for close to 2hrs because he was 1.5hrs later than his stated window. To make it worse there was no such courtesy call or warning to say he'd be late. He later explained to us it is the installer (Bluegrass in Ind) that schedules him, and all three of his apts. were given the same 2hr window. Not his fault, but he or their office could have called. We especially felt bad for him after he broke his glasses in 2 while carrying up the AT9 dish. He did not have to run one single cable to a single dish. It was a remove and replace, and I pulled out everything he needed to get to and left drawings of how I wanted it connected through tv & reciever. He was very appreciative. And 2 hrs later, we offered him a drink and he left. End of story.
As far as the box we got (HR20) I was bummed because I wanted 10-250 and he brought HR20, as my gut instinct told me he would. But I again sort of felt bad because he thought he was doing me a favor and claimed I was the first in Indy to get it. So we kept it as it was.
After a long weekend of use, things are looking better and some of my tears have dried up. Also had a good hard rain that I was hoping for, and the AT9 surprisingly held it's ground. Even on HD locals were signal is pretty low to start. It did not break up with signal on 99* sat at 51. though I did have one "crash" and reboot.
Still really miss the no dual buffers, but keep reading of it perhaps being implimented in the future. As with all of this stuff, I will certainly not hold my breath. Just have to keep the mindset that "this is just a sat box that can record stuff. I am not going to be as comfortable with the interface as much as Tivo, but it's just a box." Once OTA's and or more of my locals in HD arrive, I should be fine. I just wish I knew an actual time.
Review continues.
GB33 said:
"Mano o mano" eh? And what was that about a flatsKreen t.v? Yeah okay. I think I am understanding all of the trailer references now.
I actually came back on today to give an update on my use of the HR20 over the last few days. But this guy is just way to fun to dismiss. I will be brief and as un-personal as can be. First I am not one of the "you guys" you are describing. I have a job that is physical and by no means glamorous, hotel maintenance to be specific. My television is about 5 yrs old and is an earlier HD model that I got on sale, again to be specific $1,800. But good try on figuring me out, may want to check that package of Tarrot cards that came with your installers license, I think you got hosed Tommy.
The only reason we were upset with the installer was that I took time off of work for close to 2hrs because he was 1.5hrs later than his stated window. To make it worse there was no such courtesy call or warning to say he'd be late. He later explained to us it is the installer (Bluegrass in Ind) that schedules him, and all three of his apts. were given the same 2hr window. Not his fault, but he or their office could have called. We especially felt bad for him after he broke his glasses in 2 while carrying up the AT9 dish. He did not have to run one single cable to a single dish. It was a remove and replace, and I pulled out everything he needed to get to and left drawings of how I wanted it connected through tv & reciever. He was very appreciative. And 2 hrs later, we offered him a drink and he left. End of story.
As far as the box we got (HR20) I was bummed because I wanted 10-250 and he brought HR20, as my gut instinct told me he would. But I again sort of felt bad because he thought he was doing me a favor and claimed I was the first in Indy to get it. So we kept it as it was.


You're way too kind!

... and they want to charge me $300 to get the new H20 unit to my house while I pay $700 at circuit city early this year for the h10-250..

...Not really fair.... :mad:
underlord2 said:
... and they want to charge me $300 to get the new H20 unit to my house while I pay $700 at circuit city early this year for the h10-250..

...Not really fair.... :mad:

Geez, you could have had it for $299-$100MIR this time last year, provided you were an existing D* customer then.
GB33 said:
"Mano o mano" eh? And what was that about a flatsKreen t.v? Yeah okay. I think I am understanding all of the trailer references now.
I actually came back on today to give an update on my use of the HR20 over the last few days. But this guy is just way to fun to dismiss. I will be brief and as un-personal as can be. First I am not one of the "you guys" you are describing. I have a job that is physical and by no means glamorous, hotel maintenance to be specific. My television is about 5 yrs old and is an earlier HD model that I got on sale, again to be specific $1,800. But good try on figuring me out, may want to check that package of Tarrot cards that came with your installers license, I think you got hosed Tommy.
The only reason we were upset with the installer was that I took time off of work for close to 2hrs because he was 1.5hrs later than his stated window. To make it worse there was no such courtesy call or warning to say he'd be late. He later explained to us it is the installer (Bluegrass in Ind) that schedules him, and all three of his apts. were given the same 2hr window. Not his fault, but he or their office could have called. We especially felt bad for him after he broke his glasses in 2 while carrying up the AT9 dish. He did not have to run one single cable to a single dish. It was a remove and replace, and I pulled out everything he needed to get to and left drawings of how I wanted it connected through tv & reciever. He was very appreciative. And 2 hrs later, we offered him a drink and he left. End of story.
As far as the box we got (HR20) I was bummed because I wanted 10-250 and he brought HR20, as my gut instinct told me he would. But I again sort of felt bad because he thought he was doing me a favor and claimed I was the first in Indy to get it. So we kept it as it was.

WOW - Installers getting mad at the customer because their company works them like a soup bone ? It's not the customer who's to blame. Many of us customers have to take time off work and wait for the installation. So tough sh*t for us if the installer is hours late ? (without a call) Well I will call D* and get a missed appointment credit (for my inconvenience) I realize installers have to bust ass to get these jobs done, but it's not the customers fault. Your beef is with Directv & your company NOT the customer.:mad:
Listen people I dont know where you live and what kind of service you getting from different companies but from my personal experience as an installer and a customer on different occasions myself can tell you that DirecTV is one of the best companies out there when it comes to pleasing their customers. And it is officially a fact DTV is No 1 in customer sat among cable and satellite companies years in a row.

A lot of my installs take place when people just move into their new homes owned or rented. Let me tell you something its true. Bare walls and a new carpet to sleep on. We are always always the first to arrive. Movers are late. Verizon makes appointment 8-12 am its already 4.30 pm and nobody called or showed up. On multiple occasions. Actually pretty much all the time. Reason I know is because DTV busts our balls about those stupid phone lines so I have to ask and people say nope phone is not hooked up yet. Tomorrow....Yeah you wish.

One other factor is people are different. This is forum is for bitchy whiney customers who didnt get enough satisfation from yelling at the poor installer, they need to come here and bitch more. I understand. Not everybody is like that. I am not like that myself. I wait for heater/AC company as long as I need to and trust me when they fix my cooler I am the happiest man on earth. I am very excited when people do something that I cant. When they fix my car. My garage door. Things like that. I am like a kid watching them work. When they make things work miraculously. And you guys just expect us to appear in a "2 hour window" even AFTER YOU BEEN TOLD that installer had 3 (!!!) appointments in that 2 hour window. Clear your brains and explain me what do you expect? Miracle? Or hope that you be the first one in that window?
tech007 said:
One other factor is people are different. This is forum is for bitchy whiney customers who didnt get enough satisfation from yelling at the poor installer, they need to come here and bitch more. I understand. Not everybody is like that. ?

Right on Tech007. :hatsoff:

Finally someone who speaks for the sometimes silent majority. But not all users of this forum fit the focus of your anger. Just the loudest and most vocal who rarely do anything but complain or find fault. You have defended your position well. There are a lot of great people posting and using these forums, They are here to learn, exchange knowledge, help others or just enjoy a good discussion on topics that interest them. They are the majority and should not be lumped in with those who have upset you.

As for the minority just page through the strings with complaints and you will see the same screen names time and time again. They are a fraction of the DirecTV customer base out there. They find this or other forums as their way of venting on issues that for some are minor and for most aren't even issues at all. No matter what the issue it will never be solved for them. And in the unlikey event they ever reach a level of satisfaction, they will quickly find another thing that seems to irritate them to no end that will occupy their mind.

For many my guess is that they not only feel this way about D*, but handle all aspects of their lives in the same manner. They are the "I want it now", "Give it to me or else", My way or no way", generation of whiners, snifflers and door slammers that permeates society, and expects more than anyone could or should reasonably ever be expected to give them.:rolleyes:

Unfortunately they don't see it that way and never will, even though it is as plain as the nose on their face.

I have always been treated well by DirecTV and any Tech that has come to my home. I am satisfied with my service and what the future holds with this company. If I were not, unlike many who constantly complain, I would terminate my service and find something more suited to my needs. Anyway try not to let the foolishness you see in here ruin your day. Most customers appreciate your work.:up
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