WARNING: Why DirecTV stinks...

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SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Aug 17, 2005
WARNING: Why DirecTV "service" stinks...

From a "customer service" point of view. DirecTV is far inferior to my local cable company. I have had a total of 3 sets of techinicians in my house (if you include the original installs). If you live in the northeast, I would avoid D* subcontractor "DirecTech" and see if you can get an independent company and pay a few $$$ more to save some headaches.
1) The first guys did the sloppiest install I have ever seen. The holes they drilled in my walls we about 3x to big for the cables, and yes I measured (you could feel wind blowing through them!!!). They did not install the $0.25 grommets to cover the holes, which all of my CableTV installers always did in the past. They left about 1 foot of slack in the cables on the exterior of the house, and they just flapped in the wind. Although they had ladders on the truck, they were to lazy to bring the stepladder into my basement. So they stood on one of my chairs that I was storing, and ripped the fabric on the seat!!! Also, one of the connectors fell off of the coax the first time I disconnected a receiver.
2) The second guys did not bother to check all of my recievers after they installed some grounding wires. Well I found out later that night the "grounding" caused one of my recievers to malfunction (wow, I bet they are sure glad they saved the 4 minutes it would have taken to make sure the system was actually working).
3) Let me preface this segment with the house wiring electrical problem I had. All four recievers stopped functioning properly due to some electrical overload. Well I have temporily fixed the issue, and need new boxes. Well D* said they wanted to send out some techs anyhow, and they would bring the boxes with them (and she would put that in the work instructions). This segment is my personal favorite. So the new set of techs show up. One was obviously the "Brains", and the other was the "Braun". It was fun, the "Brain" (let's call him "Jose") could not speak intelligeable English. So he had to speak through the "Braun" (let's call him "Jaun"). But the "Braun" was VERY obviously a trainee, who walked around with his mouth hanging open with a confused look on his face. So I explained the electrical problems I had, and that they were now resolved for the moment. Of course "Brains" began to have a heated argument with me that it had nothing to do with the electrical. So, they replaced the multiswitch and the LNB. Oh, and let me interject that they did not bring a ladder; so I had to spend 15 minutes diggin mine out of the shed. Then the "brain" said it must be the coax, so they ran a new one direct to one of the receivers. GEE! big surprise! Then finally he conceeded that it was the receivers. But OH NO, they didn't bring ANY with them!!! Then I said fine please fix the coax connector problem from visit #1. Well the "Brain" stood on my front step chain smoking, while the "braun" spent about 15 minutes trying to figure out how to put on a connector. After they left, and after I swept away the pile of cigarrette butts he left RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY DOOR, I went back upstairs to inspect the new connector and needless to say the connector fell right off. So we called thier office back, and told them to have somebody out right away to fix the connector. Well, the "brain" calls back and my wife answers. He basically starts berating my wife (in the way that only insecure latino men treat thier women) and says something like: "Oh no honeee, you still don't understand, it's the boxes that are bad. Don't worry sweeteee, you have your husband call me and I'll explain it again to heeem". So at that point my wife has to explain to him about 3 times that he just "fixed" has fallen off again, and has to basically start screaming at him until he agrees to come back. Thankfully, he made the "braun" stay in the truck so he could fix it himself. Then needless to say I spent 1+ hour on the phone with D* to get 4 new boxes ordered. For some strange reason, they could only order the first 2 and had to shuffle me around to other people to get the other 2 orderd. And they wouldn't FedEx overnight them either (even though they promised they service tech would bring them!!!).

So let me list all the ways cable was better for 20+ years, in the several different houses and apartments I lived in (with various different cable companies):
1) Installs were always very very well done, by people who knew what they were doing. NEVER had to have someone come back to fix a problem previous installs. Definitely never had any problem with connectors falling off. And the installers were always couteous, and spoke English.
2) The 2 times I had a reciver fail, I drove 10 minutes to the local office and got a new one (I had a total downtime of 30 minutes). I did not have to wait 3+ days for them shipped to me.
3) Never had equipment fail due to electrical wiring. Which is amazing because when I was in college I lived in some old victorians with multiple receivers on very bad wiring (fuses would fry daily but all our receivers kept working!).

So that being said, if I wasn't saving ~$400 per year (D* vs. cableTV), I would drop this company immediately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am sorry to hear about your issues, but these all sound like your installer issues rather than DirecTV. A bit of BBB and word of mouth research can solve almost 99% of installer issues BEFOREHAND. Also BE OBSERVANT, if you see things going on that you do not like, SPEAK UP BEFORE THEY START or BEFORE THEY LEAVE and DO NOT let them start or sign off on the job; make them leave and get another installer! Its your home, if you don't like what you see STOP them and get a better crew, don't wait and then trash the signal provider afterward.
Whats good for the goose I guess. All of the D* groupies took great joy at pointing to poor V* installs and blaming V* for subcontractors. Therefore, Directv is totally at fault for this. Funny thing is my V* install was far more professional than the D* guy in the beat up chevy S10 babysitting his 10 yr old son on a saturday evening. He had "never seen one of those fancy Hughes e86's before". :rolleyes:
Well I for sure was NEVER one of those Vurbano; Voom, Dish and DirecTV are merely signal providers and a home owner/subscriber is TOTALLY responsible for their installer selection or at least what they allow the installer to get away with. If you sign off on the job you are agreeing that is was done to your satisfaction and you really lose MAJOR points with that. I always tell my friends to meet the installer at the driveway and talk to them for a minute or two while you peek at their truck and gear. If they are rude or pushy; BYE! If you see no ladder, BYE! If they can't explain to you what they are going to do before they start, BYE! Waiting another day or two isn't going to kill anyone and its ONLY TV! If you slack off and allow bad work then it is just as much your fault as it is the installers and I can't see where the DBS provider even comes into play at this point and once you sign off on the job, they can only help the best that they can; you have to except SOME responsibility and kind of roll with what you did to yourself.
What color is the sky on your planet???

Charper1, while you make some valid points, I wonder what color the sky is on your planet? Gee I sure wish I could live there, because it must be a "perfect world". I have a real day job, and can only schedule my service on Saturdays (I doubt DirecTech would send another crew out immediately just because "I didn't like the looks" of the techs). And while I do try to keep an eye on what the techs are doing, I HAVE 5 YEAR OLD TRIPLETS!!! Yeah right let's see, hmm between my wife and I that makes 2 vs 3. So I am supposed to watch the techs instead of making sure my kids don't get injured during the install, or worse somehow get in the Techs way. But the bottom line is: IT IS DIRECTV FAULT, I called them to suscribe and they scheduled the servivce. They need to monitor thier subcontractors better, and ensure standardized training. What people fail to remember is that we are the CUSTOMER, we pay for a service. This is not 1880, in a carpetbagger "buyer beware" enviroment!!! If directTV is not going to control thier subcontractors, WE SHOULD GET THAT INFO IN WRITING BEFORE THEY ACCEPT OUR BUSINESS! I work in a company that provides products to customers, we have independent field reps who service the customer. If they screw stuff up, we let them know in a very direct manner. If it is a recurring problem, we dissolve our contract with them.

But the real problem is the lack of American work ethic. No one cares about doing a good job anymore. Even liscensed tradesmen often have an "attitude" like they are doing me a favor jsut by showing up. That problem is compunded with the fact that the subcontrator pays substandard wages, and therefore only employs recent parolees and people from godforsaken third world countries (I mean how can you install sophisticated equipment when your last job was driving bannanas to town in a donkey cart?)

But I admit, it was a free install and you get what you pay for...
Is Directech the Directv dealer that sold you the system?

Directv has gone to great legal lengths to distance themselves from their authorized dealers (just as Dish Network has done).

They don't want the responsibility of the physical installation. Even now that they do "in-house" installations they are seperate corporate entities. They WANT insulation. You pay Directv for programming because that is how they want it.

off topic, please get your house electrical system fixed in you have 5 yr old triplets in the house.
I'm sure that 95% of the people here had good professional installs with none of the problems you are describing. Late for appointments, last minute cancels, yes, but you get those with the phone company, cable company, Dish, or any contractor.

We are all sorry that you have had such a bad experience, but if you really feel that Directv is that bad, call them and tell them to remove all the equipment and get rid of the service. Get Dish or cable and see how you like them. Don't keep ranting here. We don't want to hear it.

It's a FREE country!

billbillw said:
I'm sure that 95% of the people here had good professional installs with none of the problems you are describing. Late for appointments, last minute cancels, yes, but you get those with the phone company, cable company, Dish, or any contractor.

We are all sorry that you have had such a bad experience, but if you really feel that Directv is that bad, call them and tell them to remove all the equipment and get rid of the service. Get Dish or cable and see how you like them. Don't keep ranting here. We don't want to hear it.


Last time I checked we still had a thing called "Free Speech", or is it only free until I say something you don't like? What are you going to do next, go beat up that lady outside of Bush's ranch?

What I am doing is warning other people who are thinking about beoming new customers. And, if you actually took the time to read my post thoroughly, you will read that I am not telling them to do otherwise, I am telling them to see if they can hire a more professional installer other than DirecTech (who is what you get in the NorthEast if you call D* directly).
WalksInDarkness said:
I have a real day job, and can only schedule my service on Saturdays

So do I, I run my own business that keeps me tied up nearly 14hrs/day 7 days /wk. You make time for things that are important to you. This doesn't include getting kids to the sitters or off to school and making lunches either.

I doubt DirecTech would send another crew out immediately just because "I didn't like the looks" of the techs

I said you might wait a few days.. Sometime you have to wait or make changes to get exactly what you need; was it you that rushed the install process maybe?

And while I do try to keep an eye on what the techs are doing, I HAVE 5 YEAR OLD TRIPLETS!!!

I have four kids, 1yo, 2yo, 4yo and 10yo; your point is?

I called them to suscribe and they scheduled the servivce. They need to monitor thier subcontractors better, and ensure standardized training.

I will give you 50% on this, but if you do not like the service DO NOT sign off on the job, call to complain RIGHT THEN!

This is not 1880, in a carpetbagger "buyer beware" enviroment!!!

WRONG! This is even MORE buyer beware these days!

If directTV is not going to control thier subcontractors, WE SHOULD GET THAT INFO IN WRITING

I really do think they do tell you that these are independent contractors and NOT their guys. Other experts can chime in on this one.

But the real problem is the lack of American work ethic. No one cares about doing a good job anymore.

I couldn't agree more, and this includes we, the HOME OWNERS! To little upfront care and concern, to quick to bitch, complain and sue afterward. Too many folks with the "naive act"; acting like they don't know which end is up or that they are too overwhelmed about the care for their own property. Its always someone else's fault!

But I admit, it was a free install and you get what you pay for...

AMEN! Thats why I spend so much time on the front end asking questions, getting ALL the details, taking names and ID numbers, nothing hitting me blindly because I was too in a hurry to get it turned on.

That is why I did all my CAT6, RG6, and telephone pre-wire runs to MY SPEC and TOLD them where to put the dish.

BUT everyone has there own choices to make, my wife and I decided days in advance that they would visit the supermarket when the guy showed up so he could have my full attention.

A job done right the 1st time saved my time and headaches later which would have taken even more time away from my business and family!
WalksInDarkness said:
Last time I checked we still had a thing called "Free Speech", or is it only free until I say something you don't like? What are you going to do next, go beat up that lady outside of Bush's ranch?

What I am doing is warning other people who are thinking about beoming new customers. And, if you actually took the time to read my post thoroughly, you will read that I am not telling them to do otherwise, I am telling them to see if they can hire a more professional installer other than DirecTech (who is what you get in the NorthEast if you call D* directly).

Sure is, but you've already started 3 or 4 threads here on the same subject and had the mods already combine your rants once. Nobody wants to see multiple threads on the same subject.
So, by your "buyer beware" comment. I should assume that when I buy my new Car, that I should go to the dealer and give them the blueprints on how to build it? And go to the factory and oversee its assembly? My giving them $30k doesn't entitle me to assume they have a quality product?

Charper1, you are soooo perfect. Please start a "self help cult", and you will be even richer. I hear Tom Cruise is getting disallusioned with Scientology.
You have your own business? You must have a very intersting "business model". What kind product/service do you have that allows that kind of attitude, "Meth Lab" perhaps???
I love how the insults fly as people realise that they too are at fault in how their install turned out, your comments do not even warrant reply, what a small person. Be angry with yourself , not me, I did my homework. Why not come here beforehand looking for help and advise rather than afterward only looking to bitch and complain about how tough your life is. Maybe you don't have time for TV and should just cancel it. END
Will do, I see another blazing business opportunity in his comments. I could fleece these walking naive guys. LoL!
charper1 said:
Why not come here beforehand looking for help and advise rather than afterward only looking to bitch and complain about how tough your life is.
I do come here looking for useful help daily, and sometimes get it. Like today I posted some questions about my TiVo (which I love by the way, good job DirecTV <-see I can be postive!). But surprisingly no one has answered my seemingly simple TiVo questions, yet I have gotten dozens of "Flames" on this idiotic post.

The reality is people LOVE conflict, they love this crap (and you do too, admit it, why else would you even reply). It is just like in the Howard Stern movie, when they said the listening time of: average fan = 2 hours, average hater=4 hours. Why, the people who hate him want to hear what outrageous thing he has to say next.
charper1 said:
Maybe you don't have time for TV and should just cancel it. END
You are right, that is a valid point.
TV interferes with my real priorities: Getting drunk and beating my kids!
I mean jeepers, when am I going to have time to fulfill my life goal: smoking crack and worshipping satan???
WalksInDarkness said:
You are right, that is a valid point.
TV interferes with my real priorities: Getting drunk and beating my kids!
I mean jeepers, when am I going to have time to fulfill my life goal: smoking crack and worshipping satan???

Dude you need some assistance.

Have you heard of Charp's new Self Help Cult?? :D
charper1 said:
I love how the insults fly as people realise that they too are at fault in how their install turned out, your comments do not even warrant reply, what a small person. Be angry with yourself , not me, I did my homework. Why not come here beforehand looking for help and advise rather than afterward only looking to bitch and complain about how tough your life is. Maybe you don't have time for TV and should just cancel it. END

Thats an easy position to take for those who have been sat customers in the past. But 1st timers are very intimidated. This is totally new to them. And they expect for PROFESIONALS to install their service. How are they to know what the installer should or should not be doing? How is a 1st time satellite customer supposed to know about this website? If installers want to be treated as professionals then they should do the job right. Are you NOT going to bitch and moan if your doctor screws up your operation?:rolleyes: I think the original poster has every right to be upset.
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Is there a way to get the west coast feeds?

multiswitch problem?

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