Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

new guy

just a quik Hello here I just bought a coolsat 5000 for fta and need help on a lot of stuff shuch as what kind i=of lnb I need to use it for true fta instead of the dish stuff the guy that sold it to me was using it for all I have is a old dish net work dish and lnbs can they be used for anything like that or do I need new ones?
Hello everyone

Hi everyone,
How is everyone doing? I am a newbie. This is my newest hobby, very exited. I will bother you guys a lot later on. Thank you in advanced.
Good morning everyone. I have been reading your threads for about a month now and I finally joined. I think this is one the best forums I have ever seen, so organized and informative. Thanks for everything you guy do.

Hi, I'm new here also, played with and installed mostly big dishes, been with Direct TV and also had and used the Hughes internet satellite until I finnally got DSL, at prices rising with DTV , been looking at going back to the Big Dish with a digital receiver, that to has changed a lot with much higher prices and fewer free to air channels, so I'm back to learning and the basics again...
Galoot here from Jamestown, New York. Dish Network subscriber (formerly TW, formerly Dish Network), recent HD package subscriber. Anxiously awaiting the Buffalo locals to broadcast in HD. Maybe they'll be up in time for "The Office" tomorrow night.
Hello Everyone

I would like to introduce myself to all of you, Im a new member even though I'm an old tester, I hope we all get along great and enjoy being on this site. :)
Hello to everyone! :)

I've often lurked here, usually after Googling something I needed to know. One way or the other, I always seem to wind up here.

I'm a DIRECTV subscriber, aspiring to become a DIRECTV HD subscriber soon.

I'm going to look around a bit. I look forward to many discussions with all of you in the very near future. Have a great evening, everyone! :)
Hello, I Thought this may be a good place to learn more about tv technology and have conversation with others about similar topics. Hope to converse with you at one time or another.
Yet Another Newbie (kinda)

Just thought I would say hello... I'm kinda new to this (sorta)... I have helped many of my friends and family set-up their sets but have never set up one for myself.. well I have decided it was time.... Looking forward to any help I may need in the future.


I am a new memberand have been advised to post hereto let you folks know who I am.
I am 76 years old and should know enough to just listen to the radio and watch the idiot box. I do spend a good bit of time on the net and keepup with conservative sites via the net. I live in the mountains of Western North Carolina with a small place in the Augusta, GA area where my wife has four children residing. She is a flaming liberal, so we don't discuss politics very often! My first wife died of nonHodgkins lymphoma after a bone marrow transplant, (the toughest person that I have ever known).

I have a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from Georgia Tech and spent most of my working life as a Physical Plant Director at three Universities. I am a Marine, no longer on active duty-some refer to that as discharged- (for many years). still a Jarhead at heart!

I have internet via Starband (a challenge} in NC and BellSouth in GA.

Now you more about me than you ever wanted to know.

Charles Johnson (bluflame)
Every time I would Google a satellite issue I was sent to this site. I finally decided to join when Dish took the Voom stations off my HD package. I wanted to join in on the discussion of this subject.
I am soon going to suspend my satellite programming till I pay for a car that I'm desperately in need of. Maybe in 6 months Dish programming will change for the better.
Greetings. Decided to pull the old BUD out of storage and get it back up and running. As I have never done this myself, I've been hitting the Web for info, and came across this site. Sure to be bugging you all for help later...

PC or Mac? Android or iPhone?

Do you wear glasses or contacts or don't you?