Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

Hi I'm new to this forum, but not new to satellite. I have both direct/dish since 1996. I have Direcway since the early days when it was direcpc. I'm a ham radio operator and I also cruise the c band dishes with my sony 2010 hf radio. I'm a linux geek that has a business on the side fixing windows machines. I make a living as an electrician.
I just recently got into hdtv on satellite and I run direct/dish side by side here. I live off the grid with solar/battery/generator and trace inverters.
Anyway, I've been seeing references in Google searches to Satellite Guys for years and I thought I'd come check it out.
Newbie Here

Howdy , newbie here . Great site you have and very informative. Happy New Year to all...
Big Happy New Years the MO woods. Doing chaparral two lnb, two dss lnbs off the side. Mainly just learning as I go.
Hello langlin and cotton!
Welcome to the forum! :wave
Hi all, Just starting out, don't know what I'm doing ,but trying to learn.
See you all around, got to go find that signal.
Thanks for letting me join you.
Hi, i just sined up today since i got me a coolsat 5000. It would be nice if somebady can steer me in the right of where i star with this device?

PC or Mac? Android or iPhone?

Do you wear glasses or contacts or don't you?

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