What Can Make Sky Angel Better?


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Sep 28, 2004
I'm not sure if any of the good folks from Sky Angel read these postings, but I thought this would be a great place for those of us who subscribe to Sky Angel to put our heads together and share our thoughts on what could make Sky Angel better.

Back in 1999, I took advantage of the Sky Angel lifetime membership for about $420.00. Since then I have noticed that Sky Angel has increased the monthly subscription. If I were paying $10.00 per month for this service, I would think about canceling the service.

Sky Angel claims to have a number of stations, but many of those stations air the same programs. I see this as a waste of satellite band width. Let's look at the big picture. As Christians, we believe that salvation comes by placing our faith and trust in Jesus Christ alone. He is the promised Messiah. I don't want this to turn into a theological debate, so let's not debate this in this forum. My point is that Christians - no matter what denomination we belong to - belives this ( I hope). So wouldn't it make more sense for these televisions stations to join together, reduce the redunancy within the daily programming, and find a way to add new channels that reach out to a larger Christian-based audience?

A new church was built on our community, and the pastor from my church attended the new church's celebration service. Someone commented that they were surprised to see a pastor from another local church at this service (as if we were in competition with each other). My pastor quickly pointed out that the community has more than 250,000 residents, and his church can't accomodate all 250,000 residents. In fact, there aren't enough churches in our area to house all 250,000 residents. We aren't in a competition. We need to work together in our community. I feel the same is true for Christian-based television stations. Each station is, in a sense, fighting for your viewership and your donations to keep their station operating.

All I'm trying to say is that TV stations on Sky Angel need to work together. I think more good can be done for the Christian community this way. Sorry for all the preaching. I would be interested in hearing other thoughts on what Sky Angel can do to improve it's services to the Christian community.
I too am a lifetime sub and not sure I would pay $11.99 a month for what you get. I guess I would as I also look on SA as a ministry not just what I am getting.

What you say is all true but not sure how you pull this off. SA is not in the programming biz. They mostly pass through what others develop. I am all for better programming but SA's view was/is they were/are a conduit for other ministries. They were/are providing free uplinking and all they asked in return was some promoting of SA. What you want, and it isn't a bad thing just different than the way SA operates now, is for SA to create/control programming. Uplinking is very expensive I am not sure SA can continue to do that for free forever. We shall see.

What I was hoping for in the lawsuit between Dish and SA was a deal where Dish could offer/add Christian channels and SA could offer a family friendly package of Dish channels like History, Fox news, Family channel, etc. That did not happen. Oh well.
I am not sure that SkyAngel has long term viability. I like some of the programming, but not enough is unique to it. I could pick up most of what I watch from Dish itself and I too doubt I would pay monthly for it.

I am not sure the idea of "our own satellite" network is really the best. Work with Dish to establish a "family-friendly" package, and open up moe programming (such as Daystar) to unbelievers.

I am also a lifelong sub, but I would pay the $11.99 per month if I hadn't purchased the lifelong ($175) =-)

I've thought about this over the years when I see Falwell on 5 channels on Sunday morning. The problem is, until they see Sky Angel as their number one outlet, Jerry needs to have his program available on all five channels for those that watch those channels on cable or over the air in their respective markets. I think what would work is when Sky Angel operates their own uplink, they could cover up redundancy with whatever they wanted and point people to the channel that is airing the specific program in question. Also, cover up the overnight with whatever they want. For instance, INSP and Guardian have informercials overnight, Liberty sells their goods, Daystar and Safe air Worship. I say cover all this up with specials, live events, bible study, etc. I really think with an uplink and man power they could do this.

Just my two cents.
Become pro-active about Sky Angel

I too am a lifetime sub to Sky Angel ($195) and would also subscribe at $11.99/month.

I like to take a pro-active approach to Sky Angel.

First, I look at them as a ministry and as such my wife and I support them financially on a monthly basis. We realize that $195 doesn’t go very far, and that if Sky Angel is to grow they need additional financial as well as prayer support from their subscribers. It must also be noted that Sky Angel has never once solicited us for financial support, we just write out a check, self address an envelope and send it to Dominion Foundation.

Second, I try to keep up with what’s going on at Sky Angel by frequently visiting their web site and looking at their press releases and “Sky Angel in the News”. I also watch “Inside Sky Angel” on Angel 1.

Third, as far as programming, I subscribe to the printed “Sky Angel Guide” as well as their free E-Newsletter. Also I became a member of their new “Viewer Advisory Board”. For those that are concerned about programming, their second questionnaire was all about that issue. You will never know about these things if you never visit their web site.

I encourage every Sky Angel subscriber to become pro-active. You may just come to love the ministry of Sky Angel as much as we do. :)

Thank you to everyone who has posted comments in this thread. This is what I was looking for when I posted my original thread. Hopefully we can keep it going.

I know that Sky Angel probably is not equipped to do this, but wouldn't it be great if they had a program that was similar to the Hallmark Channel? There have been many Christian-based movies produced. I think it would be cool to have a channel dedicated to showing these movies. I'm sure this would cost a pretty penny to produce such a show.

Any thoughts?
Safe TV is similar to this, and one of the other channels (Cornerstone?) seems to show a lot of these when I look.

I agree. I've been to the Cornerstone Television studio. I attended college about 40 miles from the station (back in the early 90's). I believe the sports program "Sportsweek" is taped at CTV, and I really like the show "His Place. " Back in the 80's and 90's when Christian music videos were starting to become more popular, CTV had a program called "Light Music" with Tom Green. I loved that show. Tom took a lot of heat for showing secular videos that had a biblical message. The show ended in 1997 when Tom and his family moved to New Zealand to pursue a new ministry opportunity. Tom passed away in 2003 following heart surgery. He was 55 years old. Tom's obituary appeared in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette

It's a good story about his life and ministries.

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