What is it with some people??

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First off, the news guy's name was ABNER????

I hope he puts up 100 antennas, 10 spotlights and paints his house purple with pink polka dots, then maybe the HOA will drop dead from shock.
depends on the HOA. Our HOA says we can't do the purple with pink polka dot color house :)

Its funny because I am the VP of our HOA and 1st day we chit chatted about the dish farm of mine. I showed them OTARD and they understand. They can restrict where we put it (they prefer on the deck or on the roof edge) but if I couldnt get reception, I could put it on the front of the house :)
I remember reading about a guy one time who put up a CB antenna on his roof back in the early 80s. He installed but hadn't even hooked it up to a transmitter yet. He got a knock on his door by three neighbors the same night saying the he was messing up their TV reception. Once he showed them that the coax wasn't even hooked up to a transmitter, they shut their mouth and left.

I'm so glad we live out in the country without an HOA. It's all a bunch of crap. I can understand someone who has piles and piles of trash pilled up around the house, but when you start getting ancy about paint color and antennas and stuff...my gosh. GET A HOBBY AND GET A LIFE!!! Leave us alone!
GrumpyGuy said:
I suspect that most of the time the antenna police prevail because the targeted individual is either:

  • unaware of their rights
  • is aware but does not want to make trouble
  • is aware, would not mind making trouble, but lacks the time to deal with it
Precisely. One of the most pressing problems in our country these days is that people are not educated as to their rights. They let others herd them around like sheep, and would prefer to lose their freedom instead of <GASP> possibly have to deal with a confrontation.

/rant ON

One of the most important rights of an American citizen is the right to PRIVATE PROPERTY. Unfortunately, its a right that is being eroded away more and more every day, primarily due to ignorance and fear. Complacency will only fuel this disturbing trend. Its past time we neuter these so-called Homeowners Associations and start to again teach the respect for private property that this country was founded on.

/rant OFF
It's not attractive, I'll say that but he's well within his rights to have it there. I'm glad the news report made it clear that he has been a licenced ham operator since 1968 and that he has helped with many worldwide emergencies with it.
Even though I don't live in an area that has a HOA, I think I might still give the neighbors a heads up before putting in place such an erection in my back yard.
On the other hand if those busy bodies didn't have that to rant about they'd probably find something else, probably more trivial to bitch about.
I wish everyone could experience what its like to work in retail for a couple of weeks. I work in a grocery store. So many people take out their daily frustrations on us everyday. We had one lady call our corporate office and complain because someone spelt cheese as "chease" on a sign...we must've done everything else right that day. I just don't get it...these people are insane. They have the right to complain, yes, but some of the stuff they complain about is crazy. No one complains about the cell phone towers. Why? Because they don't want their cell phones to drop out of range. But they look ten times worse than what this guy is wanting to put up!
It should be a law against nosy people.

What you or me do in our property is our business and some people can be very nice and understandable like one of my neighbors back in 1995 where i found a 5 meter dish where i told the neighbor if i could borrow some of his property as i need to do a big concrete foundation for it, no problem he said, we are never on the lawn anyway so go ahead.

Problem was some other nosy neighbor that didn't like it so the project never got started.
OTOH, that "chease" story points out another disturbing problem in this country.
dashaund said:
I wish everyone could experience what its like to work in retail for a couple of weeks. I work in a grocery store. So many people take out their daily frustrations on us everyday. We had one lady call our corporate office and complain because someone spelt cheese as "chease" on a sign...we must've done everything else right that day. I just don't get it...these people are insane. They have the right to complain, yes, but some of the stuff they complain about is crazy. No one complains about the cell phone towers. Why? Because they don't want their cell phones to drop out of range. But they look ten times worse than what this guy is wanting to put up!
dashaund said:
No one complains about the cell phone towers.

HA!!! You have GOT to be kidding here! I worked for GTE Wireless for 5 years
(before the merger that formed Verizon and left me pounding the pavement). I can come up with quite a few examples, but the one that sticks out in my head the most was this upper-middle class neighborhood that unequivically refused to allow a cell phone tower in or around a particar valley that otherwise had no cell service. They said a tower could not be erected because it would be an eyesore. The only thing that they kept glossing over was the location of the cell was to be BETWEEN AN INTERSTATE OFF RAMP AND THE INTERSTATE ITSELF! This was going to go on state property.

For over two years the battle between GTE and the neighborhood went on. The township trustees sided with the neighborhood. Finally after close to two years, the state of Ohio said they needed a tower there for highway patrol radio relay and GTE could build it and use the secondary spot for Cell service. Three other cell companies also put service on that tower. The neighborhood was up in arms!

Three weeks after the tower went up, I was activating a new customer. Just in passing, the customer made a comment to me about GTE finally getting service in this spot and how he had to "put up" with the lack of service there for years and years from us and our competitors.

His name was familiar, but I didn't make the connection until after he left. He was one of the township trustees that had that tower's construction tied up for 27 months! He spearheaded the actual court procedings against construction! And, at the time he was activating service was IN THE PROCESS OF COURT PROCEDINGS TO REMOVE THAT TOWER (see http://www.enquirer.com/editions/1999/06/25/loc_anderson_loses_tower.html)

So please don't tell me about logical complaints and cell towers. :D

See ya
So please don't tell me about logical complaints and cell towers.

I stand corrected. I guess that I just don't hear about those battles. You've got people that will put up with stuff so that they don't start trouble, then you've got those that start trouble. Go figure.
These are great examples on both sides; but most people are NIMBY's. (That means everything is OK by them as long as it's Not In My Back Yard). They don't want zoning rules, or city ordinances or HOAs infringing on THEM, as long as a junk yard, or neighbor running a car selling or car maintenance home business, or crack house looking dwelling, or that rain forest looking, rat, snake and spider infested pit of a yard is next to you or in your neighborhood and all of of their sight. They never want to see the real issues until it helps THEM directly.

Most of these people that claim they are for allowing people to "live and let live" or "allowing everyone do their this or that any way they please", BUT when it happens right next door or across the street or in their neighborhood once or twice the majority of those people soon change their tune. That being said a good bit of people with the live and let live type attitude that NEVER care are the ones that choose to live 100 miles from anything or anyone; but soon everything grows up around them and they either grudgingly put up with crap or move even further away rather than go back on their words and speak up. I have a BUD, a DirecTV and FTA dish and I live in a HOA. I, like most HOA residents NEVER have any issues. The vast majority are VERY GOOD and communicate well back and forth and know what they can and can't do with regard to state and/or FED laws that overrule them. Like everything else there are always bad apples that try to spoil it for the rest and ONLY THOSE need to be weeded out. Everything in moderation and done correctly! HOAs do far more good than harm and one day everyone will end up living next to a few people that require some sort of directional influence to do the common sense and correct things; its unfortunate, but true. If it weren't true, we likely wouldn't have 3 and 4 newscast every day showing us otherwise.
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Even the talking head at the TV station got it right about the hams. HOO-rah! for you guys that thumb your noses at the HOA (POA is about the same).

I helped Metro AKA claude with a sale here in pittsburgh. The doctor was getting divorced and wanted to buy a fancy condo.

The developer said NO DISHES, then no doishes except in rear yard. definetely none on roof.

Well the sale depended on satellite tv doc wanted brazilian soccer:)

I poinbted out the law, dump developer said my rules overide federal law.... yeah sure, you pay sub minimum wage? we cant... same for dish law:)

buyer said then no sale and I pointed out the front porch was his exclusive use, seller was stuck, they disappeared for a little while then agreed on roof peeking over ridage which I had suggested from beginning. preobably called their attorney...

realtor was upset big commision riding on sale.

nice doctor nice home it was semi finished but i wouldnt live in a HOA community
What do you expect in Housing Communities like that ??? Their all a Bunch of Snobs !! And if you move into one like that,you either join their Clique or your a Outsider and your their New Target!
I don't feel too sorry for those that move into those types of Communities that have HOA's and are confronted with these problems. They weren't force to sign the Contract on the House, unless the Misses wears the Pants and insist on Living there! :D :flag:
This story reminds me of a few personal experiences.

(1) I bought my condo last year and wanted D* service ASAP. They were threatened with OTARD in the past and installed D* and E* dishes on each roof and I could get D* or E* service through a local retailer w/o installing a dish on my balcony. Since they provided a dish for whatever service we wanted, they thought they beat out the dish/balcony issue. Well....then came DVRs and multiple tuners. The condo wasn't wired for multiple coax at each outlet so there was no other way but to have your own on your balcony. Or at least that was my reasoning for putting it my D* dish that was really a 'second room' ;)

(2) I live in one of those richy areas that refuse to have cell towers erected because it 'drops property value'. Even though their is no evidence to prove this, they continued to use the excuse to keep cell phone towers out. I think the fact we had no cell coverage 25 miles outside of DC would effect the property value more than a tower. Its pretty unheard of being this close to a major city and not being able to use our cell phones.

Well finally Invisible Towers proposed two cell phone tower locations. One being a "clock tower" (http://www.invisibletowers.com/projects/images/lowes_island1.jpg) at a local strip mall and the other a "hose tower" (http://www.invisibletowers.com/projects/images/cascades2.jpg) at the local volunteer fire dept. station. Of course this brought the idiots out of the closet to bitch/moan about how "ugly" they were. I guess they've never seen a regular cell phone tower.

Both projects were approved by the county and hopefully we'll have service by Spring
dougruss said:
What do you expect in Housing Communities like that ??? Their all a Bunch of Snobs !! And if you move into one like that,you either join their Clique or your a Outsider and your their New Target!
I don't feel too sorry for those that move into those types of Communities that have HOA's and are confronted with these problems. They weren't force to sign the Contract on the House, unless the Misses wears the Pants and insist on Living there! :D :flag:

In my area you really had no choice but to buy in a community with an HOA....or buy in the run-down area. And I fall into the category of the "outsider". These people bitch/moan about everything. The worst part though is that my HOA is part of another HOA. So I have to listen to two HOA's bitch/moan about the dumbest things.
RedWings said:
In my area you really had no choice but to buy in a community with an HOA....or buy in the run-down area. And I fall into the category of the "outsider". These people bitch/moan about everything. The worst part though is that my HOA is part of another HOA. So I have to listen to two HOA's bitch/moan about the dumbest things.

Figure ,one would be enough.....but 2 HOA's :eek:
This sounds upsetting......
Do what ever u like unless it hampers others life
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