What TV Commercials Drive You Crazy?

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There is a DVD set sold at Sams that has over 600 retro commercials, including many classics. I think its published by St. Clair Vision.

Tron, you know, I might just like that!

I was having a lot of fun digging up these few old commercials that I could recall that I liked. You know, some of them are pretty good, but no one makes good commercials anymore, just like they don't make good movies or TV series or cars or music or anything anymore! It doesn't seem that it matters where anything is made or envisioned today, it's all pure crap. You have to go back 30 years plus to find something that is wholesome and good or entertaining, even for commercials. Too bad that the younger generations have allowed their creativeness to slip so far beyond their potential and into something that is so vile and unwanted that even their best TV shows and movies make me cringe like the worst commercials that I ever knew.

They didn't run out of material, they ran out of talent!

I've said this before and I'll say it again, I pity the kids of today, and the 'music' they listen too.

I can't imagine 20 or 30 years from now, a couple sitting on the couch and something catches his ear, and he turns to her and says ... "Listen honey, their playing OUR song," while there is the sound of .......... ??????
Wow they sell DVDs of commercials??? Kind of reminds me of the commercial where you can buy a $1 gold coin for $19.99 + S&H. Seems like there's a sucker born every minute.

I've been using DVRs since 2001 and do my best to avoid commercials. The only commercials I watch are those for Victoria Secret and the ones Ford put out for the Lincoln MKS and MKZ featuring updated versions of Burning For You, Major Tom and the rest of them that followed that theme. I also try to keep an open for previews for new movies and that's about it. I can't stand commercials! There are two reasons why I pay for all of the movie channels and have had satellite radio since 2003. 1) To avoid censorship 2) To avoid commercials.

Some of the Super Bowl commercials are pretty clever, but lately they all sucked for the most part. Second favorite Super Bowl commercial of all time was the Go Daddy commercial that made fun of the ‘wardrobe malfunction’. Best Super Bowl Commercial was from Anheuser Busch

I've said this before and I'll say it again, I pity the kids of today, and the 'music' they listen too.

Doesn't every generation say this? Wasn't it back in the '50s parents didn't want their kids listening to that newfangled devils music by Elvis when everyone should be listening to big band or jazz? For the first 13 years of my life I grew up listening to oldies. If it was made after 1975 I wanted nothing to do with it. Now I can’t stand the stuff. Other than Neil Diamond and some Beach Boys all that stuff can stay in the past. Right now I’m listening to ‘Porn Star Dancing’ by My Darkest Days, that's just as much music then anything from the stone age.

Personally I'm so glad I grew up in an era with Metallica on the radio and NYPD Blue on TV.
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I've said this before and I'll say it again, I pity the kids of today, and the 'music' they listen too.

I can't imagine 20 or 30 years from now, a couple sitting on the couch and something catches his ear, and he turns to her and says ... "Listen honey, their playing OUR song," while there is the sound of .......... ??????


I can just imagine what the "....?????" would be and it ain't no lullaby love song. Probably more akin to Tommy Chong playing an electric guitar with a pipe wrench and some brain-dead, tone deaf chick like Britney Spears on vocals.

My gosh! That sounds like a cat being tortured singing a duo with a rooster with his nuts caught in a tractor! LOL

I don't generally enjoy or welcome commercials, especially while viewing a feature film. I do have the retro commercial DVD set, since these are as much a part of television history as Andy Griffith and I Love Lucy. Many of the products advertised no longer exist; they are a relic of a different time. I guess I'm nostalgic for a time before I was born, when society was a far different and, IMO, far better place. My favorite FTA channels are MeTV, RTV, and ThisTV... I guess that says something about my tastes in television.

As for the Superbowl commercials, I generally collect these as well, for historic purposes. I try to record them during the game, or download them later from various sources.
"I was worried about my dad falling UP and down those stairs.." ORLY??? :p

I caught this on MeTV earlier.

I stink at math but my language & communication skills are pretty decent. :)
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I love MeTV, but these days I'm hearing Shake Weight commercials in my sleep :eek: ...

Those shake weight commercials are, um, weird.

I was in Walgreens last year with my friend and the lady in the makeup dept came over when we were browsing the shelf with all the "sold only on TV" stuff and she tried to sell us one. She handed one to each of us and said "try it"... Um, no.... That was awkward... :eek:
1)ups "logistics" after 3x it sux...fast channel change
2)any jg wentworthless...it's my money!...very fast channel change
3)any station (amc et al)that overlays a running program/movie with ad for upcoming show...fastest channel change,,ultra fast if just had legit commercial break and advertised the same frippin program
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I agree on JG Wentworthless. Ugh....

There is some stupid ad for some bogus healthcare scam and they repeat the phone number like 100 times, I think it's a sixty second commercial which is 59 seconds too long. I think it's "healthspring" or something like that.

History is running those shakeweight and Tcore commercials like 3 in a row. One of the guys is nice to look at, one of them creeps me out but THREE TIMES IN A ROW??? It's almost as bad as those Head-on commercials from a few years back.

ANY lawyer commercial. All those cancer/accident ads are disgusting. Some jerk lawyer here in Texas name Jim Adler, I want to throw a brick through the tv at him! And just in the last day, some scumbag lawyer is running ads for some cancer malpractice thing and they photoshopped some horrible gaping open wounds onto people's faces, necks, torsos, etc... It's so disgusting that you have to turn you eyes away. Are they insane? Is that even legal? I watch Judge Joe Brown and when they show photos of people injured they blur it out, thank goodness!

Ambulance chasing scums make me sick. Lawyers are the lowest life form in the universe. :mad:
Le Cordon Bleu College. The lady isn't wearing any hat or hairnet in a commercial kitchen, and the guy behind her isn't really cutting any vegetables, he's just rocking a knife up and down!

Nature Valley Granola bars, where the hikers gnaw those tooth-breakers into the shapes of the mountains they're looking at!
The AT&T one...with the guys on a ski lift. It was funny at the beginning but now I wanna shoot my TV when it comes on. The dude on the right (the pick-up guy) looks like my neighbor :eek:

Come on AT&T...very few spots in the US have snow anywheres.....update the commercial
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Sadoun is pricy.

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