When does Dish's contract with Tribune end?

Dish was sued by TVGuide and lost. We should already be getting their service as part of the settlement for the millions that Dish paid them.
Rovi bought TV Guide/Gemstar EPG. So, Rovi ether says "EPG by Rovi" or "TV Guide by Rovi" or just plain "TV Guide" TiVo also uses Tribune, and TiVo's guide info had always been more comprehensive than what Dish was getting from Tribune. The program description is the same. However, Dish only lists the first 3 actors, while TiVo lists the first 4 actors. The Hopper has been using MORE of the data Tribune has to offer, but TiVo still provides MORE data on each show.

It makes me wonder if Tribune has different tiers of EPG data with the price increasing for more data. So, in other words, Dish is not using all the data Tribune has to offer compared to TiVo. I can tell you also, that there have been a few IDENTICAL errors with EPG with TiVo and Dish, of course, because they both use Tribune, that have caused both Dish and TiVo DVR's to NOT record a show.

The TV Guide bug (logo) on the Dish EPG is the result of a settlement with TV Guide/Gemstar that required Dish to place the TV Guide bug on the EPG even though Dish does NOT use the metadata from TV Guide/Rovi. However, Dish did get ALL TV Guide EPG tech--not metadata, but tech--in exchange for millions of $$$ Dish paid TV Guide/Gemstar who agreed to settle. Dish had won in the trial, but a higher court ordered a NEW trial, and it was just about 2 weeks after that when the settlement was announced. It seemed neither company wanted to go through another long and expensive trial. TV Guide/Gemstar sued EVER MVPD, EVERY MVPD including DirecTV and even TiVo for violating TV Guide/Gemstar patents for EPG. TiVo also had to put a TV Guide bug on all its EPG, but I have not seen it for the Premiere and Roamio. DirecTV also had to have the TV Guide bug, but it does not appear on their later generation of boxes. Since those entities that sued them no longer exist and have been reorganized and/or spun off, TiVo and DirecTV may feel that their EPG is now safe or sufficiently different that they no longer feel they need to have the TV Guide bug on their EPG's. TiVo removed the TV Guide bug even on its Series 2 & 3 boxes. TiVo never used TV Guide/Gemstar metadata nor EPG's. Also, the suits TV Guide/Gemstar brought agains ALL the MVPD's and TiVo was at a time when TV Guide/Gemstar was in steep decline and its magazine and VCR+Plus product, and EPG were losing a lot of ground. It was a desperate action by TV Guide/Gemstar who by then--I'm not certain--may have already been cut loose by NewsCorp, who did own the company around that time.

However, Dish did get ALL TV Guide/Gemstar tech, and Charlie did say on a Charlie Chat years ago that they were going to use the TV Guide/Gemstar tech they acquired for their systems. This may be why Dish seems to be the only MVPD to still display the TV Guide bug, since they are using TV Guide tech, and I don't think anyone else is.

Tribunes metadata isn't perfect, but TiVo's use of far more of the metadata that Tribune had to offer makes all the difference in the world compared to Dish who seem to use LESS than all of what Tribune has to offer. Again, the Hopper is an example of Dish using more of Tribunes metadata than it had ever used.
OR - the previous receivers didn't have enough memory for more data and still go 9 days+ out.
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