Where (we) Angles fear to Tread !

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Mar 28, 2006
Houston, Tx USA
OK!, I admit I’m greedy, I wanna see all I can on FTA, but I’m a little confused about where the line is, between getting Circular Signals and actually crossing the line to what’s called “Hacking”!

A learned acquaintance of mine offered:
“All you need is a DBS LNB and a Diseqc switch to combine the KU band and the DBS into one cable line”. and
“Hacking is downloaded illegal software into a FTA box to override the scrambling technique, thus getting PPV, movie channels, etc for free”.

Given that I have a Traxis DBS1500 and a Spitfire Mod ASC321 LNB, I presume he thought I would dual mount an additional LNB next to the Spitfire.

I’m not sure if I want to do that, with my experience, getting just one LNB lined up will be a problem. But if I were to select (for Instance) a Invacom SNH-031 (just interested in one Receiver at this time) would I then be able to receive both CP and LP?
Then, CP to what extent?

So if I avoid the “Movie Channels”, the rest of it (except for etc) is ok? And, how does one know/tell, if some software is illegal?

I read on the Prosat Com website, where it clearly stated that their LNB (a QPH-031) provides reception for Dish Network and DirectTV! So am I to assume, all I need is that Quad LNB, to get those programs, and if I do, what’s the difference in that, from hacking!? Or is that one of those deals where you can buy that type LNB, BUT, if you use it, it’s illegal?

My Receiver clearly states, it’s “DBS”, I guess it must then be capable of receiving DBS signals! Sounds like you’re hacking, if you did it by accidentally choosing certain components!

I also read somewhere, if you have an older Receiver, you can get programs that a newer receiver can’t. Is that ok?, is that hacking? Maybe I’ll look around the Pawn Shops, no telling what I may find! (Haven’t found SiFi, NGC, Hist, Spike on FTA, yet) I don’t want to give those programs up, when I get rid of my Cable connection! BUT, are they available “ANYWHERE” on FTA, CP or LP?

Therein lies that “line” which (we shouldn’t) cross, but, just how fine, and where is that line?

And by the way, If “somebody” doesn’t like this topic, and chooses to delete this Post, PLEASE just tell me it’s “taboo”, privately if you like, and I’ll get off the topic, immediately, ok! I just need to know up front, if I can ask these type questions.
I use the QPH-031 Invacom LNBF for both Linear and Circular signals. You are right having one LNBF in the main focal position is a lot less hassle (And a lot more signal)

Using it I can pick up all the ITC TV and radio channels on the DBS satellites, this is not hacking they are FTA signals.
You're overthinking this waaaaay too much. I'll dissect some of it

Houston said:
OK!, I admit I’m greedy, I wanna see all I can on FTA, but I’m a little confused about where the line is, between getting Circular Signals and actually crossing the line to what’s called “Hacking”!

A learned acquaintance of mine offered:
“All you need is a DBS LNB and a Diseqc switch to combine the KU band and the DBS into one cable line”. and
“Hacking is downloaded illegal software into a FTA box to override the scrambling technique, thus getting PPV, movie channels, etc for free”.
correct :)

Given that I have a Traxis DBS1500 and a Spitfire Mod ASC321 LNB, I presume he thought I would dual mount an additional LNB next to the Spitfire.
you can do it that way. Or just hoseclamp it next to the spitfire

I’m not sure if I want to do that, with my experience, getting just one LNB lined up will be a problem. But if I were to select (for Instance) a Invacom SNH-031 (just interested in one Receiver at this time) would I then be able to receive both CP and LP?
Then, CP to what extent?

So if I avoid the “Movie Channels”, the rest of it (except for etc) is ok? And, how does one know/tell, if some software is illegal?
here is where you are overthinking. The Invacom will work for both Circular & Linear satellites. Whatever you pick up on the circular is fine. Its when people download illegal software to get ALL the DIsh channels without paying for them. The Traxis you can't download that illegal stuff in so your safe :)
Some channels they do accidentally forget to turn the encryption on and that is fine. We had OLN for a while and once in a blue moon a movie channel or another channel.

I read on the Prosat Com website, where it clearly stated that their LNB (a QPH-031) provides reception for Dish Network and DirectTV! So am I to assume, all I need is that Quad LNB, to get those programs, and if I do, what’s the difference in that, from hacking!? Or is that one of those deals where you can buy that type LNB, BUT, if you use it, it’s illegal?
no. Read my post above. I use one of these (as do alot of members here) and we are not doing anything worng. there are some channels that are free on there (unencrypted) like NASA, Angel One, Gol TV & the audio channels

I also read somewhere, if you have an older Receiver, you can get programs that a newer receiver can’t. Is that ok?, is that hacking? Maybe I’ll look around the Pawn Shops, no telling what I may find! (Haven’t found SiFi, NGC, Hist, Spike on FTA, yet) I don’t want to give those programs up, when I get rid of my Cable connection! BUT, are they available “ANYWHERE” on FTA, CP or LP?

Therein lies that “line” which (we shouldn’t) cross, but, just how fine, and where is that line?

And by the way, If “somebody” doesn’t like this topic, and chooses to delete this Post, PLEASE just tell me it’s “taboo”, privately if you like, and I’ll get off the topic, immediately, ok! I just need to know up front, if I can ask these type questions.

Easy way to find out if you are stealing

-Did you load any software in your box other than what is from the manufacturer (or in the case of a Traxis, DMSI?).
no....your fine
yes...you may be..I'll explain below

-Can you scan a DBS satellite and get ALL the channels on that satellite (like 119, 110, 91, 82) even though 99% of them are pay channels
no...your fine
yes...we have a problem

-When you don't get all your channels, do you come here and ask "why can't I get HBO, PPV, porn, and ESPN?"
no...your fine
yes...then you have a MAJOR problem

So you're fine. Get a DBS LNB (or the Invacom) and enjoy some of the free channels out there (I personally like having NASA, I know PSB likes GolTV, I love the free audio)
Bottom line is that the law (specifically the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, or DMCA) forbids the unauthorized decryption of encrypted (scrambled) channels. If there is no encryption (and therefore no decryption) involved, i.e, the channel is in the clear or unencrypted, you're within your legal rights to receive it.
Thanks for the answers to the question of where is the line. I have hesitated to even ask questions on this forum because of how quickly a member is banned for asking the wrong question.

Perhaps the Mods have information the rest of us don't have, but on the surface I have seen members banned where it seemed that they have asked an innocent question and should have been given the benefit of the doubt, so that the rest of us can see that banning was appropriate.

The culture of the board appears to be competition between members of the "censor squad" to see who can be the first to determine "hack talk" and get the offender banned. Then, after the banning, other squad members laugh.

That, inturn, creates hesitancy on my part to ask questions. I don't think Houston "waaaay" overthought the "fine line" where we angels fear to tread.

Thanks for the forum, it is a big help. I am a curious sort and many questions such as this one have been answered for all of our edification!:hatsoff:
Perhaps the Mods have information the rest of us don't have, but on the surface I have seen members banned where it seemed that they have asked an innocent question and should have been given the benefit of the doubt, so that the rest of us can see that banning was appropriate.

Its not that hard to figure out. Most people who are stealing usually follow these hints
-1st post
-vague question
-uses the smiley icons
-won't answer questons when they are asked for more info

Some will PM or e-mail mods with the exact same question :)
THe banned post I have usually are so obvious that they are a hack question. I actually think sometimes the poster is doing it on purpose, it is that obvious. I LOVE that hack talk is banned. It lets me not have to waste my time sorting through that crap. On a side note, I do use the :) icon alot :)

no what I mean is when they create a thread, there are those icons that you can have show up on the title...those smileys

I use smileys all the time :):D

seen the screenshot. These are what I'm talking about


  • untitled.jpg
    65.8 KB · Views: 183
iafirebuff said:
I LOVE that hack talk is banned. It lets me not have to waste my time sorting through that crap. QUOTE]

I agree...I also really appreciate that they kill the spam...I have in the past looked at other sites (not just satellite) and stopped looking at them because of all the junk. As for the hackers I am glad they don't let them in here, wether you agree or disagree with hacking the end result ends up hurting the legal user in several ways (my opinion) (1) causes higher prices on FTA receivers (2) Government intervention, because if the cable & satellite providers complain enough to congress and the FCC they will only make a law that will only hurt the legal user. (3) Higher programming prices, Dish & D* are not loosing money on hacking because its the legal user that has to pay the price for the theifs. (4) may deter program providers from distributing their programming via DVB, you know if everyone is going to steal it why even bother.

Now I am old school and had C-band back in the day so I see it both ways but I think in the end hacking/stealing is a bad deal for both the hacker and the public (also how much are you really saving if you are paying hundreds of dollars for software/cards, etc...its usually cheaper to pay for it, plus it is there when you want it, you don't have to worry about stuff like black sunday.

And for those who hack for the technical fun of it hack for something good like getting a box to run 4:2:2 or do a faster blind scan, that's technical too and its legal.

Thats my 2c, and I want to thank the owners and mod of this board for keeping a high standard and I put my money where my mouth is and am a supporter.

flam me if you must :D
You are right on that! The legal users are the ones that get penalized! I too, have gone to other sites, but have not found anyhting worth reading - too much junk (hack and spam)

I lived in the Caribbean. Dish Network or DirecTV does not accept subscription from our region. Would you say if a person here receive the signal from those companies that it is stealing? The cable company I subscribed show Echostar 3 PPV from Dish Network. I was watching cricket this morning on channel 68 (one of their PPV channel).

I know they are using a Viewsat FTA Receiver since during heavy rain the signal goes and I can see the setup of the receiver. I am into FTA long enough to tell.

If we in the Caribbean cannot pay for Dishnetwork subscription since I think only 61.5 and some TP of 110 and 119 is available; will it still be considered as stealing?

I believe if you can get the signal (like in the USA) and can pay for it but you choose not to but to obtain it by hacking that is wrong. But i am not sure what is the case like places in the Caribbean where you cannot subscribe.

Please show some light on this.
I checked out the Invacom site, and copied info on some of the LNB’s. I think I may have misunderstood some info I got in the past, and now I’m not sure that the SNH or TWH LNB’s will do Circular, will they?

Is the key word “Polar”, when it comes to the LNB’s ability to receive Circular? I was just trying to select a LNB which didn’t have any more “works” than needed, in looking at the Single and or Twin. I want to keep my system as compact as possible, which inadvertently will keep the cost down, that a MUST!

If I have to go with the QPH which has four outputs, what do you do with the extras? Just cap um off, and wait till you need um, if the first goes out, or what? I do understand it was made for 4 Receivers, presumably from a fixed Dish. But what value would that be, with a single Motorized Dish/Receiver?

And, from what I can tell, the Quad (OPH) is a lot more expensive than the Single (SNH) or Twin (TWH). I Must try to avoid any more cost than necessary, got to buy a Motor too.

Additionally, my dish says the F/D is .64, and the Invacom SNH-031 says it’s a .6 F/D. In your opinion, is that within reason, an applicable substitution? Just how much “give” is there in the F/D. My Dish has about 2cm in/out adjustment with the Spitfire LNB, I suppose that’s good, though I don’t know if that will exist, if I use one of the Invacoms?

Also, I don’t know what you meant by “ITC TV”.

Sorry, I only got Bailing Wire and Duct Tape, think that’ll do? :) It works on my old Pickup truck!

But anyway, you said that “The Traxis you can't download that illegal stuff in so your safe”. That’s good to know. The Traxis receiver has a Card Slot and a RS232 data plug. Just what are the functions of these two items, the Manual is so poorly written, I have no idea what they are for.

I wonder if “accidentally” is an appropriate term to use, when it comes to “them forgetting” to turn the encryption on. I’ve experienced some situations like that before, and I think it’s more like “bate”. They let you see all that wonderful stuff for a short while, and then cut it off, in hope you’ll buy their plans. It’s also possible, that the operators “play” with that stuff too, on and off occasionally, just to mess with us? I think that some Receivers scan automatically, and if a new Channel appears, it’ll let you know, is that right?

As you may know, I have to write these replies off line, and post them the next day, because of my limited time online. I’m not sure what “DMSI” means, but I’ll check the Glossary when I copy this post to the site.

Thanks for the “legalities”.

A general thought:
In looking at the signatures of some of the Members, I see where they have several Dishes, multiple Receivers, and no doubt all the switches and devices to “collect” that data for viewing.
It appears that I may run into some problems/expenses, in an attempt to “get it all” with just one Dish, Receiver, Motor and TV. I can understand adding/combining a C Dish into the system, or maybe duplexing a Ku/C LNBs on one Dish, but, just why would so many Dishes and Receivers be necessary, am I missing something here, am I trying to make that simple system do too much?

Of course it is possible that those things are “asexual”, and just multiply on their own. :)

I was rather anxious about this too, but, I feel honest questions are worth the risk. How does one know where “NOT” to go, unless he knows where that is, right!
I don't know what Ice would say but allot of people in the U.S. sub to Canadian tv and visa versa...its grey market...so it's not exactly legal but its not stealing.
iafirebuff said:
Hmm..intereting thought! I guess local laws would/should dictate that one.

I think that in the old days most of the hacked VC2 boards and later D* cards came from Canada becouse it was not illegal to steal it up there becouse it was not a Canadian service (I may be wrong on that), the Canadian govt has since made it a crime..however I remember hearing back then that most of the hacked stuff was comming (or being developed) from Canada & Mexico

It depends. Its like as noted above the US people who have StarChoice or ExpressVu. We are paying for the subscription, even though we cannot subscribe with a US address.

Technically the rule I have always used is “if you modify the box to get subscription programming for free, then it is stealing”.

I don’t want to turn the thread into the legalities and such because there will be 2 sides to everything. Like I say, most people who are stealing have obvious signs in their post (which were posted above)

Lets do what we do best…just enjoy FTA :D
I have a 1.8m dish and a pansat 2700A which I have on AMC4 and T5 (2 LNBF one on top the other). I subscribe to Cable and I do get programming from Dish Network such like boxing and cricket. I doubt that they get these signals legally. But What can I do?
I think Ice's reasoning is pretty good - if you have to modify it to receive the scrambled stuff, then it is wrong. I like when people "update" their software and it ruins their receiver :)
greggor48 said:
I have a 1.8m dish and a pansat 2700A which I have on AMC4 and T5 (2 LNBF one on top the other). I subscribe to Cable and I do get programming from Dish Network such like boxing and cricket. I doubt that they get these signals legally. But What can I do?
I would think dish does get the boxing and cricket legally, im sure they pay fees to be able to broadcast such events then the end user decides if they wanna purchase the event
all i know is when i goto the bahamas dtv dishes and dish 500's are all over the place
even seen a cabos charlies or something like that big bar down there had a dtv dish on the roof
as well as the hotel i stayed at
havent been to bahamas in a few years
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