Why A 612 over a 722 ?


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Supporting Founder
Sep 16, 2003
What's the real purpose of this receiver ?
Still requires a phone line just like a 722
doesn't have pip :rolleyes:
Still requires 2 Sat feeds :rolleyes:

I can understand if the receiver dind't require a phone line and only 1 sat feed, That would be an easy upgrade for all.

Kinda makes you go hum on the 612
What's the real purpose of this receiver ?
Still requires a phone line just like a 722
doesn't have pip :rolleyes:
Still requires 2 Sat feeds :rolleyes:

I can understand if the receiver dind't require a phone line and only 1 sat feed, That would be an easy upgrade for all.

Kinda makes you go hum on the 612
the 612 does not require a phone line. and the two sat feeds is so you can record and watch something at the same time. This rcvr was made for confusion reasons, like cust thinking that there 722 can controll two hd tvs, or that 722 can watch and record 2 shows at the same time on both tvs. or for people that have nothing but hd tvs, cause you have to have a rcvr per hd tv
They majorly needed to keep the picture-in-picture. I run both my 622s in single mode so a single output receiver with picture-in-picture would be perfect for me.
the 612 does not require a phone line. and the two sat feeds is so you can record and watch something at the same time. This rcvr was made for confusion reasons, like cust thinking that there 722 can controll two hd tvs, or that 722 can watch and record 2 shows at the same time on both tvs. or for people that have nothing but hd tvs, cause you have to have a rcvr per hd tv

It does require a phone line according to CEOs office
The 612 costs Dish Less $$$ to make. That is why they made it.

Get a 722 and don't look back.
i promise that you dont have to hookup a phone line cause they charge the 6 dollar access fee with or with out it.
So wait, your saying that dish is going to charge the phone line fee wether its atached or not? If thats the case then its another reason to not go with dish for service.
So wait, your saying that dish is going to charge the phone line fee wether its atached or not? If thats the case then its another reason to not go with dish for service.
no, the phone line fee is for dual tuners (rcvrs that controll two tvs) and the 612 isnt a dual tuner it just has two inputs so you can watch and record something at same time. they will charge you an additional rcvr fee just like any other single tuner rcvr.
The real use for the 612 is "in addition" to a 722. With a 722 you can have HD in your media room and feed SD to the rest of the house using the TV2 output but if you have a second HD TV, say in the Master Bedroom, it is cheaper to add a 612 than run HD cable on a long run, it's the only way I know of to add HD with a run of RG-6 cable. If you add a second 722 you will have no use for the TV2 SD output, I will agree though that PIP would be nice.
no, the phone line fee is for dual tuners (rcvrs that controll two tvs) and the 612 isnt a dual tuner it just has two inputs so you can watch and record something at same time. they will charge you an additional rcvr fee just like any other single tuner rcvr.

It has dual tuners, it has to in order to watch one program and record another. It does not have two TV outputs.

Use the ethernet port and avoid the phone line fee. :)
6.00 access fee would be for not subscribing to a qualifing program package, sush as dishfamily, t100 200 250 or qualifing international package. on your bill there is a break down of all fees, and the bill for march programming has the new current fee prices as it lists the hd lease fee as 7.00. if you have a 612, you will incur no rec fee or dvr fee if it is the only rec or primary rec and you have dish dvr advantage. without dda it will be 5.98 for the dvr fee, unless you have americas everything pack where you have no dvr fee. if this is the second rec on your account, you will encounter a 7.00 lease fee or additional rec fee(one or the other) and a 5.98 dvr fee(unless you have AEP). there will be no phoneline fee associated with this rec. this rec only counts as a single tuner according to dishnetwork.com when it comes to lease rules, even though it really is a dual tuner. so if you currently have a 722, and wanted to diu to two 612's, that would not be a problem. you would still be in the green when it comes to leased amount of tuners. all this information was located on the bill(fees area), and at dishnetwork.com . the 612 is a great solution to those who perhaps wanted 3 tv's in their home to have hd/dvr(622/722 and two 612's) capilbilties and not have to purchase any extra equipment.
It has dual tuners, it has to in order to watch one program and record another. It does not have two TV outputs.

Use the ethernet port and avoid the phone line fee. :)
no it has two inputs to watch one and record another. tell me this then why when i go to upgrade a cust, why is this rcvr listed as a single tuner? huh smart guy, well its cause it only controls one tv. and if its the only rcvr then ofcorse theres no rcvr fee,but if its an additional there will by the rcvr fee. just like i said earlier
no it has two inputs to watch one and record another. tell me this then why when i go to upgrade a cust, why is this rcvr listed as a single tuner? huh smart guy, well its cause it only controls one tv. and if its the only rcvr then ofcorse theres no rcvr fee,but if its an additional there will by the rcvr fee. just like i said earlier

Sorry, but you're wrong. It has to have 2 tuners and it DOES! Dual tuner and dual TV are two different things. You said it isn't dual tuner which is incorrect.

Dish is doing you a favor by only counting this box as a single tuner box. Did you read the post above?
The confusion will never end.

Technically, the tuner count refers to the number of satellite signals a receiver can tune in at the same time. Regular receivers are single-tuner in this regards. Any box with two satellite inputs is therefore a dual tuner.

The 612 is a dual tuner but with a single output. Dish doesn't have a charge for dual tuners, they have a phone line fee for boxes that serve two TVs that aren't connected to phone lines. I have yet to see a DISH bill that has a "DUAL TUNER FEE".

Since the 612 only serves one TV, it is neither a single tuner (because it has two tuners) and it is not a dual tuner (in the classic 2 tv sense). It is in a class of its own. Chargewise, Dish treats this the same as their single tuner insomuch as the fees that are associated with it since it doesn't serve two TVs. That's why they refer to this as a single tuner, to clarify it doesn't have a phone line fee.
Can the 612 record two shows at the same time?

Or does only one tuner record and the other tuner always live only no record?

I've read conflicting information.

where has dishnetwork announced the 612 in public forums as a single tuner?? dishnetwork.com announces the 612 as :a dvr and hd rec for one television" on DISH Network -- DVR Receivers. then on DISH Network -- Dish HD
no where does it call the 612 a single tuner.

this reciever simply counts as a single tuner for leased amount of tuners rules. in actuality this tuner has 2 tuners in it, even uses a dpp seperator where allowed in dpp installations. the only single thing about this tuner is it hooks up to only one tv.

motorola and direct both have dual tuners that control one tv. the direct hr20 and the motorola dc2412 both are dual tuners set to one tv. they both also have smaller harddrives and fail in comparison based on cnet.com reviews. motorola does call their dvr a "dual tuner" according to Motorola DVR: Dual-Tuner DVR High-Definition Set-Top DCT6412 . so why all the hassle for the 612? not only is it superior to the hr20 and the motorola dvr's, it is also just exactly the kind of dvr many of dishnetwork subs have been asking for. right now my 722 feeds two hd tv's in single mode via wireless hdmi. if i ever chose to make my second tv independent you can bet i would be snagging me a 612. or who knows, maybe next year we will have a 712 with a bigger hdd.
I can live without PiP, and I even understand why PiP doesn't work. But the swap fuction with dual two hr buffers would be nice.

Where are FSN Florida and SUN SPorts?

Just ordered Dish! Couple questions

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