Why are the VOOM Networks so bad?


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Sep 1, 2007
Why do they always play the same crap over and over again. It's like someone flicked a switch and they just loop programming over and over on every channel. Can someone shed some light on the subject?:confused:
Given all Voom channels, HDnet, TNT, Discovery etc repeat twice as often.
Anamania, has many new shows, Family Room new shows, HDnews always new, Treasure, Gallery lots of new stuff just this month, Equator new stuff.
Come on you must not watch much and this type of thread is so over used.
Get clever find a new line to use.
I agree with above. We have many timers set for most of the Voom channels. We love the music ones the best but we watch the kung-fu and monster ones a lot as well. It does suck when the movies repeat so much, but many times we have so many timers that it helps when we have conflicts to have it showing again, and again, and again :)
TBS (the Bull-sht) HD has to be one of the greatest HD channels since no one talks about how bad the HD programming it is. Oh I forgot that there is none! so that it is why no one talks about it! [Sarcastic]

Welcome to the board....
Agreed there is a lot of repeat, but I have been getting voOm for over 2 years now and still have not come close to seeing it all...
Why is Universal HD so bad? The same movies over and over, and NOW, with commercials... just because you don't like VOOM doesn't mean other don't.

I like to watch the Kung Fu channel and there is NO NEW PROGRAMMING. Not only are the movies repeated many times during the day/week. I don't think they have added any new movies for the last year.

I like to watch the kung fu movies that are based upon pre modern times (like the shaw brothers movies). I can't remember the last time I saw a new movie listed on that channel, and I check each week to see if there is anything worth recording.

In addition, I would like to watch gameplay HD, but most of the programming is from 2006 with only a few programs from 2007. With videogames, who wants to see such old stuff. Maybe we should have G4 HD instead.

Why are we so hard on first time posters lately?

I've seen several posts where they get flamed instead of welcomed.:confused:
Personally I dont like the direction VOOM has been going in, instead of adding stuff they are consolodating things.

To me Voom for the most part is now just HD demo material.
A few years ago, one of the Voom channels was excellent when they did nothing but Bond movies for about a month.
Sadly the Bond in HD marathon ended, as did my watching of that channel. :(
TBS (the Bull-sht) HD has to be one of the greatest HD channels since no one talks about how bad the HD programming it is. Oh I forgot that there is none! so that it is why no one talks about it! [Sarcastic]

Welcome to the board....
Since when has there been ANY HD in the DishHD-Lite package the past two years?:rolleyes:

At least E* had enough sense to keep filler channels like Speed, Spike, FX, and USA HD off the air since their DishHD-Lite TPs would be overloaded to the point of their HD-Lite channels being unwatchable. It's a good think E* picked up the Rainbow-1 satellite back in 2005.
I like to watch the Kung Fu channel and there is NO NEW PROGRAMMING.
Of the channels that I watch, the Kung Fu channel is far and away the worst at this point. I've started to watch quite a bit of Treasure which was a welcome surprise. Lots of repeats too, but a whole lot of good programming that I've not yet seen.

I still want to know what Chinese prison movies have to do with martial arts.
I like the Voom Channels myself so I would not say they are bad. Also they have shows in HD you wont see any where else..

Dish ( Comcast SportsNet Chicago not in HD)

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