Dish A No Show- No Call


Supporting Founder
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Supporting Founder
Jun 17, 2005
Hi, I made an appt. to have both dishes realigned as we had some wind last week and one or both dishes moved and I can't get any chs.

I had a 12-5 PM appt. yesterday and a woman called me @ 11:00 AM to tell me I had an appt. and the tech would be out. I asked her if she could give me an approximate time and she told me I would hear back from her. I did not hear from anybody and @ 5:05 PM I called Dish as nobody showed up or called.

Between 5 PM & 7:30 I called Dish 5 times witout getting a straight answer as to why nobody showed up or called me. I was extremely irate by 7:30 as my time is valuable and I waited all day for nothing. If they had at least called me offering a reason as to why they weren't able to show up I wouldn't have been so bent. If they were having a problem they should have called me & explained it. That would have demonstrated professional courtesy which I didn't get.

There is absolutely NO excuse for not showing up or calling a customer who is waiting on a scheduled appt. If I didn't have a 2 yr. lease with Dish I would cancel & go with DirecTv. I did demand & receive several credits as I talked to several reps.

The last rep I talked to was in India. I told her to escalate me to a manager which she did after I got irate with her for not putting me through the 1st time. The mgr. was NOT professional & it was obvious that he didn't care about me, the customer.

He tried to give me a new appt. for Thurs. from 12-5 PM which I flatly refused. I insisted an AM appt. & got it for Friday. I also demanded another credit and he reluctantly gave it to me. I'll never understand how anyone becomes a supervisor with a piss poor attitude like that guy.

If it wasn't for us customers NONE of them would have a job. I am an exc. customer. I pay about $90/mo. for Dish programming, have always paid on time, and this is the 2nd 2 yr. lease I have with Dish.

You would think these incompetant fools would VALUE customers like me, but if some inconsiderate Dish employees don't even care enough to make a simple phone call something's really wrong with Dish.

Lastly, I insisted that a Dish tech come here on Friday as sub contractors have screwed up every time they've ever been here. Their thing is hurry up & get to the next job. The Indian mgr. would NOT guarantee me a Dish tech. It was a sub that misaligned both dishes when they were installed last August & Dish had to send one of their techs out to fix the problem.

If I knew how to move the dishes and which way I would be out there right now. I don't know exactly where each dish is supposed to be & I know they're not off by much.

Any comments about this situation would be welcome. Can someone tell me the phone # for CEO? I'm going to call them when I get their phone number. This whole situation is ridiculous and I thought I was dealing with cable again.:mad:
If you have NO channels at all what will it hurt for you to try adjusting the dish yourself?

Start with very small left/right adjustments and see if you get a signal. I didn't know what I was doing the first time I tried either. A little trial and error will go a long ways.
If you have NO channels at all what will it hurt for you to try adjusting the dish yourself?

Start with very small left/right adjustments and see if you get a signal. I didn't know what I was doing the first time I tried either. A little trial and error will go a long ways.

I would if I didn't have 2 dishes and had a clue as to where the app. # on the scale is both up/down & right to left. I'd be purely guessing at best. With 1 dish I would probably try that.
What you delt with on the CSR end is how dish has become and Charlie Ergen has indirectly aknowledged that the company has a problem with the call centers, as to wether it can be fixed or not remains to be seen. I'd say that its possible that one of the csr's most likely cancelled your appointment by mistake or even on purpose as has been reported on here many times. should be the email address you will need to contact the executive office and you stand a %90 chance of getting some kind of positiv results though considering that you've demanded and gotten several credits already I dont see what else you expect to get out of this deal.

One last thing, no one at any of the call centers can garauntee that you will get an inhouse technician in any way shape or form unless the area your in has absolutely no sub contractors or retailers or rsp and inhouse is the only show in town.
What you delt with on the CSR end is how dish has become and Charlie Ergen has indirectly aknowledged that the company has a problem with the call centers, as to wether it can be fixed or not remains to be seen. I'd say that its possible that one of the csr's most likely cancelled your appointment by mistake or even on purpose as has been reported on here many times. should be the email address you will need to contact the executive office and you stand a %90 chance of getting some kind of positiv results though considering that you've demanded and gotten several credits already I dont see what else you expect to get out of this deal.

One last thing, no one at any of the call centers can garauntee that you will get an inhouse technician in any way shape or form unless the area your in has absolutely no sub contractors or retailers or rsp and inhouse is the only show in town.

Thanks for the info. Every time a sub has come here Dish has had to send 1 of their own techs to fix what the sub didn't. I had 1 of them here who wouldn't even go outside & site the dishes properly. I had to schedule another appt. as the dishes were not lined up right. There's no excuse for laziness & incompetance.
It's interesting that both dishes have moved... I wonder if maybe a switch, if you have one, has bit the dust?

I went outside & checked the nuts that keep the dishes from moving & a couple were a little loose. I tightened them and played around with the rec. I was able to get a weak sig. but chs. were coming in. My problem is I don't know which dish (or both) moved last Friday when we had some wind gusts up to 35 MPH.

Are ther any technical people who can give me info on how to move & lock the dishes? Like I said before- 1 dish is no big deal, but 2 dishes could make me worse off than I already am. I will make sure to mark exactly where the dish positions are after the tech gets them where they should be.
I feel your pain. I went through hell last summer when I upgraded. No shows/no calls, bad install, ya-da,ya-da,ya-da. The correct email addy to try to get some service is ceo@ ,not what was posted. Good luck!

I've peaked my dishes a couple of times by using the audio that is put out when checking signal strength. I crank up the volume and open the storm door and I can clearly hear the tone some 50' away at my dishes. The higher the tone, the stronger the signal. Sounds silly but it works!

I upgraded last month to a 2 room dvr 522.
Tech was supposed to arrive between noon-5pm. At 5:30 I called dish to inform of a know show, after being on hold for awhile I was told the tech was running late. Tech showed up at 6pm, was there until almost 8pm, on a weeknight. Was dark outside, I had to hold flashlights, etc. while he did his thing. He basically did just enough to get done ASAP as he was "late to pick up his girlfriend" who called more than once while he was on the job. I wanted him gone as bad as he wanted to leave, so I had to "pretty it up" myself the following day. I discovered I have no grounding block, etc. That's the bad side of the story, the good side is that everything else went surprisingly well on the dish CSR side of things.
I upgraded to HD 4/07. Late in the year (2007) I had some issues with video freeze and dropout. I scheduled an appointment and told the person who made the appt. that I needed the tech to call me on my cell when he was headed to my house because I would have to leave work to meet him. Well, he didn't call me and when I get home at 5:10pm there is a note on the front door (sorry we missed you, ect.). I immediately called Dish and let the poor girl that caught my call really have it. She told me that techs are not required to call ahead, so I say, why wasn't I told that to begin with? I made another appt. for my off day (Saturday) and the nicest guy showed up. He did everything to my satisfaction and reassured me that all my equipment was set just right. He realigned my dish and checked everything else. Dish was going to charge me 99.00 but they reduced that to 29.00 for my inconvenience. The guy that aligned my dish basically listened to the sound of the tone and locked it in when it was at the highest point. I am ok so far.
I went outside & checked the nuts that keep the dishes from moving & a couple were a little loose. I tightened them and played around with the rec. I was able to get a weak sig. but chs. were coming in. My problem is I don't know which dish (or both) moved last Friday when we had some wind gusts up to 35 MPH.

Are ther any technical people who can give me info on how to move & lock the dishes? Like I said before- 1 dish is no big deal, but 2 dishes could make me worse off than I already am. I will make sure to mark exactly where the dish positions are after the tech gets them where they should be.

SOunds like your DIsh tech did not do any better. 35MPH should not move a Dish. I have had 80 MPH gusts and I have never had a Dish move. Loose nuts tells me alot.

Any way to help you out. Go into Menu 6-1-1 then select check switch. When it gets to the next screen you will see where it tells you what switches and LNB's you have. DO NOT hit test in this screen or you may lose all the info. Also look at the dishes and tell us what type they are.

After that we can tell you better how to peak these dishes.
Hi, I made an appt. to have both dishes realigned as we had some wind last week and one or both dishes moved and I can't get any chs.

I had a 12-5 PM appt. yesterday and a woman called me @ 11:00 AM to tell me I had an appt. and the tech would be out. I asked her if she could give me an approximate time and she told me I would hear back from her. I did not hear from anybody and @ 5:05 PM I called Dish as nobody showed up or called.

Between 5 PM & 7:30 I called Dish 5 times witout getting a straight answer as to why nobody showed up or called me. I was extremely irate by 7:30 as my time is valuable and I waited all day for nothing. If they had at least called me offering a reason as to why they weren't able to show up I wouldn't have been so bent. If they were having a problem they should have called me & explained it. That would have demonstrated professional courtesy which I didn't get.

There is absolutely NO excuse for not showing up or calling a customer who is waiting on a scheduled appt. If I didn't have a 2 yr. lease with Dish I would cancel & go with DirecTv. I did demand & receive several credits as I talked to several reps.

The last rep I talked to was in India. I told her to escalate me to a manager which she did after I got irate with her for not putting me through the 1st time. The mgr. was NOT professional & it was obvious that he didn't care about me, the customer.

He tried to give me a new appt. for Thurs. from 12-5 PM which I flatly refused. I insisted an AM appt. & got it for Friday. I also demanded another credit and he reluctantly gave it to me. I'll never understand how anyone becomes a supervisor with a piss poor attitude like that guy.

If it wasn't for us customers NONE of them would have a job. I am an exc. customer. I pay about $90/mo. for Dish programming, have always paid on time, and this is the 2nd 2 yr. lease I have with Dish.

You would think these incompetant fools would VALUE customers like me, but if some inconsiderate Dish employees don't even care enough to make a simple phone call something's really wrong with Dish.

Lastly, I insisted that a Dish tech come here on Friday as sub contractors have screwed up every time they've ever been here. Their thing is hurry up & get to the next job. The Indian mgr. would NOT guarantee me a Dish tech. It was a sub that misaligned both dishes when they were installed last August & Dish had to send one of their techs out to fix the problem.

If I knew how to move the dishes and which way I would be out there right now. I don't know exactly where each dish is supposed to be & I know they're not off by much.

Any comments about this situation would be welcome. Can someone tell me the phone # for CEO? I'm going to call them when I get their phone number. This whole situation is ridiculous and I thought I was dealing with cable again.:mad:
if the original installer misaligned the dishes, you would have never had programming in the first place.
That said. there i sNO excuse for a no call no show. You were correct in requesting credits...A word about the people in the India Call Center. These people are of a different culture. They are very sensitive to ANY type of criticism. Instead of listening ot an irate customer ,they get belligerant. Once that happens you'll get nowhere with them.
I would if I didn't have 2 dishes and had a clue as to where the app. # on the scale is both up/down & right to left. I'd be purely guessing at best. With 1 dish I would probably try that.
open widow and crank up the volume on the tv..move the Dish SLOWLY...You'll hear the tone.....once it catches, listen for higher pitches....once it peaks, it will then emit lower pitched tones...Go back the other way...
Now if you could provide the first three digits of your zip, we could tell you the elevation and azimuth for your area....One more thing..Take a small level with you and make sure the mast is plumb....
SOunds like your DIsh tech did not do any better. 35MPH should not move a Dish. I have had 80 MPH gusts and I have never had a Dish move. Loose nuts tells me alot.

Any way to help you out. Go into Menu 6-1-1 then select check switch. When it gets to the next screen you will see where it tells you what switches and LNB's you have. DO NOT hit test in this screen or you may lose all the info. Also look at the dishes and tell us what type they are.

After that we can tell you better how to peak these dishes.

Hi, In that scrn it says: Dish 500 (2), DPP Twin with separator, Azimuth 240, Elevation 41, Skew 138.

The tech was here and the 61.5 dish was off on the elevation by about 1/4" or so. He also tightened down all nuts & bolts and told me that they should not have been as loose as they were. Then I asked him to mark where both dishes should be in case they ever move again. I got a Dish tech and all seems to be back to normal.
if the original installer misaligned the dishes, you would have never had programming in the first place.
That said. there i sNO excuse for a no call no show. You were correct in requesting credits...A word about the people in the India Call Center. These people are of a different culture. They are very sensitive to ANY type of criticism. Instead of listening ot an irate customer ,they get belligerant. Once that happens you'll get nowhere with them.

I know about them as I have an HP pc with a warranty. I didn't get irate with the guy until I knew he did not want to hear what I was telling him. I have worked in call centers & know what some reps & supervisors are like.

I get real pised when people don't or won't listen to me and take me lightly.
if the original installer misaligned the dishes, you would have never had programming in the first place.
That said. there i sNO excuse for a no call no show. You were correct in requesting credits...A word about the people in the India Call Center. These people are of a different culture. They are very sensitive to ANY type of criticism. Instead of listening ot an irate customer ,they get belligerant. Once that happens you'll get nowhere with them.

The original install was OK until we got a light rain. That's when the dishes lost their sig. & I had to call for the Dish tech. That's how we knew the dishes were not aligned properly.
open widow and crank up the volume on the tv..move the Dish SLOWLY...You'll hear the tone.....once it catches, listen for higher pitches....once it peaks, it will then emit lower pitched tones...Go back the other way...
Now if you could provide the first three digits of your zip, we could tell you the elevation and azimuth for your area....One more thing..Take a small level with you and make sure the mast is plumb....

Thanks. One question- do I just move the dish watching the elevation only? There is the side to side movement as well.
I would study up and learn to do your own work. It will save TONS of frustration! I always kept a few spare parts around in case of trouble. Of course I got on DTV and DISH back when you could install yourself :)
I would study up and learn to do your own work. It will save TONS of frustration! I always kept a few spare parts around in case of trouble. Of course I got on DTV and DISH back when you could install yourself :)

I used to have a 10' C-Band system until a hurricane blew it down. I did all maint. & repairs. Now that I know exactly where my dishes should be pointing I will not have any further problems in that area. I am also well versed on replacing LNB's as my C Band system used a few of them over 10 years.

Legacy dish and new 322 receiver

Dish 625

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