Help DIRECTV shape the future of of its platform by joining us here in the Cutting Edge! Here you can find information on what the Cutting Edge Program is all about!
America's Largest Discussion of LEGAL C & KU Band Free To Air (FTA) Satellite Reception!
Full support and discussion of KU and C Band Free to Air (FTA) Satellite Equipment and reception! (Note - NO HACK TALK ALLOWED)
Cord Cutters Unite! This forum is for the Cord Cutters for Discussion of legal IPTV services such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, VUDU, Sling TV, HBO Max, PlutoTV, and others. Plus the discussion of IPTV hardware!
RabbitEars Presents In Depth Discussion and tips on how to receive Over The Air (OTA) television signals! Plus support for the RabbitEars.Info website!
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Though not Satellite or Home Theater Related, we have learned that SatelliteGuys members love to COOK and EAT! This forum is for the discussion of What's Cooking
Let's talk Home Theater! And here is the place to do it! Get tips, hints and help with your Home Theater Setup! Got some new equipment to talk about or show off, do it here!
A place to talk about HAM Radio Technology, The exciting new world of SDR (Software Defined Radio) technology and also the place to discuss Police Scanner Technology.