Recent content by a048420t

  1. A

    cbs channels

    see my responses to the next thread re: channel 5. i believe it may answer your question re: CBS channels. my issue was with ch 4, which is also cbs.
  2. A

    Voom Box shuts off when surf to Channel 5?

    thank you for the suggestion. it's worth letting you keep the $1..... ch 4 wfor is a cbs affiliate. i called and asked if i an engineer would touch base with me. I'll see where it leads... thanks again. Here's an update: I got a call from a very nice guy, the engineer at the station...
  3. A

    Voom Box shuts off when surf to Channel 5?

    having exactly the same issue but with channel 4 . both ch 4 and 5 have good signal strength per the info from the voom box in the setup screens. i was told the previous owner who lives a few miles from here got ch 4 ok but had an amplified antenna; mine is just outside antenna. have been...