Caleb Zahnd

Caleb is a distance runner and technology guru. Disguised as an IT manager, he maintains a mostly mild-mannered existence in Northwest Missouri.- - - - - - - - - -I am thirty-something years old, a son of the hills of Andrew County, Missouri. I am married to a beautiful medical genius. In 2010, a stork crash landed at our house, and brought us a beautiful, healthy baby boy. He's the best part of my day.I work as the director of IT for a large church congregation, and do tech consultant work on the side to pay the bills. While tech related things permeate deep into my hobbies, there are other things I enjoy unrelated to work. I am an endurance runner. My latest goal is to complete a 50K race. I am a music snob. I am deliberately agrarian, or at least I am trying to be. I am a professional amateur photographer. But, at the end of the day, I'm just a husband and a dad. That's where I measure success.

Ultrarunning, Indie and Underground Music, Independent films, Internet Development, Graphic Design,