Recent content by don_riggins

  1. D

    Question for don_riggins

    I know the feeling, waiting for my raise for CSR III. Those will be good days.
  2. D

    Just Purchased 921 from Dish

    The 921 has been slated direct through the company since the announcement was made.
  3. D

    HD Distants

    This is the reauthorization of SHVIA, as it was grandfathering clauses among other things were set to run out in december of this year.
  4. D

    Question for don_riggins

    I dunno, I'm probably going to wait until at least after the holiday season before I put the system in myself.
  5. D

    921 From Dish

    If I remember right there was a mention of it didn't directly watch it to remember what it was.
  6. D

    Moving From 811 to 921

    Existing customers will get 6 months half off, not free.
  7. D

    921 From Dish

    I doubt it would include 44s but like 34s and quads it would include.
  8. D

    DVR fee

    Yeah, bills would be astronomical for DHA accounts if the vod fee was per tuner. Nah the 522 only has 1 vod serv fee associated with it.
  9. D

    Please help Activating 322 receiver

    The gist of the forum is no, there is the possbility if it is a brand new reciever that has not been activated but more than likely not going to happen.
  10. D

    Where can I buy a 921 + HDTV Bundle?

    Yeah, if your looking for the bundle get it direct from dish, they ship the 921 and the installer will deliver the tv.
  11. D

    Where can I buy a 921 + HDTV Bundle?

    Any of the national accounts or you can purchase the rcvr directly through dish for 549.
  12. D

    My 8 hour quest to get the DVR921 bundle

    Its set to happen on the 23rd, uptraining over the bundle is starting out today.
  13. D

    Question for don_riggins

    I always shorthand in the notes I leave on accounts so I'm used to putting rcvr myself, don't need to spell it all out.
  14. D

    EchoStar Statement on Passage of Satellite Bill

    I dunno, with the act passing it is good but not sure how E* is going to go about this, one would imagine put more locals on the 105/121 and make the superdish more readily available to get the must carries off the wings. That right now would be the biggest concern. One would imagine moving the...
  15. D

    Dumpin' the Dish!!

    Au revior, just remember to not give the equipment to comcast. Surprising how many people give leased equipment to them.