Recent content by EMunn

  1. E

    Cabin Setup (Compatibility question)

    Ok thanks for all your help
  2. E

    Cabin Setup (Compatibility question)

    Ok thanks. One more question. If I lease one from DTV, can I connect it at home & have them set it up and then carry to the cabin?
  3. E

    Cabin Setup (Compatibility question)

    I plan on doing the install. You said solid signal could activate? I assumed I would connect it at home and call DTV and have it activated, then carry receiver to the cabin.
  4. E

    Cabin Setup (Compatibility question)

    I want to get a separate setup for when we go to the cabin. I've read a lot here and other places and it seems to be fairly easy and not necessarily against any rules, although that's not what this question is. From what I've read I should be able to purchase a dish and lease a receiver (or buy)...