Recent content by gizmojoe

  1. gizmojoe


    Love Glen, funny guy and smart. Hope they get it soon. I emailed them.
  2. gizmojoe

    Just ordered my new computer

    Just saw that the new iMac is due to be released by July.
  3. gizmojoe

    What Satellites does DirecTV use?

    If you get DISH just fine you will not have problems with Direct TV. Been there done that. I think you will like Direct, I switched after ten years with DISH and I am very happy I did.
  4. gizmojoe

    Guide Question

    May I suggest a chill pill for those with little tolerance for those in learning mode. I didn't always know it all but now that I do I help others so they can become as knowledgable and experienced as me. ; )
  5. gizmojoe

    Fed-up DirecTV subscribers turn up the volume on hidden fees

    Yeah Joseph B, shoot the messenger. That makes sense doesn't it?
  6. gizmojoe

    Speed Hd

    I just took the plunge and switched to Direct TV with Hotpass. When I canceled DISH the retention gal said (in english) that she just got the announcement today that SPEED HD is coming in May. I believe her, I really do.
  7. gizmojoe

    Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

    Great site. I've learned a lot while monitoring for awhile now. I'll be around from time to time.