Recent content by glabrecque

  1. G

    4k Live TV Channels on Dish?

    No they never found anything wrong so for now I just live with it. I guess at this point it must be the combination of 4K upscale and OLED that brings out the worst in any lower quality video.
  2. G

    4k Live TV Channels on Dish?

    If Direct TV can manage a live 4k events channel then I am sure Dish could do the same for now until there are more channels.
  3. G

    4k Live TV Channels on Dish?

    Any word when we might see a few live 4K channels on dish network?
  4. G

    "HDR On" incorrectly with LG Display and Hopper 3

    It also gets triggered back on if you go into multi view mode (Sports bar mode) and back out!!
  5. G

    4K Playback issue on Hopper 3

    I have no doubt it doesn't work because even with 50/5 it takes awhile before you can watch it.
  6. G

    4K Playback issue on Hopper 3

    50/5 Time Warner Cable
  7. G

    4K Playback issue on Hopper 3

    I had an issue the first week I had the Hopper 3 but after that I have been able to download the 4k content no problem but it still takes awhile before enough is downloaded to allow you to play the show.
  8. G

    4K Playback issue on Hopper 3

    That is not streaming because you only play it back from the hard drive your internet speed is only for the download to your hard drive.
  9. G

    4K Playback issue on Hopper 3

    Sorry for the typo but no it is not streamed it is downloaded to the hard drive and once enough is downloaded you can play it before it is completely downloaded which allows you to have a much slower internet connection but it will still take awhile to download a 4k show with a slower connection.
  10. G

    4K Playback issue on Hopper 3

    Defiant is not streaming it is downloaded to the hard drive.
  11. G

    "HDR On" incorrectly with LG Display and Hopper 3

    I have actually talked to LG VIP Tech support on this issue and they are supposed to be talking to Dish to try and resolve the issue. Not sure if it will go anywhere but they are aware of the issue.
  12. G

    "HDR On" incorrectly with LG Display and Hopper 3

    Well I had already calibrated the set before I ever had a Hopper 3 but with HDR forced on it really throws out most of what was calibrated.
  13. G

    "HDR On" incorrectly with LG Display and Hopper 3

    It really makes it tough to calibrate the set when HDR is forced on all the time with the Hopper 3. I just go with the settings I calibrated my other inputs to but I think the Hopper 3's input could use a few tweaks that are locked out because of HDR.
  14. G

    Hopper 3 terrible HD picture

    Thanks for trying but I think I am about done with trying to find help here. It just isn't something that can be fixed without seeing it in person.
  15. G

    Hopper 3 terrible HD picture

    Thanks for trying but I think I am about done with trying to find help here. It just isn't something that can be fixed without seeing it in person.