Recent content by HairyYak

  1. HairyYak

    Producing Live A/V Streams

    small business, so not too much.
  2. HairyYak

    Newbie with illusions of grandeur

    My Bad. I needed to be clearer (darn newbies). Forget the mother in law part. My goal. :to shoot videos (such as weddings and such) in remote places (mainly beaches throughout the Hawaiian Islands) with the capability of have a live video stream for anyone who would want to watch my clients...
  3. HairyYak

    Newbie with illusions of grandeur

    Thanks evryone it's starting to make sense to me. I think I'm confusing satelite purposes. The underscore from my initial post is being in remote locations with no access to the internet. So if I've gathered correctly. I DO need the satellite conection for the internet part but then from there i...
  4. HairyYak

    Producing Live A/V Streams

    Hey everyone! New to the satellite game. My question has to do with low-budget live remote video productions. looking to see if I can cheaply broadcast live weddings from remote locations for everyone's family to see back home. Can I: Get a portable BGAN transmitter, get internet connection...
  5. HairyYak

    Newbie with illusions of grandeur

    Okay. so what you're saying is... Going low budget portable to shoot an uplink at Telstar 5 is not feasible. So then, could I have my laptop out there, get the BGAN transmitter and uplink to Telstar 5 as an internet connection. Then have it relay that A/V signal back down to mom's dish?
  6. HairyYak

    Newbie with illusions of grandeur

    Thanks. I've looked up some portable transmitters like a Thrane & Thrane explorer 700 which are somewhat affordable. Are there other costs incurred which are much higher that I'm not taking into account? I was under the impression that regular joes could now do this kind of thing on the cheap...
  7. HairyYak

    Newbie with illusions of grandeur

    Hey everyone! New to the game. My question has to do with live remote video productions. Just got a 30" dish for mother in law to watch Thai TV. We're apparently locked into Telstar5 and have a Traxis DBS-2500 receiver. Question: Can I now shoot a live remote, transmit to Telstar 5 and receive...
  8. HairyYak

    Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

    Howz it? New to the game... don't know a thing. But... we just got a 30" dish to get Asia TV from Thailand for Mother-In-Law. Apparently we're locked into Telstar 5. Now I'm curious...