Recent content by hupptoy

  1. H

    D* Arrived Today... Learning curve with setting recordings

    All of my series are set to 1st run. I have the shows that only run once at the top of the priority list and the shows on the others (TLC, USA, MTV, etc.) lower in the list. If there are any conflicts, the lower ones get bumped and picked up later automatically. If I look at the "To Do List"...
  2. H

    Defective HD receiver replaced, now 2 year contract starts over?

    I know that not having HDMI for me would be a big issue as I use HDMI to my 47" (25' in floor/walls) AND component to my HD projector. So if one of my outputs stopped working, that would definitely need a replacement. Heck, even if I was only using the HDMI, there is no way I am drilling large...
  3. H

    D* Arrived Today... Learning curve with setting recordings

    I have my series manager set up exactly how you are asking. And yes it will pick up the next showing if the 1st one gets bumped due to higher priority. So if I had a USA show bumped (and set to 1st run) at say 9pm, it would then record the next showing (usually midnight for USA). This works the...