Recent content by James

  1. James

    MLB Extra Innings Coming to DISH!

    Ha you wish. The joy of MLBEI is the ability to switch from game to game. If you want to only watch one game, MLB wants you to go here...
  2. James

    NFL considering change to "MNF"

    Not a problem here in Phoenix. We never have to worry about the Cards being on MNF.
  3. James

    I get the WB but not in HD

    Talk to the WB, its the same here in Phoenix. Not all HD is created the same. Its more of a digital broadcast because they have to rather than an actual HD signal. Still there are WB show in HD, or so i've read.
  4. James

    Is your UPN channel in HD?

    Well digital and HD are two different things. My UPN is digital, but not HD.
  5. James

    K-State throws BCS rankings into chaos

    Roger, I missed where Pitt was in the BCS... I'm looking really hard, but they don't seem to be in a new years bowl. :D
  6. James

    Murdoch could speed DVR adoption -- Motorola exec

    Well maybe Dish will do something like this because I see nothing in Murdochs past that leads me to believe he'll keep TiVo for any longer than he has too.
  7. James

    Murdoch could speed DVR adoption -- Motorola exec

    I dont' read it this way. I read it as dropping TiVo and putting a crappy DVR in its place.
  8. James

    DirecTV says will drop Trio without new contract

    Can't say I've ever even seen it. I had to look it up to see what channel Trio was. Still, with Bravo being ruined by big old NBC, its still sad to see this. I would assume with the merger, Trio will be "folded" into Bravo.
  9. James

    DirecTV quality *BLOWS* Dish out of the water

    Its still subjective though. As with others, I've had both running side by side and I can't tell much difference. Some channels look better on one or the other, but overall there is no difference. We have been over this many, many times in the past and many flame wars over at DBSForums.
  10. James

    DirecTV quality *BLOWS* Dish out of the water

    You don't know what you are talking about. Anyone who thinks they can tell is only saying that is looks better to them. The plain fact is that both look the same.
  11. James

    HD Tivo and 921 comparisons

    The problem with that is that they don't want you able to remove digital information from the DVR. Giving firewire access (two way) would open them up to pirates.
  12. James

    K-State throws BCS rankings into chaos

    Ah the Pac-10 ends up with the #1 team in the country and there is nothing that a computer back east that can change that. I'd rather see USC vs. Michigan in the Rose Bowl than a crappy Sugar matchup.
  13. James

    Pudge might not resign

    Right.... I'm sure there is room there with Mo thinking he can still play. You guys should have paid attention to the Angels about Mo.
  14. James

    Dish to carry additional 75 Cleveland Indians games

    John, another year of wishing? I'm pulling for you!
  15. James

    Sony To Launch Game/DVD Recorder Device "PSX" On D

    Little late if you ask me. How many people already have PS2's? Millions... Why would they get rid of them and buy a PSX? You can get a SA TiVo much easier than this and I'm sure not many people who don't have a PS2 would even be interested in the option. I would have gotten one before I...