Recent content by LonghornXP

  1. L

    Windows 8 Interface?

    Lol but at least we still would have Server Core to rely on if it got that bad. Well until they get rid of it at least lol.
  2. L

    MRV cost $20.00 Is this true?

    I thought that is what the extra 30 bucks a month was for. Last I checked I could get an entire internet account for not much more than that. They charge the install fee because they can. I don't believe for one second that a tech is needed to hook up a box for highend customers. Lets be...
  3. L

    Best Internet Phone (VoIP) Services?

    I've been using PhonePower for the last 6 or so months at least. My experience has been great without one outage (that I was aware about at least) and the voice quality has been fantastic. When I first got the service my voice calls didn't always work (either bad quality or call drops) when I...
  4. L

    MRV cost $20.00 Is this true?

    Because they can get away with it because people are willing to pay it. This fee is completely over the top for the work being done just like the Lightning install fee. Now this large fee at least does have a decent amount of legitimate work compared to the Lightning fee. Now this is just my...
  5. L

    MRV cost $20.00 Is this true?

    To upgrade to whole home DVR you need to pay a one time $100 installation fee. Also every box in your home must be swapped out for MOCA boxes. If you currently have a box that has a MOCA sticker on it you won't need to have it swapped. However if you have a mix of brands such as two Cisco...
  6. L

    CES-2011 PR: DIRECTV and Samsung Showcase Multi-room DVR Technology On Samsung Smart TVs

    Is it just me for does this type of technology seem to be the main focus at CES this year. With FIOS, Comcast, TWC and DirecTV all announcing some type of hardware partner to support TV services over some form of IP technology it just seems like this is big. I for one think this is major news...
  7. L

    CES-2011 PR: New REESE® Minis Are Most Surprising Launch at the 2011 Consumer Electronics Show

    Coming soon to a home near you is the state of the art mini Reese's Peanut Butter Cup maker. Powered by a single USB port with support for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows operating systems. Comes with software to customize exactly how your Peanut Butter Cup would look. Peanut Butter Cup mix sold...
  8. L

    How can I connect to a computer in my home network, from my office, through internet?

    All of these are great options but they make one very critical assumption. They assume that the companies network allows outgoing connections through their firewall using client applications. Because of this trend to secure their networks you need to be looking only at options that fully use...
  9. L

    Whatever happened to TechTV and Leo LaPorte and Patrick Norton

    I could be wrong but I think your talking about Yoshi.
  10. L

    Whatever happened to TechTV and Leo LaPorte and Patrick Norton

    I remember the show with Chris where this older man brought in a very rare technology (computer I think) and it broke in his hands. Just the Oh S**t was classic as heck. I know it sucked for the guy but that is something you don't see everyday. I do wish these shows were still on the air...
  11. L

    Networking problems. Please help!

    That is classic Windows XP and that specific issue has always been a problem. I've always felt it was some type of naming resolution issue like a few others have said. I've seen NetBIOS and WINS resolution issues and I've seen cases when ARP refused to work and anytime your unable to complete...
  12. L

    Networking problems. Please help!

    My first suggestion on the XP machine would be to verify that Simple File Sharing is turned on. Open up My Computer. Next click the Tools Menu and select Options. Next click the View Tab. In the scroll box look at the very last option which is Simple File Sharing. If this is unchecked...
  13. L

    Unsolvable PC Problem ?

    My gut was screaming hard drive failure so I'm glad you got this resolved.
  14. L

    Unsolvable PC Problem ?

    First because Windows 7 takes an extremely long time to install coupled with the fact that system performance is just as bad before and after the windows install rules "in" very limited options. These options are listed from most likely to least likely. 1. Hard Drive 2. Motherboard...
  15. L

    Locations with FIOS available!!!

    Belle Oak Villas.,+Largo,+Florida&ll=27.911609,-82.747822&spn=0.052789,0.13072&z=14