Recent content by markband

  1. markband

    Directv2PC and Windows 7

    Update Firmware Try to update the firmware on your router. This cleaned up the problem with Windows 7 (32 & 64).
  2. markband

    Post your 129W Spotbeam Signal Readings

    Dayton, OH Receiver type: 722 Dish: Dish 1000.2 Area: 45322 Date/Time: 2/16/09 9:00AM 01: 50% (Spotbeam) 02: 30% (Spotbeam) 03: 48% (Spotbeam) 04: 35% (Spotbeam) 05: 60% 06: 50% (Spotbeam) 07: 30% (Spotbeam) 08: 48% (Spotbeam) 09: 20 10: 11: 20% (Spotbeam) 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 55 21: 75 22: 55