Recent content by mattyo

  1. mattyo

    when will the 6 tuner hopper come out? I hope "SOON" for real.

    Hey Guys...I've been with Dish for awhile and was waiting on the hopper to stabilize until I take the plunge. I have 6 TV's which are all HD in various rooms throughout the house...Is my best option 2 Hoppers and four Joeys? Thx in advance!
  2. mattyo

    HBO Wire

    Season 2 of the Wire with Frank Zabatka and the boys down at the port union is one of the best series ever. The plot/storylines are simply amazing.
  3. mattyo

    Is Dish1000 included with upgrade?

    Will my current 811's work with the Dish1000? I realize I won't get the new channels (MPEG4) on them but wasn't sure if I could have a 622 and 811 on the same satellite.
  4. mattyo

    Is Dish1000 included with upgrade?

    Toughest $299 I ever spent. I got it scheduled for Feb 22nd but damn that was brutal.
  5. mattyo

    Is Dish1000 included with upgrade?

    I'm on the phone with CSR rep trying to set this up and she doesn't know. -crickets-
  6. mattyo

    My upgrade plan's

    I know its a pipe dream....If I can get Dish to replace my 500 for a 1000 and one of my 811's for a 211....I'll be content. I called during the Holidays about swapping for a Dish 1000 and they said I wasn't eligible until August 2006. All I wanted for Christmas was ESPN2HD.
  7. mattyo

    Own a 811

    I won 3 811's...... Very disappointed.
  8. mattyo

    I'm extremely happy!

    I own 3 811's....I seriously doubt they are going to let me lease 3 211's for $49. I was not impressed with the Charlie Chat.
  9. mattyo

    Dish 1000 question

    Newbie question- I live in Lebanon, TN and looking for suggestions on how to purchase and install a new Dish 1000.....Should I go through Dish or contact a local satellite company? I currently have a Dish 500 with 3 811's and 3 301's and an OTA connected to my 811's for HD locals. Thanks...
  10. mattyo

    OTA HD versus E* HD

    I live in Lebanon, TN and have an OTA installed in my attic so I get all the Local HD content out of Nashville (ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, WB, PBS). It is well worth the investment. :)