Recent content by mdernst

  1. mdernst

    Something New: Key Quotes from the D* Investor Call 8/9/07

    True but there's more than one way to increase revenue. Hopefully that additional revenue comes from additional subscribers (VOLUME) as opposed to significantly raising prices on exisiting subscribers. Mike
  2. mdernst

    Movers conection

    Have you sold your house already? If so, check your sales contract - I'm in the process of doing the same (selling my current house, moving to new one) and my sales contract specifically states that all installed satellite dishes must remain. Mike
  3. mdernst

    Question re: Harmony remote and Tivo

    Just use the ENTER key to toggle between previous channels (just like you would on the original peanut remote). I couldn't get the PREV key to do that either - maybe if you reprogrammed the PREV key as another ENTER key it would work? Mike