Recent content by piercy67

  1. piercy67


    yea did what u said still doing it?
  2. piercy67


    will try and let ya know
  3. piercy67


    101 at 99 99 and 103 96 forced download still nothing
  4. piercy67


    both more when in guide or menu.
  5. piercy67


    yea did twice with no prevail
  6. piercy67


    my HR23-700 keeps freezing up. Anyone have any ideas why?
  7. piercy67

    WCTX HD is on!

    our MyNet in Wilkes-Barre, PA is only one left not HD.
  8. piercy67

    CE's for Spring Forward Weekend

    alright I will try tonight as well and let ya know what happens
  9. piercy67

    CE's for Spring Forward Weekend

    satjay mine disappeared too on my hr23-700
  10. piercy67

    HR2x CE Release 10/7

    my HR23-700 found it fast and its downloading now
  11. piercy67

    Pentagon Channel

    Directv still getting Pentagon Channel?
  12. piercy67

    CE's for the first weekend of fall

    downloading now 57% done
  13. piercy67

    Sound Dropouts?

    It happens with my HR23-700, especially the other night on Disney first half hour of a show was unwatchable because drop in and out really fast then it cleared up.
  14. piercy67

    HR22 no Internet Connection

    If you do find out the receiver is bad make them replace after you get protection plan because you pay for it so use it because they will take old receiver and fix it and someone else will end up with it.