Recent content by retired830

  1. R

    CSI Miami, what a load of crap!

    A steaming pile ???? Thats understated...... "H" is a big heaping pile of crap !!!!:p
  2. R

    CSI Miami, what a load of crap!

    Come on somebody...... this site is getting dull .... we need some more CSI negative bull crap !!!:D:eureka
  3. R

    CSI Miami, what a load of crap!

    Why not ?????:confused:
  4. R

    CSI Miami, what a load of crap!

    David Caruso - First of all, what egotistical idiot leaves "NYPD Blue" after a huge first season to pursue a movie career? Oh wait, what am I talking about? His performance in "Proof of Life" did bring me to tears - but not in the good way. How in the world "CSI: Miami" is still on the air is...
  5. R

    CSI Miami, what a load of crap!

    CSI is better if you don't view it !!!
  6. R

    CSI Miami, what a load of crap!

    Where does that idiot Caruso think he's going every time he takes stage right ?? He's so sick in his head !!!!!:eek:
  7. R

    CSI Miami, what a load of crap!

    A big 10-4 on that one !!!:up
  8. R

    CSI Miami, what a load of crap!

    You are sooooo right..... a can of crap !!!:)
  9. R

    CSI Miami, what a load of crap!

    CSI crap I tell ya... I get so pissed when I watch those shows.:yikes
  10. R

    CSI Miami, what a load of crap!

    CSI Miami, what a load of crap! No matter where they go, they carry their little suitcases with all their phony crap in it I don't understand why the real CSI departments don't complain about the phony crap thats portrayed on the TV-CSI's .It makes the real cops look like they don't do a damn...