Recent content by UpAllNight

  1. U

    Your smart card does not currenly have authorization to view or order this program.

    Well, after about 37 minutes on hold, I got an extremely pleasant CSR that informed me they had a transponder go down and that they were working on it with no definitive timeframe. I wonder if it's just affecting(005 attention screen) those of us that had a scheduled system upload/update. I'm...
  2. U

    First Look: TV2 IR Converter Kit

    I havn't read through all 13 pages so somebody might of already addressed this, but... how does this differ from the ol 1980's era VCR Rabbit devices? I realize they are a bit bigger boxes but, isn't the basis of both of these the same?
  3. U


    Kinda found the answer myself. To force a guide update: 1.) Press 'Menu' on remote. 2.) Select '3' Setup. 3.) Select '7' Updates. 4.) Then just adjust the 'Start time' to a time that is in one to two minutes from the current time. (make sure Updates are 'Enabled') Then simply wait for...
  4. U


    I ordered mine last Thursday, got it Tuesday morning. :) Getting used to its 'quirks' now. It did take an update as soon as I hooked up a network connection to it. I can easily see the future having an option to subscribe to a premium guide service, as the guide info is extremely limited...
  5. U

    List of HD Channels NOT Available on Dish Network: Version 2 Updated

    Yeah! How dare a news channel cater to one race! cough FNC cough (don't worry though, I'm sure BTNC will have their 'token' other race viewers too)
  6. U

    Russian channels on 61.5

    I think you should just relocate to Alaska. I hear up there they have 'line of site' of Russia, so heck, a good OTA antenna should be all ya need. :D
  7. U

    Dish Introduces DTVPal DVR

    Upon a cursory search, not exactly "consumer" priced eh? (under $50).
  8. U

    Dish Introduces DTVPal DVR

    Then it seems to reason that a 'analog to digital' converter will show up on the market eventually if not already, ...yes?
  9. U

    Dish Introduces DTVPal DVR

    Can the DTVPal DVR record analog inputs? ie from a Dish 301, a vcr, etc.? Anotherwords if you cascaded a antenna to the input of the DP301, then the tv output of the DP301 to the DTVPal DVR antenna input, would it record the DP301 from a channel 3 analog source? OR could you use a combiner to...
  10. U

    What do you suppose this guy was thinking?

    I think ya all have it wrong... 'clearly', this is signs of a busted cheating husband. :eek: I bet his new bag of Callaway's is in the bin next to it. :D
  11. U

    How much longer do I have to wait for Fox Business Channel?

    "conservative"....aka highly skewed towards ignorance. What a shocker, a conservative right wing org. denying global warming. :cool:
  12. U

    SRI Channel now available

    Cleary Charles has a senes of humor... Stupid Ridiculous Infomercials :D
  13. U

    Some RSN Customers to be disqualified

    First off, the wording in the first post of this thread states, "...incorrectly having access to RSN channels". Which makes it sound more like some AT60(AT100) customers are/were getting RSN's without being a part of the proper package. Secondly, the wording "Should those customers wish to...
  14. U

    CH 218 MOR Gone?

    This just in! ...MOR has been replaced by NOMOR! :D
  15. U

    Lost Signal on 129 and 119

    Houston... er... Englewood, we have a problem!