Recent content by ValentinaRose

  1. V

    UPDATED - New Dish Pricing Info!

    Maybe the customers need to go on strike if this pay increase goes through exactly how everyone is thinking it will. Refuse to pay it and go picket Dish Network and tell them what you really think of how they are treating their customers. That is what everyone else does when they feel like...
  2. V

    Charged for unordered PPV.

    That is not the problem. The problem is that each receiver should only be able to be used by that customers remote only when ordering Pay Per View. If Dish Network knows that a receiver from one customer can be highjacked by another customers remote to order pay per view and they aren't...
  3. V

    Charged for unordered PPV.

    Because they know it is an issue. Even in the OPs original post this was told to them when they called to complain... "The CS rep acknowledged that interference from another remote could have been an issue."
  4. V

    Charged for unordered PPV.

    You are basically saying that Dish Network has no way of telling what customer ordered what... So if you get a bill from Dish Network for a couple thousand dollars, because 50 of your neighbors ordered that much pay per view, due to the technology having a bug in it because of a remote address...