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  1. johninbricknj

    Best Sirius Radio for everywhere?

    The starmate 5 will do both. Check ebay or they have them at TSS radio. SIRIUS Universal PNP Home Kit SUPH1 | TSS-Radio
  2. johninbricknj

    Streaming Sirius online

    I called Sirius about them breaking MSS and the csr told me that I'm the only person that has called.:rolleyes: Have it installed on 4 computers and none work.
  3. johninbricknj

    Sirius Signal Issues

    Did you try aiming it south, Forget about a south facing window. Give it a shot. I got great results in the boiler room were I work just facing it south,The room is cement and steel and it still worked.
  4. johninbricknj

    Sirius Signal Issues

    There's a new sat up there that I think may be responsible for some of the problems. The antenna I had in the same place for 4 years I moved it to a south facing window and that is giving me a much better signal. This was at my work. Just for the heck of it I played with my antenna at home, I...
  5. johninbricknj

    SIRIUS XM Announces SIRIUS FM-5 Satellite has Been Placed Into Service

    Sirius XM Radio Inc. - SIRIUS XM Announces SIRIUS FM-5 Satellite has Been Placed Into Service SIRIUS XM Announces SIRIUS FM-5 Satellite has Been Placed Into Service New satellite increases broadcast power and delivers improved reception to SIRIUS subscribers NEW YORK, Sept 09, 2009...
  6. johninbricknj

    Sirius Signal Issues

    I've been having signal loss for about a week now from about 1:10pm edt to about 1:45pm. The antenna has been in the same place for 4 years so I replaced it with a new one, I have a few new ones laying around, It did not help at all.OH well:)
  7. johninbricknj

    s50 lossing signal

    I had multiple signal losses on my drive to work about 6:50 this morning. When I pulled into the parking lot my S50 was in complete signal loss, I have another S50 in my place of work and that one was fine. Everything was good on the ride home. It's been said that weather doesn't affect...
  8. johninbricknj

    Anyone notice static lately

    This won't fix it but to verify whether it's your radio or the transmission when you hear static rewind the song to see if the static is there again.
  9. johninbricknj

    Mlb on Sirius

    XM gets every 2009 MLB game; Sirius comes up empty - CORRECTED - Orbitcast Scroll to bottem of page, Matt says he talked to CSR and was told bla bla. I'll believe it when I hear it.
  10. johninbricknj

    Satellite Radio Thru Home Audio Receiver

    You could also get a home dock for the wifes stiletto and use that.
  11. johninbricknj

    Need some advice...

    TSS Radio would be a good place to start. They have kits that would work on your bike. Check out there site or give them a call. Honda Motorcyle Mounts | TSS-Radio
  12. johninbricknj

    Sirius S50 Signal Issues

    Do you have the latest software update? I'm not sure if Sirius is blowing smoke up our butts, but they sent out e-mails, snail mail and I even got a phone call about updating my s50 with the latest firmware so that service is not interrupted. So if your having problems it might be worth a try...
  13. johninbricknj

    "Sirius" Installation problem

    Also be carefull when hard wiring, the newer Sirius units are 5 volts and the cigarette plug steps the power down.
  14. johninbricknj

    Sirius Radio Home Antenna Installation Tips

    SIRIUS Backstage Forum - Powered by vBulletin
  15. johninbricknj

    S50 update any good?

    Beagle, I would go check over at siriusbackstage. I put the new firmware on mine and it seems to be OK, I don,t know nothing about the FCC power thing.
  16. johninbricknj

    Best deal on a 2nd Sirius radio

    On the Sirius home page click the Holiday gift shop link--upper right hand corner. The S50 on that page is $43.99. Search around the site, there's like a different deal around every corner. Or there's a special running for E* channel 155
  17. johninbricknj

    Sirius Satellite

    Look in the bag with all the stuff that came with the unit or car adapter, there should be a piece of wire with a plug on it that goes in the hole.
  18. johninbricknj

    Nascar radio

    XM will not be carrying NASCAR after Dec. Sirius starts in Jan. with full rights. Sirius does have a channel now, NASCAR 128 that has a great show with Dave Moody from MRN radio.
  19. johninbricknj

    XM vs. Sirius The Final Round Customer Service

    I have both and Never had to deal with either.....THANK HEAVEN:clap
  20. johninbricknj

    Monday's update for SIRIUS (Mazda owners)

    This temporary fix got your Mazda problem fixed, but do you guys got all the updated channels. It had to be a system wide update cause my sportser also updated again with no adverse problems. It probably took so long because they had to figure out how to fix the Mazda problem without messing...
  21. johninbricknj

    14,000 Fans Dropping Sirius over Stern's "lack of sympathy"?

    The same amount of time he took off on testicle radio:)
  22. johninbricknj

    XM vs. Sirius Round 3 Talk

    Here's the deal---Where's my RAT-LER:cool:
  23. johninbricknj

    XM vs Sirius Round TWo--Rock

    Also agree. Classic vinyl and octane rock too!!!:up