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  1. bookworm370

    Can't delete VOD movies on my Dish Network Hopper 3

    I can't find it right now, but there is a tech that visits the site regularly. Maybe Scott Greczkowski could point you to him or him to here?
  2. bookworm370

    Can't delete VOD movies on my Dish Network Hopper 3

    379 just came out. Check to see if it was pushed to you and if anything changed. There has been quite enough chat about this that someone who monitors this forum in Dish Tech would have had to report it at least.
  3. bookworm370

    Can't delete VOD movies on my Dish Network Hopper 3

    I was going to recommend Info if the Recal didn't automatically delete it. What happens if you do press play. If it starts or gives you an expired message, can you then stop and delete it then or just delete from the expired message. These things are like trying to find the 4 leaf clover in...
  4. bookworm370

    Can't delete VOD movies on my Dish Network Hopper 3

    Can you take a couple of screenshots of the different screens and options you tried? You can DM them to me if you don't want to publish.
  5. bookworm370

    Can't delete VOD movies on my Dish Network Hopper 3

    Did you just press Delete before you select it and try to open the tile?
  6. bookworm370

    Can't delete VOD movies on my Dish Network Hopper 3

    I've had this problem before sporadically. What I did was to do a back door delete. Start the program (hopefully you can) while it plays his STOP. It will come up with the standard dialog of what you want to do. From that dialog, hit delete and it's worked for me. Not sure of any expired...
  7. bookworm370

    Hopper 3 hard drive failure

    I, too, am on my original Hopper, which I got a couple of months after its initial availability. My fingers are crossed, but it's been rock solid since then.
  8. bookworm370

    Hopper 3 Software H375

    NBC4i Columbus Ohio ch 4 Update: never mind, I looked at the streamer list. My bad. It's not on there.
  9. bookworm370

    Hopper 3 Software H375

    I turned it on about 5 days ago and just checked and it's still on. But yesterday, during a storm, we lost signal for about 5 minutes. I smirked and waited for signal protector to kick in. Yup, NADA. Sat on the 'we are aware of this problem' screen for the five minutes until the sats were...
  10. bookworm370

    Dish Hopper 4 with much larger Hard drive???

    Thanks, but I assume that they did not update any existing in the field. So if I got the H3 the year it came out, yes, it still works just great, then can I assume I'm still on 1+1 format?
  11. bookworm370

    Dish Hopper 4 with much larger Hard drive???

    I've never really figured out why the 2G internal HD is partitioned into two 1 Gig partitions. One is to store the programs and recordings and prime-time any-time. The other is for Dish On Demand and other loaded shows. After all this time, I think that Dish would look at the stats and see...
  12. bookworm370

    EchoStar/Dish raises doubts about 'ability to continue as a going concern'

    I read a fascinating analysis of why this may be true. It seems that the loss he's taken on X-ster can be used to offset gains in his other businesses. So if you consider the tax implications of offsetting Tesla, etc., Running it into the ground might be a shrewd decision. A pity, though...
  13. bookworm370

    DISH TV Antenna Dual Tuner

    I bought the AirTV and it's been rock stable, if not just a tad warm but I have an exhaust fan anyway behind the entertainment center
  14. bookworm370

    SatelliteGuys HAS MOVED again!

    Yeah, it works. Now the big Q. Where do we post to or will you sync up the posts from the new server and the old server or keep posting on the this one?
  15. bookworm370

    SatelliteGuys HAS MOVED again!

    Well Scott, Great work. I've noticed that screen updates are much snappier! Job well done! It just shows that the cost of computing is going down, and providers have to be more competitive to keep their subscriber base.
  16. bookworm370

    Are my eyes deceiving me? BOS - Blue Screen of Start!

    Great, thanks for the explanation. I'll take a shot at re-plugging.
  17. bookworm370

    Are my eyes deceiving me? BOS - Blue Screen of Start!

    I was a little taken aback when I restarted my Hopper this morning. I am unsure how long this has been this way (H372), but I was used to seeing two black Hopper 3 Starting up screens one after the other. This morning, I had to look twice, as the first screen was a very nice, pleasing Blue while...
  18. bookworm370

    DVR recording question

    It's funny how we talk about it here, and it magically gets fixed. Same here for last night as well. One data point doesn't make a trend, but we will see. If it was Dish Tech support that monitored this and reported it, then you have our gratitude.
  19. bookworm370

    DVR recording question

    Great, glad to know it's just not me. I will try to do the same thing and compare. Or at least be on 4.1 while recording 4.0, as even if I'm on 4.0, it still breaks up, and also on other shows on 4, even in the evening, as they switch from local programming to network. If we can establish a...
  20. bookworm370

    Binge Watch Auto Setting

    Oh it's back now.
  21. bookworm370

    DVR recording question

    Hey, also in Columbus. Have you been having audio breakup problems on Ch 4 NBC4i? It seems that the audio will break up randomly but always when it switches from local DMA to the network. Like NBC News at 6:30, it always breaks up for about a minute before stabilizing. If you're having...
  22. bookworm370

    On Demand can’t watch or delete

    You can watch but just selecting the on demand movie and just hit play, not opening up the menu, just highlight the movie and press play
  23. bookworm370

    EchoStar/Dish raises doubts about 'ability to continue as a going concern'

    Well, if they go TU, as long as I can keep the Hopper and keep the 10+ TB of saved programs going back 15 years then at least it will be some consolation.
  24. bookworm370

    EchoStar/Dish raises doubts about 'ability to continue as a going concern'

    Sorry but in Chapter 11 or receivership contracts are null and void.