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  1. J

    lost signal on Shaw

    The two sources I checked tonight were, at one time, online vendors well known for shipping Shaw gear of all sorts to the US. I didn't check E-Bay or Kijiji, though. I believe I read somewhere, sometime in the past couple of years, that standalone LNB's were going to be made available only...
  2. J

    lost signal on Shaw

    A signal level of zero usually means that the connection between the dish and the LNB has been broken. If the connection is intact, your receiver signal meter should show at least a weak signal, even if the dish is totally mis-pointed. So, check the connectors at the LNB and look for damage or...
  3. J

    ANIK F2 - Thy End Is Near

    FYI, the link cited in Post #112 above triggered a blockage by my AntiMalware product. I did not proceed.
  4. J

    ANIK F2 - Thy End Is Near

    Yes, you're right.....I think I knew that at the time.... :) When I originally purchased my southern subscription twenty years ago a well- known and well-respected member of this forum told me to think of StarChoice/Shaw as a "temporary investment in entertainment". He was right. But it...
  5. J

    ANIK F2 - Thy End Is Near

    YEP!!!!!!! That day of mourning actually occurred for French-speaking snowbirds over a year ago when RDS and TVASports were moved to G1, at which point I cancelled my Shaw. At least the English-speaker hockey fans can subscribe to ESPN+ in the US, but as far as I know there is now no "legal"...
  6. J

    Parameters for Shaw direct dish in Hartford Area :

    I know you've been working on this a long time and you probably anxious to be done with it. However, if all else fails and you are still questioning the line of sight and the trees, here's an accurate method to determine whether your line of sight is obstructed. Twice a year, spring and fall...
  7. J

    roku canada?

    Yes. I became familiar with all that legal stuff during the Shaw years. So, from that, I would conclude that the Roku solution is just a streaming version of the satellite "grey market"....? The very strange thing about all this is that, with regard to ICITele, their programming is available...
  8. J

    roku canada?

    I was a southern subscriber to Shaw for many years. My purpose was for the French channels, most notably RDS, TVASports, ICITele, TVA, Canal D, etc. Cancelled when most French programming was lost to Anik G1 a year ago. Visited Roku's website tonite. Only Canada-French channels in the...
  9. J

    Parameters for Shaw direct dish in Hartford Area :

    Yes....Harshness is correct: there is a Dishpointer entry for Shaw further down in the dropdown box whose numbers are slightly different than the F2 numbers. I had forgotten that. However, either set of numbers can be used for getting started with the pointing operation. If you use...
  10. J

    Parameters for Shaw direct dish in Hartford Area :

    You may be aware that Anik F1R has reached end-of-life and has been decommissioned. Shaw's replacement satellite located at the 107.3W slot is Anik G1. Anik G1 only covers the northern part of the US and Canada, so you may be able to received it in Hartford. That being said, when pointing...
  11. J

    Remapping a Shaw Direct DSR-600 Receiver understanding is that the 6xx receivers (and earlier) will not be compatible with the changes set forth in the attached document.
  12. J

    Remapping a Shaw Direct DSR-600 Receiver

    Weird.....if I click the link in my post above I get a "404" error. But if I Google "Shaw Direct Channel Map Download", I can see the document. Maybe it's an archived page. I snipped the text and attached below. Also, I'm sending you an e-mail to your Global Address on a related subject.
  13. J

    Remapping a Shaw Direct DSR-600 Receiver

    Hi Mike I found this link\ The article is not dated, so I have no idea whether it's Shaw's "new system" or not. It mentions (under "Map Status") a couple of channels that you did not try. HTH
  14. J

    Google Ads

    Even after logging in the ads on this site have become BEYOND obnoxious and intrusive, taking up an amazingly large portion of screen real estate and making it difficult to read the content.
  15. J

    refresh receiver shaw

    A receiver refresh can be done by accessing your account online and finding the button for refreshing your receiver. I believe a total of four attempts to refresh can be done per day via the Web. As far as the problem you are experiencing, it's difficult to diagnose from the information given...
  16. J

    Shaw satellite in Mesa, an update

    @ Harshness My understanding on that question is that Shaw is using the EXTENDED Ku Band portion of G1 for its signals (hence the name xKu given to the LNB) and that the Extended Ku Band is not authorized for use in the US. I don't have any references to back that up, but I know such...
  17. J

    Shaw satellite in Mesa, an update

    Anik F1 (actually, Anik F1R) has reached end-of-life, has been decommissioned, and is no longer broadcasting Shaw signals. The satellite mentioned by the OP that does not reach the southern US is actually Anik G1. Any signals that the OP is receiving in AZ are coming from Anik F2 which...
  18. J


    Just to throw out another question on this topic: Does anyone know which of the two remaining Shaw satellites transmits the channel map and firmware updates? If it's G1 only, then no one outside its footprint will get those updates, and that will likely present a problem for all southern subs...
  19. J


    To expand a little on Mike's post above: Have you updated the LNBF on your dish in recent years? If not, you likely still have the older Quad LNBF that had been in use for almost 20 years. The LNBF currently in use is called an xKu LNBF and is almost identical in appearance to the Quad...
  20. J

    Can’t get Shaw to work any more

    @ Stonemountain It was 601.....I didn't think it had much value as it wasn't a has been recycled.
  21. J

    Can’t get Shaw to work any more

    Sorry for the gloom and doom, but it's over.......especially for those who subscribed for the French programming. I cancelled my subscription several months ago and the Shaw dish will be going out with the uncontained trash on the next pickup. A thank you to Mike Kohl for all his help and...
  22. J

    Any Shaw Direct Brokers?

    Anyone considering Shaw Direct in the US should read the following bulleting. Currently only one of their satellites (Anik F2) covers the entire US and that satellite is nearing its end-of-life. Shaw is currently...
  23. J

    Canadian satellite

    I wouldn't claim to be an expert on the rules and regulations of the CRTC. But my source of information is at the following link: Shaw Direct In Areas South of Canada (Mexico, US, etc)...
  24. J

    Canadian satellite

    That's true. But it should be remembered that they have never been under any obligation to provide direct-to-home TV to anyone outside Canada. In fact, the rules of the CRTC (the Canadian version of the FCC) are that they cannot knowingly provide service to anyone but those who have a Canadian...
  25. J

    Shaw Direct Receiver lost signal

    4377 was the channel map for the "Quad New Lineup" that was being used in the past. As Showtime stated, 4378 is the current (and only) map. But regardless of the channel map, the OP is getting ZERO signal. Seems like he should check the coax and its connectors, and swap out the LNB for...