Search results for query: *

  1. O

    Who is going to Win the HD War?

    ...and HD leader in my book. Since I have been away for so long, maybe someone could answer a few questions for me: 1. How many HD channels has D* added to their lineup this year? 2. How many since the launching 7S? 3. What new promises have they made? 4. What old promises have they...
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    Who is going to Win the HD War?

    If D*'s former success is measured by their delivery of SD LiL's, and they are planning on measuring their success in the HD market based on their SD model, then I for one have no interest in their future. D* has shown total disdain for PQ over and over again throughout the years as they upped...
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    I'm Out !!!

    I really enjoy Voom as much as anyone here, but this situation is inexcusable! As Ilya and TvlMan correctly point out, call your credit card company, NOT VOOM, in order to straighten this out, unless your credit card company is as much of a disaster as Voom.
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    WM9? No way, here comes H.264 ...

    And if I understand correctly, the encoding process of H.264 requires a LOT more horsepower, therefore making it too slow to do in real time using current processing speeds. As such, I doubt highly that H.264 would be used for satellite transmissions, though it has been adopted as one of the...
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    Good luck, Voomers! (If you don't reboot daily)

    I have 2 boxes: The first never requires rebooting. The second needs to be rebooted at least once a day, and it must be unplugged. The soft reboot does not help. I figured I would just put up with the second box until the new firmware comes out to see if it helps.
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    An Analysis of the Microstutters

    Yes, it is quite incredible! But not nearly as incredible as people who believe that they can see a single dropped frame. Three frames makes sense, as I mentioned earlier that I have been able to spot as few as 3, and I consider my eyes to be at least somewhat trained. I would never say that it...
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    An Analysis of the Microstutters

    Darrell, so how many frames total are "incorrect" during a single stutter? Based on your description, it sounds like 3 incorrect frames, as you mentioned "it goes back to the frame where it first dropped". And what exactly do you mean by "still frame"? Do you mean it is a duplicate of the...
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    Does Voom have hacks like Direct Tv did??

    No one that you know, anyway. ANY access card be hacked...It's just a matter of will and greed on the part of the hacker. D* has done a so-so job of keeping one step up on the hackers, and since the "gray" Canadien laws have now sided with D*, the serious hackers have simply gone underground...
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    Do you have microstutters?

    I agree that the problem is at the decoding end, not the encoding. How close did the first appearance of stutters coincide with the release of firmware 5.68? And was the stuttering there before the update?
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    Do you have microstutters?

    Since a decoder has to "work harder" decoding some material than it does on others, all of the above statements could be true. If the decoder has to work very hard and isn't fast enough to perform in real time, the effect would be very obvious, but if the workload is less demanding and the...
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    Do you have microstutters?

    The stutters ARE there, no doubt about it, or at least on my two boxes! It depends on how many frames are dropped. Even a very experienced person would have a difficult time spotting a single dropped frame, and a novice might not notice anything less than 15 or 20. Even after several years...
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    RF remote with Voom?

    Bummer...I guess I'll have to get out the old IR extender, heh? ;)
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    RF remote with Voom?

    I noticed that there is a RF connector just above the RF out connector on the back panel. There is no reference to this connector in the manual. I think that it is for a RF remote, but can anyone verify this? And if so, how can I use it?
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    Which one of these descriptions best describes what you would have VOOM stand for if

    VideoGrabber, that was a virtually perfect post! Your points are all well taken and in my opinion extremely accurate. Unfortunately the creator of the poll simply wanted to hear nice things being said about Voom, and is not really interested in honest feedback. That's too bad, because the...
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    4:3 TV Users

    The lack of user selectable aspect ratio on the HD outputs is a MAJOR flaw in the Voom software, as I have been saying since the first day that I got my box. Voom has made 2 assumptions when they designed the box: 1. All SD display devices have a 4:3 aspect ratio 2. All HD display devices...
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    Since VOOM may read this...(Make mozilla/firefox compatible with VOOM website)

    Exactly. We Mozilla users aren't using it by accident. :D People who use Mozilla are the same kind of people who use Voom - Not afraid to take a chance on something less mainstream, and as a result are highly rewarded for our pioneering attitude. D* subscribers use IE...:p
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    My Box Still Crashes

    Most of my lockups occur when I haven't touched anything in several hours. The boxes bug out all by themselves with no help from me. Sometimes I see a red "satellite" signal on the front of the box, sometimes the audio is still going with no picture, sometimes the channel is working perfectly...
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    My Box Still Crashes

    I have two boxes, and they both crash several times a day. I can't believe I have 2 bad boxes, so at this point I will assume that the software is just incredibly unstable. BTW, I never put boxes in standby. They are always on.
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    Help Help, Component to VGA problems

    I suspect that something is wrong with your Voom box. I am using a CTCA3 with my Voom box and everything is perfect. I also tried it out with my second Voom box and a different projector and that was perfect also. What display device are you feeding with the CACA3, and does it have color space...
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    What's your main complaint about VOOM today?

    You forgot one important category - "other" My biggest single complaint is the horrendous program guide, closely followed by insufficient software control of the Voom box (single button guides, more customizable guides, being able to choose the aspect ratio of your HD display device...
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    VOOM to employ Windows Media 9

    Please don't misunderstand - I do not work for or are otherwise associated with Microsoft in any way. I am just one of the volunteer testers among many who are in contact with the MS codec team, that's all.
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    VOOM to employ Windows Media 9

    Hi Ilya, Unfortunately, though I am not officially under NDA, MS has requested that I keep things pretty quiet, so I can't tell you as much as I would like, but I can answer a couple of questions. I personally am using a 9" CRT front projector, one of just a few that can fully resolve...
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    VOOM to employ Windows Media 9

    Guys, regardless of your political position regarding MS, their codec rocks!! Since we (over at AVS) are serving as a testbed for the new codec, I am in pretty close contact with the MS development team. They are some of the finest people in the business and are truly concerned with producing...
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    X1 and voom - PLEASE help me

    You need to do several things: 1. Connect the Voom box's component output to the X1's RGB input by using component cables connected to an InFocus Component to VESA Adapter. This is a custom pinout cable, and as far as I know, no other cable or adapter will work correctly. I made one up myself...
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    Help. Voom Component to RGB problems

    I am using the KD-CTCA3 and it works perfectly. Like Mr. Biggles mentioned, you should check to see that you are sending the correct resolution output (1080i or 720p should be your choices). Then connect the RGB output of the transcoder directly to the Runco input (if you can), leaving out the...