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  1. B

    Dish PVR/DVR Questions

    If you're a channel-surfer looking for something interesting to watch it's handy. Find a show that might be OK and select it, change tuners, find another show that might be OK and select it. Pop back to the first, rewind and watch it until you're bored then switch to the second and repeat. If...
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    Record an OTA station & watch sat ch. at the same time?

    The OTA guide on 921 is remapped from SAT locals, doesn't work if you don't subscribe to SAT locals that correspond to your actual OTA locals. If you do subscribe, and some of us did just that for free (temporarily), you can press record on your current local program and then switch to SAT...
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    Hi 921 people! (bunch o' questions)

    Don't know that you need an unused tuner. You should have turned it on and watched, it's as fun as watching clothes go round in a front-load washer. You can, as I recall, watch 101 on the second tuner while it downloads on the first, equally fun.
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    921 loses SD/HD and Format controls

    Seems to be associated with L211, a number of people are noting similar problems. I filed an uncommon problem report with DISH, perhaps they'll figure it out and fix the next software.
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    Questions B4 purchasing a 921

    ...6. The OTA is pretty darn good, it's getting better. There stil is no OTA guide, though, unless you subscribe to the same locals that you get OTA. I have no problems with OTA, it's a darn nice machine but still not perfect. E*, on the other hand, gave us the shaft on the OTA guide so far.
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    Time to upgrade.

    I agree with boba, the HD on DISH is not particularly compelling. I'd suggest you reconsider the PVR thing, though. It's hard to live without once you try it. DISH will get you set up with a DISH 500 for free last I checked.
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    Dolby 5.1 Surround W/Dvr 510 Help

    There are standalone DD / DTS decoders. I suspect it might be better to instead apply their price towards a new receiver with builit-in decoding.
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    First Look: Dish 942 HD/SD Receiver (Updated 1/24/05)

    Additional receivers above the first are charged $5, but if they are leased the $5 lease charge replaces that. There is a $5 VOD (video on demand) fee for 921, the 942 will likely have that too. The VOD is waived if you subscribe to AEP (A. Everything Pack) The 942 will probably incur an...
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    going to new Big screen, need advice

    ...on the fact it outputs 480i. I, perhaps vainly, tried to point out that satisfactory results MAY depend more on the display device than on the E* box . Some balance in the posts is useful, and yours struck me as rather one-sided (the part about 811 picture quality). Perhaps it is a matter...
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    going to new Big screen, need advice

    ...but I guess I need to qualify that: I don't think you should expect an improvement, nor should you expect degredation. Further, while E* signal could be better on non-premium channels, it is much more tolerable than many cable signals. My concern would be how well the TV handles less than...
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    going to new Big screen, need advice

    I'd suggest you take a stroll over to the home theater SPOT. They have manufacturer-specific threads on all the major TV manufacterers and a wealth of information on picture quality. I purchased my Toshiba HD-ready (CRT rear-projection) set 2 years ago, and I've not regretted it for a...
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    $549, 921 - Did you Buy?

    ...and Scott here believes that 942 will be lease only. I'm not excited about having somebody else's property in my house - I'd rather own it. D* is not a real option for me because their premium channels are a bit more limited than E*, and D* costs more for their almost everything package...
  13. B

    921 or Wait for 942??

    Thank you Scott. I recall last year about this time you seemed a fairly strong Dish supporter, I'm sorry to see that dim. Dish should come through and support you, especially after all the support you've shown them. I would expect you're working on Dish to offer up a little compensation...
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    921 or Wait for 942??

    I'd REALLY like to get Scott's input on this one (the title of the thread). I understand the new pricing is a kick in the teeth for Scott and Claude as well as several members of this forum. Still, it's pretty enticing. Scott, you've used the 921 for some time. You've commented that the...
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    Is the 510 worth it?

    No phone line needed.
  16. B

    Is the 510 worth it?

    I really like my 508, identical to the 510 except slightly smaller drive. It has become very stable with the newer software. As a lease unit the lease fee replaces the second receiver fee, so it doesn't much pay to own it. However, if you don't have AEP you'll have to pay the $5 VOD fee on...
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    522 vs 721 question

    I agree with Larry, my 721 is very stable and is good as the primary receiver. Very fast guide and instant weather are a plus. There is only 1 receiver fee on the 721 even if not connected to phone line. The 522 has double fees if not plugged into phone line - plus VoD fee if you don't have...
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    First Look: Dish 942 HD/SD Receiver (Updated 1/24/05)

    I don't find it stupid at all, although it might be made better with another ATSC tuner (at some dollar cost perhaps). I, for one, would appreciate being able to record two HD datastreams in the background while I watch something (HD or SD) previously recorded. That would seem to make it...
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    First Look: Dish 942 HD/SD Receiver (Updated 1/24/05)

    Sure two would be better, but 921 only has one OTA - and seemingly not a particularly good one at that.
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    First Look: Dish 942 HD/SD Receiver (Updated 1/24/05)

    Found where Scott commented on perceived inferiority of the 942: Quote 'The 942 is NOT better, infact I consider it a step down.' in response to a querry regarding upgrading from 921 on July 28 this year. That comment has haunted me since then.
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    First Look: Dish 942 HD/SD Receiver (Updated 1/24/05)

    The special buy is noted in the dish store support forum, order probably went out today. It is/was $839, I slipped up on that. I distinctly remember Scott saying something about how the 942 seemed inferior to 921, but I'm not finding that quote. It struck me as odd because the 921 major...
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    First Look: Dish 942 HD/SD Receiver (Updated 1/24/05)

    Having quietly watched the trials of the parent boxes in customer's hands, it seems to me the 'twice the problems' is a reasonable guess. Given that the respective software products appear not entirely capable of handling either parent box, it strikes me that double the trouble is likely. This...
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    Charlie's working on HD distant locals

    Found this as I was browsing my temporary free access on broadcastingcable website (it's cut and paste, I hope they value advertising more than prosecution of copyright): The one major must-pass bill will come out of the Senate and House Judiciary committees, which must originate the...
  24. B

    Can the 921 do this?

    Recording 2 data streams while watching from 3rd tuner would add a 3rd data stream inasmuch as the unit will try to buffer that which we are viewing, true? I'd hate to not have the data buffering feature, but expect seldom will I need to record 2 while viewing a 3rd. Given that the data...