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    NFL 2024-2025 Season

    Well Ive sure seen hundreds of bad marks from the refs!
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    MLB 2024 Season

    Man Im not shocked, they will twist themselves into knots because of money!....Look how the NHL walked away from the Great One because of his wife!!!!......Shoeless Joe are you watching?!
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    MLB 2024 Season

    Major league baseball has taken anyone who gambled not only out of the game, but refused to put them in the Hall of Fame. If you dont believe Pete Rose dosent belong, thats on you. His numbers speak for themselves....So yes all this has to do with the powers at be from MLB!
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    NFL 2024-2025 Season

    Arlington is the best for them. But major infrastructure and higher suburban taxes may kill it. You have the train right their, and 53 at Eucild would have to have lots of changes. And rout 14( Northwest highway?)...Been 20 years since I lived around their. Why the Whitesox dont talk to Bears...
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    MLB 2024 Season

    Well MLB sure created a problem when you allow gambling on baseball, and even allow a sports bet inside ballparks! And then there is Pete Rose.
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    Jim Harbaugh left Michigan for the Chargers.

    Really that high? I never saw much just the blunders of missing extra point and such. Would never thought he was that good. Thats a lot of years watching them, so I will take your word for it. What do you think of Dak? I see lots of the same with him how I saw Romo.
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    Jim Harbaugh left Michigan for the Chargers.

    2 weeks ago, a play close to the sidelines and they were tripping over each other what was better the throw or the catch. In all honesty, if they were watching the game it was a everyday 2 minute drill going down the sidelines to stop the clock! Just awful!
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    Jim Harbaugh left Michigan for the Chargers.

    I cant stand him! He is whinny, and these announcers get way to excited and call things that arnt happening. Any game played 2 will have two fan bases, and on national games 90% watching are watching football not listen to the cheerleaders call the game!
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    NFL 2023-2024 Season

    And have been coined the phrase" lovable losers" for better than 70 years!
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    NFL 2023-2024 Season

    If the pathetic Cubs can win after 108 years, it shouldnt be that hard for Detroit. And remember the big money that owned the Cubs for most of that time!
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    NFL 2023-2024 Season

    I dont think they have it in them to win. But I wont bet or root against them. The city of Detroit could use a nice big win for a change!
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    Jim Harbaugh left Michigan for the Chargers.

    He did the same thing as Pete Carroll did when the heat got turned up.
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    Sunday Ticket litigation

    NFL owners be embarrassed? Just like MLB they hid the books, and why would they do that? Probably because they are making insane money and if the Union, and Players find out, wages go up, and take some profit away. Just look at what the Dodgers did signing 2 players.
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    NFL 2023-2024 Season

    Well meltdown to me is they had a chance and blew it. I sure didnt see much to be excited about right from the opening kickoff! Green Bay should feel lucky such a poor team showed up to play against them!
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    2023-2024 NCAA Football Thread

    You dont think they deserved a shot at a National Championship? To many years there is 1 to 4 teams that deserve to try. Some teams are going down that get it, some are playing at a high level but failed early. I have no problem with giving more teams opportunities.
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    2023-2024 NCAA Football Thread

    Im sure FSU would disagree with you.
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    NFL 2023-2024 Season

    I dont think the NFC is weak at all........Inconsistent absolutely! You never know what team will show up, like the 49'ers, Dallas, and the Eagles.
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    MLB is allowing the Dodgers to cheat the league

    Over 70 years MLB has gotten away with lots of things. Its billionaires paying millionaires! This one will play out strangely for sure! They are the new Yankees!
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    NFL 2023-2024 Season

    Dont let Amazon know? They advertise what a great job they do making the NFL schedule in seconds, not days. lol
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    MLB Hotstove 2023/24

    And a good reason they scream that. Is well over 60 years the owners screamed they couldnt afford such high wages. Every time the union said fair enough, then open your books and prove it......They have never opened their books, and have gone quieter about wages! Look at the billions they spend...
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    MLB Hotstove 2023/24

    Dont blame the players, blame the owners. Its that simple.
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    MLB Hotstove 2023/24

    Spot on! I dont want to hear about the players making to much. You can afford to pay big bucks, you have big bucks! Everyone went crazy when Reggie Jackson was the first million dollar player. Look where they are now?
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    MLB Hotstove 2023/24

    He will have had 2 Tommy John surgeries on same arm.
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    2023-2024 NCAA Football Thread

    There have been years were the SEC didnt even deserve a bid and got in. Bama pulls that off a lot....No way in hell they should be 4 or 5....So like always they can sneak in, while a undefeated team gets locked out!
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    2023-2024 NCAA Football Thread

    And Big Ten has Michigan,Ohio,Penn,and Iowa top 18?