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  1. 1080iBeVuMin

    Should we do this???

    Scott, this forum is *GREAT* as is. Any reader has the ability to report a post with one click if it bothers him or her. The reader must decide "Can I handle the free speech of this other guy? Or am I going to run to the mods for censorship?" Judgment trumps any rigid censorship rule.
  2. 1080iBeVuMin

    Do Forums matter

    You gotta be kidding! Forums have great value in sharing info, learning, making individual choices, venting, persuading, camaraderie. But this chatter influencing the outcome of the format war??? Hmmm... anybody wanna buy a bridge here in San Francisco?
  3. 1080iBeVuMin

    WHO will release on Blu-ray and not standard DVD FIRST?

    None. The next "exclusive" video format will be some kind of UDTV. 4k x 4k pixels. HD format is only a slight improvement over standard DVD considering all the great upconverting players. So let's start a poll...... when do you think we will see UDTV as an optional video format?
  4. 1080iBeVuMin

    What made you choose the format you did

    I just made a lucky guess last July that Blu-Ray would win, so I took the plunge. Or maybe it was my great genius! :D :D :D :rolleyes:
  5. 1080iBeVuMin


    Thanks, diogen. Great posts.
  6. 1080iBeVuMin


    Thanks. I get that. But then, WHY does everybody keep referring to "much higher production costs" for Blu-Ray over HD DVD ??? If that was the only difference, it would be one tweak! Seems to me, there is some kind of bigger technological hurdle to jump with Blu-Ray production -- much...
  7. 1080iBeVuMin


    That's one way to say it. But doesn't that also mean that HD DVD is far less expensive to *PIRATE* than Blu-Ray? Making HD DVD economically feasible for "smaller and independent" pirates to copy and sell a wider variety of titles? Could this be one big reason why the "powers that be"...
  8. 1080iBeVuMin

    Think Blu-ray has it easy in 2008? NPD says not so fast

    And me with my Samsung 1200. :up :up :up I haven't found a BD title that it won't play. (yet)
  9. 1080iBeVuMin

    Buy outright vs Rent/Theater first

    I hardly ever buy. Just rent. After I have seen it once I know how it ends. :rolleyes:
  10. 1080iBeVuMin

    HD DVD may be dying but it looks like they might take Bluray with them

    Well said. Exactly my reaction. :up We know that in the long run BD will be outmoded by something else -- hopefully UDTV (4k x 4k pixels) and hopefully soon! We can all agree that ultimately BD will lose. There now!! Feel better?? :hatsoff:
  11. 1080iBeVuMin

    To all war-zoners

    Group hug. Now let's watch some HD. I mean, some BD. :haha and..... GO RON PAUL !! :up
  12. 1080iBeVuMin

    Thanks, this war is over everyone!

    If the war is indeed over, I just hope these big companies learned their lesson -- Next time get their heads together and agree on a technology before losing billions of dollars, before confusing consumers, and before prolonging a pointless struggle for essentially the same product. The format...
  13. 1080iBeVuMin

    Thanks, this war is over everyone!

    That's the spirit. Well, I took a chance and bought Blu-Ray last summer. It was either the BD1200 or wait for an expensive dual format. I guess I rolled the dice and won. But for how long? When will Blu-Ray get passed up? What's up with UDTV with 4k x 4k pixel resolution? May the...
  14. 1080iBeVuMin

    Looks like Netflix is online rental to have for SD/HD

    HEY!! SURPRISE, SURPRISE !! I just received my email from BlockBuster (BB). But it does not have a rate increase.... It has a rate reduction!! @party @party :neener They are lowering my monthly rate from $4.99 to $3.99 ! Looks like I will be keeping BB for awhile longer... but I still...
  15. 1080iBeVuMin

    Looks like Netflix is online rental to have for SD/HD

    BB = BlockBuster What were you thinking? BB = BestBuy? :eek:
  16. 1080iBeVuMin

    Looks like Netflix is online rental to have for SD/HD

    I am talking about using BB Online for video rentals, not purchases. Amazon doesn't have rentals AFAIK, right?? I chose BB instead of Netflix because as a non-subscriber visiting both sites I was able to review the BD titles on BB's site. Netflix at the time would not let me see their BD...
  17. 1080iBeVuMin

    Looks like Netflix is online rental to have for SD/HD

    This is not good. Another thing that is not good is that BB's selection of BD titles has not increased in a few weeks. They rushed out several hundred BD titles, and I keep checking back and nothing new in at least 3 or 4 weeks, and very little new before that. What's up with that? Can...
  18. 1080iBeVuMin

    Blockbuster Video to Support Blu-ray

    I don't think Blockbuster's problems are a result of going with Blu-Ray. Even the article does not suggest that. The writer claims that Blockbuster is chasing Netflix with a flawed marketing strategy: "Total Access". I like Blockbuster online. I chose them over Netflix because I liked...
  19. 1080iBeVuMin

    So, which players do you own now: HD DVD, Blu-ray or both?

    CORRECTION: I take that back. Me thinks this is a REAL desperation move by HD-DVD according to my latest reading. I will pass for now.....
  20. 1080iBeVuMin

    So, which players do you own now: HD DVD, Blu-ray or both?

    I am Blu-Ray now (Samsung BD-1200 which I love!!!), but I will soon be "both". I cannot pass on a deal for a $100 HD-DVD player. $100 is very little to risk to cover both formats, even if HD-DVD eventually goes belly-up.
  21. 1080iBeVuMin

    Is Sony as desperate as it looks?

    Lots of info there, Diogen. I did not know any of that background. I guess I better sit back and watch what happens. It still seems that the best HD-DVD can do at this point is make dual-format players become the standard. I can't see the Blu-Ray format disappearing entirely and losing out...
  22. 1080iBeVuMin

    Is Sony as desperate as it looks?

    Okay, I follow your point about the PS3. But let me state it another way... If Blu-Ray is doing this well (roughly double the title sales of HD-DVD, etc.) with all the PS3 problems you cited, imagine how well Blu-Ray would be doing if Sony actually got their act together. :eureka
  23. 1080iBeVuMin

    Is Sony as desperate as it looks? Sony's PS3 problems. But considering all the studios that make Blu-Ray titles, and the strong sales of Blu-Ray titles, and the existence of *other* manufacturers of Blu-Ray players besides Sony, how dependent is the Blu-Ray format really on Sony's PS3 problem??? Are we getting a bit...
  24. 1080iBeVuMin

    Blu-ray set-top players out-selling HD DVD

    Agreed. I am the only person I know who has any kind of high def player or any interest in it. A good friend of mine answered "No" when I asked if he ever heard of Blu-Ray. Our best (and busiest) local video shop has no high def rentals and they have no idea when (or if) they will get either...
  25. 1080iBeVuMin

    Many confused by Blu-ray vs. HD-DVD

    I agree. Part of the confusion is marketing terminology. "HD DVD" sounds like somewhat above "DVD" or an addon to DVD, whereas "Blu-Ray" sounds like a separate and higher-end product. HD-DVD sounds like "Chevrolet Plus". Blu-Ray sounds like "Cadillac".