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  1. F

    Quick Facts for 622 and 222

    I'm pretty confidant that the message occurs when trying to switch to to a Dish channel, and of course an OTA channel as well (but I hadn't thought about the two OTA channels and one tuner issue you brought up). I should be able to start recording one OTA and watch another Dish channel though...
  2. F

    Quick Facts for 622 and 222

    OTA recording 622 I can't seem to start a recording of one of my local OTA stations and then watch another channel. After hitting record and then trying to change stations the 622 says that the recording must stop in order to switch channels. If I start recording on one of the Dish channels, I...
  3. F

    From Dish - PSIP Information

    Cleveland problem solved for the Cleveland posts..... I just spoke with Fox 8 (WJW) engineering in Cleveland, OH (I had the same problem on both of my 811's). Station engineer said they were made aware of the problem this morning and it's now fixed.
  4. F

    Dish 811 - P284 Update

    Yes, it is with SD channels stretched. It appears as if the overscan was decreased in my situation.
  5. F

    Dish 811 - P284 Update

    Plasma side bars I have two 811's. One feeding a Mits 55" RPTV and one feding Daewoo 42" Plasma EDTV. The Mits 811 has P284LAJD-N and the Daewoo has P284LABD-N. On the Daewoo Plasma, a new feature I am seeing is that on SD signals (this is over DVI) I'm getting maybe 1/4-1/2 inch black...
  6. F

    got a 921, now selling 6000

    I just sold my 6000 recently for $580.00 Incredible! You would think folks buying at these prices would do some more research before dropping that much money. I originally bought the 6000 from Dish at $149, and now have an 811 (although very buggy) bought at $149, and $280 profit. I...
  7. F

    Dish Answers your 811 Questions
  8. F

    811 Software P262 Update Now Available!

    Besides the OTA channel mapping problem, one weird one I had before and after the update is: Adding NBC (if memory serves) via Add DTV channel, I will get a steady 73-78% signal strength. I'll add it, but then when I try to select after exiting it it will only give me 49%, and then drops off...
  9. F

    811 Software P262 Update Now Available!

    alocher....I am in 100% agreement with you. My monitor's tuned in with Avia and many other tweaks. I can take my RP62 DVD, 6000, 4900 or any other input source and there's no comparison to what the 811 is showing, or should I say NOT showing. I would submit that if anyone thinks this is...
  10. F

    811 Software P262 Update Now Available!

    The dark picture issue is not fixed. I'm also noticing more of an orange tint to flesh tones. May be a result of the problem with the black level. PLEASE make that a top priority. It's absolutely terrible for both SD and HD. I DO NOT want to have to hook up my 6000 again! :( Floyd
  11. F

    Dish Answers your 811 Questions

    811 PQ/black level Ron, The check switch did add the locals back, thanks. Hopefully they will stay. Everyone......I just called tech support to inquire about the black level and terrible PQ. He (Jason) said that it was NOT a known receiver issue. He volunteered and I asked that he submit an...
  12. F

    Dish Answers your 811 Questions

    That's fair enough, I didn't see the note on the EPG. How about one more? I have the Dish locals package for Cleveland. After the installer left I noticed I only had one of my locals listed in the EPG. AFter calling Dish I was told to do a front panel reset (hold power for 5 seconds or...
  13. F

    Dish Answers your 811 Questions

    Oh, by the way, one more thing (at least for now). Isn't the 811 supposed to have a stored 2 day program guide? I can't see out more than 3 hours or so before the dreaded "retreiving program information" appears. Floyd
  14. F

    Dish Answers your 811 Questions

    Norm, I believe you should be able to adjust gamma on a 2000 model. If you let me know what model you have, I can give you the service code and proceedure if you haven't already figured it out. Lowering the gamma setting did improve it a bit, but it's still not what it should be. Could be a...
  15. F

    Dish Answers your 811 Questions

    Norm, Tried the "adjust" feature in the HD set-up but it appears to be another unsupported feature. I couldn't get the image to move at all. As far as the black level, the more I watch this, the more I notice how much darker it really is. I've went into my Mits service menu and took GAMMA...
  16. F

    Dish Answers your 811 Questions

    Norm, Thanks for the info. It now appears that I'm getting the same as you are (hooked it back up, what a job swapping these out :( ), so I will just switch my Mits input depending on what I'm viewing. One other thing I noticed is, when my picture was not at full screen I noticed a shift of...
  17. F

    Dish Answers your 811 Questions

    Norm, Glad to hear your's did OK. I had S-Video out connected to my monitor as well to see how SD looked. Even on say, channels like HGTV or Discovery, I was getting letterboxing vs. full screen. On the 6000 you had to toggle the SD/HD to get what you want. Is the 811 auto sensing? If not...
  18. F

    Dish Answers your 811 Questions

    Just had 811 installed- LOL Well, the satellite guy just left and i had a chance to play with my brand new 811. What a disappointment. I had some idea of what was coming, by perusing this and other forums, but I didn't think that I'd have to tear it down and reinstall my Dish 6000 (which I...