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  1. S

    Direct Reception in Mexico?

    update too At my condo in Cabo San Lucas, I am able to pick up and receive Directv service with the "west coast feed" for the network television stations. What does not work is to attempt to use your home address for the service address because it is a spot feed. Kinda like the Directv signal...
  2. S

    Looking at adding two DirecTivo's to setup...

    digital splitter? forgive me for my ignorance, but can you use a digital splitter to split a single R6 cable for use with a dual tuner directv tivo unit? a year ago I purchased my directv system and the install guy did the install great except he only ran enough lines for 3 recievers, not...
  3. S

    Directv export to mexico and reception

    credit card doesn't the credit card address have to match the directv billing address?
  4. S

    Directv export to mexico and reception

    what prevents people from activating boxes and then sharing them with their neighbors for only the xtra box charge instead of opening a separate account?
  5. S

    Directv export to mexico and reception

    do you reconnect your box once you return from your rv trip or do you leave it unconnected when at home too? how/what is the daily phone call for then?
  6. S

    Directv export to mexico and reception

    don't you have to make a daily phone call... how do you get around that with an rv?
  7. S

    Direct Reception in Mexico?

    what about conecting the directv unit to a phone line? How do you get around that while traveling in an RV? Don't you need to have your STB make a daily call to Directv to keep the card working?
  8. S

    Directv export to mexico and reception

    I've been reading forums for the past week and I'm looking to purchase a Directv unit in Minnesota and take it with me to Cabo San Lucas. I recently purchased a vacation condo in cabo and I'm wondering if anyone has any info on directv in Cabo. I have vonage set up through the previous...