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  1. N

    Greek channels leaving

    Na the only thing on 95 are the international packages.
  2. N

    saved a viewsat 9000d stuck on 'boot'

    Thanks guys! This isn't the first time I've gotten something broken and brought it back to life. My first series 1 tivo I got at a swap meet for $30 saying it "worked" but it ended up having a fryed modem (pretty common problem with those orginal tivos), had to make a headphone plug to serial...
  3. N

    saved a viewsat 9000d stuck on 'boot'

    Hi! Long time reader first time poster :) I recently won a veiwsat 9000d off eBay, and I didn't exactly read this before hand but it was untested by the seller. It was new, I figured I could take my chances it would be fine. :D When I booted it up the first time I only had the power cord...