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  1. K

    Thank You letters to VOOM and Charles Dolan

    My Beloved VoOm, I will miss your brilliance, the caress of my ears if you leave. Please stay. Seriously, thank you for a great product that seems to be a little before its time. Thank you for what you have provided so far, I hope the best for you and your employees. Jim.K
  2. K

    Breaking News: Flash From Voom Website: VOOM ceasing Operation by end of March

    Its just...sniff...sniff. I love my voom. I had comcrap, ewwhhrrgghrr, shudder. My 70 inch sony looks like crap on...bawww hawwwww....sniff, I'm ok really...just a little :no .No more high def Bruce Lee, Where have all the pixels gone? The first night I had Voom my sister was...
  3. K

    Breaking News: Flash From Voom Website: VOOM ceasing Operation by end of March

    Waaa, Waaaa, waaaa. Weep, soooob. Waaa, bawl. Not my voom. Ahhhh, booo hoo. Waaaa......Sniff....sniff....WAAA AAAHHH WAAAA BOO HOOO BAWL