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  1. W

    DISH Hacked - Websites are BACK ONLINE!

    As a data point, I had the same exact issue and I do not think it is a coincidence. Finally restored TV service today.
  2. W

    Watching 4K HDR programing via a 4K Joey

    I have a Hopper 3 + Hopper Plus, and then 3 x Joey 4K units in various rooms. Hopper 3 is wired to my network via ethernet, and all Joey 4K units are connected via ethernet as well (this is technically unsupported by Dish as they want you to use MoCA/coax). My Joey 4K's haven't had any...
  3. W

    DirecTV - Self install, new account?

    Just an update - it is doable. Folks at Solidsignal are a big help. As for the Why? I live in an apartment that prohibits satellite installs on the property (I don't need an education of the FCC rules) re: balcony mounting. Neighbor moved out and has a newer DTV Slimline 3 dish already...
  4. W

    DirecTV - Self install, new account?

    Thanks for the responses. Well, this is a bummer. They offer IPTV service here on their Osprey boxes (AT&T TV), but i'd rather use the radiation from space. Have a good one.
  5. W

    DirecTV - Self install, new account?

    Hi folks -- long time viewer of the forum, finally registered an account here. I've read older threads regarding self-install -- but since the AT&T takeover, I do not know how relevant some of these threads are. I'm looking to purchase a HD receiver from a vendor (SolidSignal, etc), and...