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    JCPenney and XM Radio Deal

    I got in on it too, I'll probably use it in my car for the 3 months, then throw it up on ebay. (provided my rebate goes through)
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    Antenna Question

    ...and ColorMatch Antenna uses metallic paint...they've proved that it doesn't effect signal quality. I've got one from them that works great.
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    XACT Communication™ To Unveil Sirius Recordable / MP3 Player

    From another board.... FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE XACT Communication™ To Unveil Revolutionary New Product at Consumer Electronic Show 2005 in Las Vegas, January 9th New York, NY - XACT Communication, the leader in personal consumer electronic solutions, will unveil a revolutionary new...
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    XM Skyfi2 with home or car kit $49

    Jumped on this too, $50 for a SkyFi2 is too good to pass up in my book. On of my biggest complaints of XM was the 16-character titles, and this will fix it! Thanks, OP! edit -- I ordered on Wedensday and got a tracking number on'll be here tomorrow, so I wouldn't worry, Fishbelly.
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    Sirius Promo code available?

    That is the same boombox. It's a Jensen branded one to go with the Jensen PNP in Wal-Mart stores, but it'll work with the Audiovox PNP1 or 2 as well.
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    New Sirius Tuners & Accessories

    Take a look at the Sirius equipment on the horizon: The Blaupunkt America is out now. The Sportster and XACT units will be out by Labor day, and the PNP3 may be out in mid September. Cool Stuff!
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    Breaking News: 4 New Sirius Channels Coming To Dish!

    On Sirius Backstage they've been talking about the Underground Garage stream for months...the other channels were a suprise though. The Underground Garage stream was rumored to start July 4th, so maybe that's when these others will start.
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    Reviving a dead 301?

    Hi folks, I just got my equipment from Sears today (possibly my problem :rolleyes: ), a 301 with a Dish 500 dish. Got the dish up and aimed, the switch checked out fine...then the trouble started. The 301's display turned to a purple / pink screen and the receiver shut itself off. Now I can't...
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    got sirius?

    From what I've heard, the deal doesn't expire until September.
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    thinking about fta being a new hobby, need advice .

    Fta I've got the exact same setup as the first eBay auction, although I pieced it together from different sources. I paid about the same price though. The 786v3 is okay, but you can't add satellites to it without a computer, and I can't get it to interface with mine, which sucks. For the...
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    It's not real easy. Some descriptions will say "two lines of scrolling text", some won't. About the only way you can tell is by a picture of the display.
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    Head Unit w/ Title & Artist The newer Kenwood models that have 2 lines are the KDC-X679, KDC-MP6025, and the larger DVD players. There are several 2001 and 2002 models that support two lines, and are also pretty cheap nowadays. I got a KDC-719 with two lines for $149, and that was 2 years...
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    got sirius?

    FNF Deal That's not a bad deal for the H2A, however, there have been some issues with the displays on that model failing. It isn't as tall as the other units, but it's quite a bit deeper. The display on the Kenwood is also pretty small compared to the JVC or Audiovox models. There is a...